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JUNE 12, 2012

These minutes are subject to approval by the Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission.


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:07 pm.
Commission Members present:  Marks, Brookes, Crick Owen, Yanni Jr., Boritz and DiNicola
Commission Members absent: Barczak
Staff present: Mangold, Samuelson and Reggiano
Staff absent: None
Public:  Randy Dieckman, Adam Taylor, David Oliger, Kathleen Oliger, Joe Maillox, Robert Elias, Laurie Bergeron, and Richard Dieckman


(m/s/c: Boritz/DiNicola) “Motion to accept the minutes from the May 8, 2012 meeting as presented”.
The motion was carried unanimously.


  • Kathleen Oliger recommended more communications between Babe Ruth Baseball and Parks and Recreation.  She met with Director Mangold previously about an issue with Babe Ruth Baseball.  Mrs. Oliger has also been attending Babe Ruth board meetings for the past year and a half.  Her concerns are that the boys are not getting the same level of play as some of the other divisions in Babe Ruth.  Mrs. Oliger and other parents have left Babe Ruth. She stated that her son’s division has not been running well the last two years.  There has been no agreement with Babe Ruth to run under their umbrella as a separate team. She would have loved to see things work out with Babe Ruth. She is behind on filling out forms to request field time from the Commission. Director Mangold didn’t think the Commission would approve field time for this team. She suggested that she work internally with her team and Babe Ruth to work things out. Mrs. Oliger told the Commission that some changes would take place and that the Commission should know about them. Chairman Marks reminded Mrs. Oliger that there are guidelines that have to be followed in an organization and that they did not meet some of those guidelines. Randy Dieckman apologized that things did not work out.  He wants the team to stay together and work things out.  Chairman Marks told Babe Ruth that many towns run with both Babe Ruth and Little League and that the Commission could do better with communications to groups about lead time for a new organization. He would also like to see an umbrella situation with Babe Ruth. He also stated that rules were in place for a reason as to avoid these types of situations.  The Commission will look at the nine month lead time for a new organization. This group may be back next year if they meet all the requirements.  Bob Elias of Babe Ruth Baseball stated that he has been a board member for 17 years and that they have tried on many occasions to meet the needs of the parents/players.  At first there was just a spring program and then ten years ago they added a fall program.  There was just an A All-star team in the summer for each age group. Ten years ago they added a B team in the summer for every age group.  They do listen to what people want.  More kids wanted to play so now there are 2  B teams in the summer for each age group.  Mr. Elias would like the organization to come together to meet all the needs.  He hopes that the players that left will return next year.  Chairman Marks noted that Babe Ruth By Laws place come restrictions on eligibility for travel play. In order to be eligible for the travel team a player is required to play in at least half the games during the regular spring season. Babe Ruth is in the process of having play at higher levels for travel (8 teams).  Assistant Director Samuelson told the Commission and Babe Ruth members that we see this kind of break away with every sport. And that he is appreciative of all the volunteers that it takes to run an organization. Mrs. Oliger told the Commission that it is a very difficult position to be in to speak out when something is not working.  Chairman Marks told Mrs. Oliger to feel free to come to the Commission to speak out.


  • Chairman Marks reported that he and Director Mangold sent a letter to the Chairman of the Board of Education in support of the lighting project at Newtown High School.  When the Board of Education has time Parks and Recreation will go to speak to this issue making sure that the Board of Education knows we are on board with this project.
  • A neighbor of Glander Fields is not happy with the volume of the press box PA system on Sunday evening. The press box PA speakers face the road.  Perhaps the speakers could be moved.  The Commission discussed the possibility of no use of the system on Sundays.  Director Mangold will research the Noise Ordinance.  In the meantime she will ask Babe Ruth to turn down the volume at regular games and no use at all on Sundays.


  • See correspondence report.

  • All events this past weekend went very well and everyone had a great time.  Thank you to the staff who worked very hard to prepare for the events this weekend. Director Mangold told the Commission that she is grateful when Commission members show up at events.  The Mad Dash event was a great partnership with Newtown Youth Academy.
  • There is a new recycling initiative with the Highway Department.  There was 80lbs of plastic collected at Relay for Life.  She would like recycle containers to be utilized at large events.  This will go along with the no smoking plan for all the facilities.
  • Eichler’s’ Cove – working with new slip owners on the rules.
  • Skate Park – it was always the goal to have it be resident only.  We are not enforcing this rule and there are no funds to pay for someone to monitor the park.  Once the Splash Pad and new playground are installed Chairman Marks suggest incorporating funds into the budget to allow for Gate Attendants.  Ridgefield Skate Park is the only one to regulate residents only. Tagging of the park could be an issue with out of town residents if they are restricted from the park.  Parks and Recreation does profit from the Skate Park through good will and that it helps make the park a destination.
  • The Fairfield Hills Authority has $20,000.00 to spend on the Campus and Parks and Recreation has been asked what they would like to see the money used for.  Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson will be putting together a list for the Authority.  Items would include a sign for High Meadow Field, garbage pails and park benches as well as a separate electric meter for the parking lot and the field lights, this is a $4,000.00 project.
  • Assistant Director Samuelson is working with Dalton to find out the cost of repairing the old tennis courts at Fairfield Hills for Pickle Ball.  These would be rough repairs and only for a couple of years.
  • The Summer Concert Series begins June 28th at Dickinson Park.

  • See report.
Commissioner Brookes thanked Assistant Director Samuelson for the article on a smoking ban for the Parks and outdoor areas.  Assistant Director Samuelson is bothered by smoking at the skate park and also at all park facilities. He reported that he could probably go through the Connecticut Parks Association for this smoking ban program.  Signage for this program is free. It would just be difficult to manage and regulate. It could be a park rule and then on to an ordinance through the Town.  New York and Pennsylvania have done it.  The Commission felt it was worth pursuing. They would like to address the skate park first and then the additional facilities. Assistant Director Samuelson will reach out for the correct process and bring this back to the Commission if necessary.  This issue should address all Park facilities.
Stream Channel and bridge construction bid went out for Dickinson Park.
Set up, construction tear down and clean of the “Mad Dash” obstacle course took place.
Eichler’s Cove Beach was opened for the season.
Fertilizer has been applied to all fields.
Set and break down for the Relay for Life has been completed as well as set up and clean of the Memorial Days Soccer Tournament.
Lined fields for two approved baseball tournaments.
Items still being worked on: the batting cage installation at Fairfield Hills, continued panel installation for reconfigured power distribution at Fairfield Hills, recoating of the basketball court at Dickinson Park, back stop construction for new PeeWee field, lining and grooming for Jimmy Fund Baseball Tournament, and the water supply to Glander fields.
Upcoming projects: Band Shell construction at Dickinson Park, and sign installation at Dickinson Park and Maintenance garage.
Assistant Director Samuelson brought a Tournament request from Babe Ruth Baseball to the Commission for approval.  The tournament will require lining the fields.  Parks and Recreation is out of money for overtime for lining the fields on the weekend. We are short staffed and out of overtime.  Chairman Marks suggested that this be told to First Selectman Llodra and Robert Tait, Finance Director.  Assistant Director Samuelson reported that Gino Faiella, Director of Facilities for the Schools will cover payroll for the emergency septic work. The Tournament fee goes into the surcharge account.  It is not used for overtime.  Assistant Director Samuelson requested that on the next tournament request forms that there be a place for the league president to sign.  Director Mangold would like to include information about contacting the Highway Department for recycling containers for the tournaments.

(m/s/c: DiNicola/Brookes) “Motion to approve the request from Newtown Babe Ruth Baseball for a tournament to be held from June 22-29, 2012 at Liberty Baseball Field with a rain date of June 30th”.  The motion was carried unanimously.

  • Assistant Director Samuelson reported that they are a month behind on everything due to the weather.
  • Oakview Field – all screening of the top soil has been completed.
  • Treadwell Park – The parking lot is much safer with the second turn being widened.
  • High Meadow Field – Funding for a sign for this field will hopefully be coming from the Fairfield Hills Authority.

  • Park Wardens – They are working out great this year as well as the Lifeguards.
Assistant Director Reggiano and Director Mangold have been working with Newtown Youth and Family Service to try to provide programs for youth through a grant they received.  Possibly a laser tag event.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano has met with the High School to discuss the 2012-2013 schedules.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano had a meeting with Peter D’Amico and Kathy Brophy from NYA and a few sports groups to review the new design for their building.
  • Day Camp starts June 25th.
  • Rooster Run – 174 people are registered so far.
  • Met with Newtown Youth Basketball to go over schedule for 2012-2013.  Assistant Director Reggiano is going to require that they give us the details on who is in what gym (recreation team or travel).
  • The Mad Dash was a big success.  There were 354 participants. This will most likely be an annual event. Park Maintainer Nelson Lopes did an amazing job putting together the event with the Rangers. The funds raised went to pay the timer and the cost of materials.  The rest will be split between Newtown Youth Academy and Parks and Recreation.  The event grossed close to $8,000.00.
  • This past Sunday was the first Sample Camp.  There were about 60 people in attendance throughout the day. Treadwell, Dickinson and Teen Adventure Camp directors were also on hand for the event.  A special thank you to John Voket for donating his time to MC/DJ Sample Camp, The Mad Dash and the Strutt Your Mutt Events.  Commissioner Brookes will send a thank you note from the Commission.  The Sample Camp raised $320.00 for camp scholarships. Chairman Marks suggested a photo frame with a small placard be given to John Voket for all the work he puts in at our events.  The money for this would come from the Gift Fund.
  • Assistant Directors Reggiano and Samuelson as well as Director Mangold have been working to get a Pickle Ball Court.  Possible location at the old tennis courts at Fairfield Hills.  Pickle Ball will be able to be played on the new wood floors being installed at Newtown Youth Academy.

  • None



  • Strutt Your Mutt raised $4,049.07.  The following are other donations that have been received: 2 Animal Concerns group - $130.00, The Duck Race - $120.00, Sample Camp - $129.00, The Middle School Interact Club - $175.00.  Total funds raised to date are $30,048.87.  Again Assistant Director Reggiano would like to thank John Voket and the many volunteers that it takes to put on an event of this size.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano asked Assistant Director Samuelson to attend the next Dog Park meeting.  He will go over the details of the project with the Dog Park Committee.  Work may be able to start on the park by the end of August or the beginning of September.


  • The last item that Parks and Recreation wanted to cut  was pool hours. First Selectman Llodra wanted to let the Town know that a failure of the budget would reduce services.  Director Mangold and Chairman Marks went back to First Selectman Llodra and asked if they could get back to basics and stop mowing other properties. The final cut was 3 day camp counselors, and a one hour reduction of hours per day at Eichler’s Cove beach
and a $10,000.00 reduction to capital. They are hoping that the full capital reduction can be realized through the bid process.  There was a $120,000.00 reduction to the Town side of the budget and $200,000.00 was put back in to the budget on the Board of Education side. The police department was cut one officer.  Parks and Recereation utilizes many Counselors in Training to work with our Day Camp Counselors.




  • We have been handed down from the Selectman the additional cemeteries, Hawleyville firehouse, SAC and the VFW.  We manage the mowing and LRM is contracted to mow. These funds come from the Parks and Recreation’s Contractual budget.  An additional cemetery had no one to mow because the volunteer left, Hawleyville firehouse lost its volunteer also.  First Selectman told us to mow and that comes out of our budget.  Our budget does not increase when more mowing is added.  The old Youth Services building that is empty is still Parks and Recreation’s responsibility to mow until July.  This work does not have anything to do with the core and mission of Parks and Recreation.  Commissioner Brookes asked for a list of the costs for this work.  She mentioned that the Board of Selectman and the Legislative Council might not be aware of these add-ons. Assistant Director Samuelson has a document with the increases over the past ten years.  The Commission would like those items parsed out that are not Parks and Recreation related for budget time.  Assistant Director Samuelson reported that today Parks and Recreation was at the Middle School digging up sewer line and that takes away from what we do.  But in return we use highways plumber and electrician in a cooperative function. First Selectman Llodra comments were that if the cemeteries do not have an association they need to be mowed. Also we could move toward having all firehouses take care of mowing then that cost would come out of their budget which is Town supported or work by volunteers. All Fire Departments are volunteers. Other areas mowed are the Senior Center and the ambulance garage. The department would just like some of the cost shifted somewhere else.  This could be discussed in the future.

  • None
(m/s/c: Crick Owen/ Brookes)  “Motion to adjourn”. The motion was carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Benson