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MARCH 13, 2012

These minutes are subject to approval by the Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission.


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
Commission Members present:  Marks, Brookes, Yanni Jr., Crick Owen, DiNicola and Barczak
Commission Members absent: Boritz
Staff present: Mangold,  Reggiano and Samuelson
Staff absent: None
Public:  Gary Storms from the Lions Club, Jim Luzietti and Sean Dunn from Newtown Youth Football and Cheer, and Kendra Bobowick from the Newtown Bee.


(m/s/c: Crick Owen/Barczak) “Motion to accept the minutes from the February 14, 2012 meeting as amended.” Third page, third bullet - delete sentence “The Commission cannot be bought”.


  • None

  • None

  • None

  • Eichler’s Cove boat slip rentals are doing very well. The staff has been working hard to fill the slips. The renewal deadline has passed and is now renting to any Newtown resident. April 1st , if any slips are left, registration will be open to the public. A very special thank you to Commissioner Yanni Jr. for sharing his knowledge with the department.  Commissioner Brookes would still like to see a survey go out to all slip holders at the end of the year.  Chairman Marks suggest that the survey go out in December with the renewal mailing.  The Commission agreed and also that the survey should be sent each year.
  • There was a public hearing for the scoreboards at both Liberty Field and Sandy Hook School. They were both approved.
  • The public hearing on the Plan of Conservation and Development will be held this Thursday night.  Director Mangold and Chairman Marks will probably both attend the hearing.  
  • Trail Committee – The Open Space proposal with the Open Space Committee has been approved.  The Trail Committee is glad it comes with a sign off page.  Paula Burton will be conducting a Trail School at Huntington State Park on April 21st.  She will also be running two more Trail Schools at the Pole Bridge Trail for Newtown.  Director Mangold will email dates. Scott Coleman wanted to talk with the First Selectman to get approval to stake out the trail at Fairfield Hills.  Chairman Marks told Director Mangold to just have it staked out, it didn’t need First Selectman approval.   Director Mangold mailed a trail map to Bruce Herring (new ambulance garage) to show him were the trail will be.
  • The Victory Garden will plant their spring planting in the existing garden.  Before the garden is moved they want to make sure it will be a good fit and permanent.  Grants are available for permanent gardens.
  • Director Mangold, Assistant Director Samuelson, Rob Sibley, George Benson and Harvey Pessin have met to look over a possible new spot for the garden.  Possibly by the old green house and behind Plymouth Hall and Cochran House.  Waiting on Rob Sibley to review past environmental investigations done on that area.  The Commission agreed to let Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson agree on an appropriate spot for the garden.
  • Newtown Youth Academy – Peter D’Amico held a meeting for all town sports group, schools, coaches and Parks and Recreation as well as two people from his board. This meeting was for Mr. D’Amico to find out how to better serve the needs of all the sports groups and Parks and Recreation.  Mr. D’Amico explained to the lease with Parks and Recreation to all present.  Then asked Director Mangold if the other groups could pay the same rate as Newtown Parks and Recreation.  She told him this needs to go through the town’s attorney. The groups told Mr. D’Amico that they can’t get the time they need to run their programs and that it is too expensive.
  • First Selectman Llodra asked Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano to think about what is most important to them about using the NYA and their goals moving forward.  The First Selectman will hold an Executive Session and asked that they both attend to address a letter , with the Selectman,  from Fran Penarolla regarding rates for other programs and groups.  
  • Due to the lease they are not in agreement with others paying the same for time at NYA as what Parks and Recreation pays.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano reports that she has a very good working relationship with Kathy Brophy at NYA who does all the scheduling.
  • Under consideration is the switching of the inside of NYA.  The turf side is too small to play regulation games on. They are still considering general assembly.


  • See report.
  • Assistant Director Samuelson reported that if the weather continues to cooperate fields could be opened earlier than usual this year.
  • Parks and Recreations work on the Treadwell Parking lot is complete now Publics Works will complete asphalt work when the plants reopen for the year.
  • The screener for Oakview Field should arrive next week.  Seeding should be complete by the end of May.
  • A thank you card was received by the crew from the High School for completing the batting cages.


  • Assistant Director Reggiano reported that she has a meeting tomorrow with Kathy Brophy from Newtown Youth Academy to go over next year’s schedule.
  • Dates for upcoming events:  
March 24th, Egg Hunt, younger children
March 30th, Flashlight Egg Hunt, older children
June 9th ,  Parks and Recreation will work with Cody Foss on the “Mad Dash”
June 10th , Sample Camp  with John Voket and assorted bands  at Dickinson Park from 1:00 – 4:00pm to support our Scholarship Fund – this is to show case our camps for the summer, each vendor will be charged $40.00.  Registration for camps will also take place that day.
June 16th , The Rooster Run.
May 19th , Strutt your Mutt ( There is approximately $26,000.00 in the Dog Park Fund) On Wednesday, March 14 a girl will be bringing in her birthday money to donate to the Dog Park.  She will donate $200.00 and buy two bricks for the park.  The Newtown Bee will be on hand to take her photo.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano attended a Virtual Town Hall seminar this afternoon and is very excited with the new things that she will be able to do on the website.  When residents sign up for cancelation notices they will now be able to attach their cell phone number to the request so that a text message will also be sent along with the email.  She will also be able to put slide shows on the home page.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano also acquired a QR Reader that will be on all flyers now so that it can be scanned and people will be brought right to our website.  Assistant Director Samuelson asked Assistant Director Reggiano to have stickers made so that they can be put on the Parks and Recreation’s vehicles.



  • Director Mangold reported that she and Assistant Director Samuelson have been doing a lot of work on this topic.  She has been polling other towns to see what their field rental policies are.  They have also been polling the staff to see how and if we could handle the work that renting the fields would produce.  She reported that we are not in favor of renting out our fields.  We currently do not have a lot of field time or the staff to support renting the fields. The Parks and Recreation Department should be concentrating on providing services to the residents of the Town.
  • During Director Mangold’s polling she found out that if other towns rent out their school fields it is done through their Board of Education not the Parks and Recreation departments.  This is something that would have to go through Gino Faiella (Director of Facilities) and Gregg Simon (Athletic Director at Newtown High School).  We have had a few inquiries about renting out the fields.  Commissioner Barczak told the Commission that we need to deal with the “Town” fields not the Board of Education fields. If the Board of Education’s allows field rentals they can not cause any additional work for Parks and Recreation. (No additional lining or grooming.)  The only possible opening for time on the high school fields would be June 20th – August 15th since the fields are in use before and after those dates by the schools.  Fees would have to be discussed with Mr. Faiella and Mr. Simon. The rental of Blue and Gold goes through the high school and Parks and Recreation; the billing for the field comes from the Board of Education with the fee going to the Board of Education.
  • The Commission then discussed the legacy issues of the few teams not under a regular Newtown league. (American Legion and 2 softball teams.)  These teams were developed 6 or 7 years ago and worked under and with the league teams.  These teams were developed to meet a unique need and often don’t meet the residency requirements set forth by the Commission.   Now they are out on their own and are not getting time from the original leagues. Those original leagues have since started competing leagues to meet the Town’s needs and the Parks and Recreation residency requirements.  We have since found out that one of the softball teams does meet the residency requirements. (Wicked).  We do not want the organizations to sublet the fields for these leagues or camps.  If the league in question holds the same registration as the original league then they should all be under one organization.  If they do not use the same registration process then they are considered a new league and have to meet the requirements set forth by the Commission.  Dan Kennedy and the Wicked Softball team can apply for field time through the Parks and Recreations.  The Commission told Director Mangold to manage this request and that it does not need to come back through the Commission.  
  • Chairman Marks asked Commissioner Barczak to reach out to Newtown Soccer Club to see if the CFC league is under their umbrella and how they hold their registrations.  Chairman Marks asked RoseAnn to go on the Newtown Soccer Club website to see if there is any information about the CFC league.  If they meet the criteria then they are ok if not then no field time.
(m/s/c: Barczak/Crick Owen) “Motion to not rent out Town fields that are under the control and care of Parks and Recreation.”

2.  FJ URSO – American Legion Baseball – The Admirals

  • Director Mangold reported that during her polling of other towns for field rentals while speaking to the Director of Bethel’s Parks and Recreation that the Admirals are a Bethel based post team and that they have to rent the fields to the American Legion Baseball team – the Admirals.  The Bethel fields are their home fields.  Commission Barczak said, Mr. Urso, who was not present at this meeting, can approach the High School to see if he can rent their fields.  
  • The following motion is in response to the request for a waiver for the Admirals to get field time on Parks and Recreation fields. Last year the Commission agreed that it was the last year for the waiver for this league.
(m/s/c:  Yanni Jr.,/DiNicola)  “Waiver denied.”  Commissioner Barczak abstained from the vote.




  • Sean Dunn was requesting guidance on how to proceed and support from Parks and Recreation for a permanent lighting solution at Taylor Field (Hawley School). The practice lights at Taylor Field are not sufficient without additional lighting.  Newtown Youth Football will incur the cost for 3 new practice lights.  They are asking Parks and Recreation for additional help with the installation.   Mr. Dunn has had an analysis done and bids were received.  Ken Burns of Newtown will be doing the installation.  The cost of installation would be $15,000 – $16,000 assuming Parks and Recreation could contribute their services.  Those details are still being worked out.  
  • Chairman Marks asked that Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson get back to Mr. Dunn with a summary of the process by the end of the week.  He is not sure since the process has to go through Planning and Zoning, the Borough and the Board of Education that the project would be completed by August 1st 2012.  Football may have to guarantee that the lights be out by 9:00 or 9:30 pm.  Mr. Dunn told the Commission they don’t go past 8:30 pm.
  • Chairman Marks told Mr. Dunn that the Commission would support a permanent solution to the lighting problem at Taylor Field but first the project needs to be brought to the Town.  If Football can get the plans (with all the specifics) together by the next Commission meeting the Commission will give their formal support for the project.

  • Gary Storms from the Lions Club – The Lions Club International is focusing on planting trees to help the environment.  The local Lions Club has committed to the minimum order of 20 trees.  So far 11 trees have been paid for and the Lions Club is requesting that the Parks and Recreation acquire the remaining nine trees at $35.00 per tree.  These are American Elms.  The Parks and Recreation Department will plant the trees and the Lions Club will maintain them. Assistant Director Samuelson reminded the Commission that there is $1,500.00 in the Park Gift Fund earmarked for Jack Honan to purchase trees.  
(m/s/c:  Barczak/Yanni Jr.) “Motion to move $400.00 from the Parks and Recreation gift fund to purchase 9 trees for the Lions Club.”


  • Lacrosse is requesting that money from the surcharge account pay for a score table for Tilson Field like there is at Treadwell Field.  The cost would be between $300.00 and $400.00 Assistant Director Samuelson suggested that the Commission approve up to $500.00 to cover shipping.
(m/s/c: DiNicola/Crick Owen)  “Move to spend up to $500.00 to buy a score table for Newtown Lacrosse.”


  • Commissioner Brookes brought up the letters to the editor from the seniors about not wanting to be part of a Community Center with Parks and Recreation.  The First Selectman wants to get together and discuss upcoming CIP items.  Chairman Marks would like to wait for direction from the First Selectman on this matter.
  • Assistant Director Samuelson had additional copies of the Request for Proposal for the Treadwell Pool House repairs.  Copies were given to Commission members.  Assistant Director Reggiano mentioned that RFP’s will now be able to be filled out directly on the website.

(m/s/c: Barczak/Yanni Jr.)  “Motion to adjourn.”  The meeting ended at 8:10pm.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Benson