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AUGUST 9, 2011


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm.
Commission Members present:  Marks, Yochum, Brookes, Yanni, Jr., Crick Owen, DiNicola and Barczak
Commission Members absent: None
Staff present: Mangold and Reggiano
Staff absent:  Samuelson
Public:  None


(m/s/c:  Brookes/Yochum)  “Motion to approve the minutes from the July 12, 2011 meeting as presented.”


  • None.

  • None.

  • First Selectman Llodra sent an email to Chairman Marks and Director Mangold requesting some history on the two Glander baseball fields located at Fairfield Hills.  Chairman Marks told Mrs. Llodra that he was concerned about some of the projects being planned for Fairfield Hills that were not part of the current Master Plan. ( A new ambulance garage, band shell and Cochran House being used instead of coming down.)  He is concerned how these projects will impact Parks and Recreation future plans.  Babe Ruth Baseball is worried about losing their fields. Will the Master Plan be adjusted?  The Fairfield Hills Plan review was not discussed.
  • First Selectman Llodra requested that a meeting be set up with ALL of the town’s sports groups to discuss future needs. The first meeting will be an informational meeting. Director Mangold will organize and Assistant Director Samuelson, Chairman Marks and First Selectman Llodra will attend this meeting.  It has been more than 10 years since we have looked at the needs of all the sports groups.  It is time to consider all the future needs of these groups.  Director Mangold will schedule the meeting for the end of October at the Municipal Center.  She will work on a list of attendees and give them some advance notice. They should talk with their boards about their numbers and needs for a preliminary discussion. This will be the first meeting, at the second meeting the groups should bring their needs and numbers back to us and then a final report will be given to First Selectman Llodra.
  • Chairman Marks reported that the modification plans for the Newtown Youth Academy have been approved by the Fire Marshall.  This will allow the facility to be used for general assemblies.  If the Town moves ahead with using the Academy as a Community Center the plans just approved would cover Parks and Recreation’s needs. The area where Litchfield Hall was would be used as parking.

  • The Victory Garden is a successful and easy project.  Mr. Pessin hopes to expand the size of the garden to the full size already approved next year.  Ann Paccini, Director of Social Services reported at the Department Head meeting that people have been very happy with the fresh vegetables. Mr. Pessin and Director Mangold will host a Harvest Festival.  Sunday, September 25th from 2:00 – 5:00 pm.  The rain date is Sunday, October 2nd.  It will be an old fashion festival picnic.  Fairfield Hills has already approved the use.
  • The Concerts in the Park have been going very well.  People seem to be really enjoying them.  The whole park is being used at one time and the parking was full.  
7.  ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PARKS REPORT – Report given by Director Mangold

  • Youth Football – they will not be using the Middle School field this year.  They will be using Blue and Gold and Treadwell for games and Taylor Field for weeknight practices and Treadwell Turf for practices on Saturdays.  They would need 4 light towers this year at Taylor Field instead of the 9 used at the Middle School last year. They are requesting help with the payment of the rental of these lights.  Last year Parks and Recreation committed to $4,500.  This year the request is for up to $2,500.00.
(m/s/c:  DiNicola/Yochum)  “Motion to approve up to $2,500.00 from the surcharge account for lighting for the 2011 season with the stipulation that Parks and Recreations will not entertain a request for the 2012 season.”

  • The facility tour is scheduled for Wednesday, August 17th from 1:00 – 6:00pm.  All members attending should meet at the Reed School Parking lot at 1:00 pm.  The tour will include Eichler’s Cove, Treadwell Park, the Victory Garden, Oakview field, the pee wee fields, and the new property on Alpine Drive.  The members also requested to see the Maintenance Garage and the property where the dog park will be going.
  • Commissioners commented on the new sign at Eichler’s Cove and the new sign at the Victory Garden.  They both look great.

  • The Rooster Run netted $2,000.00 for the Scholarship Fund.  To increase the numbers for next year the race will start earlier and all team sports will be asked to start later in the morning so that everyone may participate in the race.
  • The High School pool saw 776 swimmers this past school year.  The pool will reopen in October this year.
  • Treadwell pool and Eichler’s Cove beach have both been busy this year.  The beach numbers are up.  Zach the Waterfront Director has been working out great this year.  We are hoping that he returns next year.  Sara Peters as the Head Guard has also worked out well this year.  The hours for the pool and beach will be changing as of August 13.  August 13 – August 29, weekdays 11:00 am – 7:00 pm.  Weekends 10:00 am – 7:00 pm.  August 30 – September 5 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Saturday and Sunday 10:00 am – 7:00pm. A very nice compliment has been given to the swim instructors at Treadwell that they are doing a wonderful job.
  • Skateboard Camp had a few kids this year and they loved it.  Toby Woolner the instructor said he would be back next year.  Skateboard lessons might be available through the Dickinson Day camp next year.  Chairman Marks suggested trying to coordinate with Monroe and Bethel for the camp next year.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano worked with Leaps of Faith this year – a water-ski program for special needs.  Nine kids enrolled. The next session is this Thursday.
  • The Teen Camp (11-15 yr olds) was complemented from one of the sites they visited. Ray Irrera, the Site Director for the camp, will be back next year.
  • The Tween Camp (9 – 11 yr olds) will be eliminated next year.  The numbers for this camp have been down.  Next year the camp will work out of Dickinson Park with 3 trips a week.  The three counselors from this year will be back next year.  Trips will be an additional fee and not mandatory.  Eleven year olds could choose which camp to go to.
  • Parks and Recreation purchased a waterslide for Dickinson Day camp to use every day for the campers.  Assistant Director Samuelson has been given the directions to properly store the waterslide for the winter.
  • Park Wardens are working out great.  We have hired one new warden because one left for school.  
  • There has been a request for a recycle bin down at Eichler’s Cove.  The request came from a slip holder.
  • Day Camp ends this Friday.  The season went well.  The Site Director’s request that the camp only run for 6 weeks instead of the 7 weeks that we presently provide.  Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano will look at this - the 7th week is a busy one.  Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano will be working together to see how they can increase the number of campers at both parks for next year. Dickinson Park might need an Assistant Director.
  • Newtown Youth Academy – working with Kathy Brophy has been a pleasure.
  • Skyhawks numbers were up this year – there was a banner up at Treadwell promoting this camp.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano received an email complaining about the cement poles on the Treadwell Basketball court that Rising Stars basketball uses.  The program was moved to Dickinson Park.
  • The Hoopster program - Carmen MacLeod is not happy working with the Newtown Youth Basketball Association.  This program is a special needs basketball program.  Parks and Recreation will run the program now.
  • There are questions about what is going on at the gate at Lake Lillinonah.  Assistant Director Reggiano would like a lock box down there to keep information about the launch and to keep track of the number of people using this boat launch.
  • Working on the fall program – registration is already open for these activities.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano read an article in a Parks and Recreation magazine about the use of select dogs being used to keep the geese off the beach.  The select dogs go at random intervals and run the beach and the geese don’t know when they will be back so they stay away.  We could have volunteers with dogs do this.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano was excited to announce that she is working on setting up a pickle ball league at Edmund Town Hall.  She is working with Jan Brown.  The previous Chairman, Larry Haskel has asked about this in the past.  The old court at Fairfield Hills might also be a possible site for this league.
  • Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano will be visiting Dickinson Day Camp tomorrow to make fruit smoothies for the campers who are celebrating Carnival Week.  The campers will also enjoy a larger waterslide dunk and spin art.
  • Chairman Marks complemented Assistant Director Reggiano on all her hard work.  The Commission also asked if she could prepare a slide show presentation for the Board of Selectman.  They would like the Board of Selectman to also see the slide show that Assistant Director Samuelson presented to the Commission previously. Director Mangold will ask First Selectman Llodra for a tentative date - possibly September or October.
  • Newtown Youth Academy is increasing the fees for the use of the turf field. In order to cover this increase Assistant Director Reggiano suggested that the fee for use of the turf be increases to $75.00 per head.  Chairman Marks would like to try and have the increase be at $50.00.  This would affect the fees for flag football.  Also affected by the fee increase would be drop in soccer. Assistant Director Reggiano suggested that each player pay $200.00 for the season which runs from October – June, 2 nights a week or put them back at the Middle School A Gym which she is unsure she can schedule at this point in time.
  • The revolving account has been short $40,000.00 over the last 2 years because of usage of Newtown Youth Academy. Parks and Recreation is required to use 1400 hours.
  • Newtown Youth Academy is in direct competition with Parks and Recreation for programs and camps.



  • No meeting this month.  To date they have raised $19,250.00.

  • Deadline for the Plan is December 1, 2011.  With the final plan being publishing in 2012.  This plan is used for funding and grant requests.  This is on a 10 year cycle.  Some goals for the plan would be connecting trails, multiple pocket parks and a community center.
  • Lilla Dean sent a letter requesting a list of projects/studies done by Parks and Recreation since 2004. These include: a feasibility study, Eichler’s Cove study, schematics for the Community Center, study for the Master Plan for field needs, study for pool at Dickinson Park, Billy Cohen and the plan for Dickinson Park, continuation of Rail Trail and Batchlelder property, Stantec – trail of Fairfield Hills, Point of Rocks Trail, Pole Bridge Preserve, skate park, schematics for Eichler’s Cove, evaluating building at Plymouth Hall at Fairfield Hills, Treadwell Park diagram/landscaping for adaptive use.  There has been several Eagle Scout projects (Lake Lillinonah and Rails to Trails), and Iroquois money for Liberty Field and the 90’ field at Fairfield Hills.  Please let Director Mangold know is there is anything else.

  • Chairman Marks would like Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson to group smaller projects together so that they could fit the requirements of the CIP. A number of items were suggested; parking lots at both the parks, building transition for Treadwell maintenance building and parking on that side of the park, the old greenhouse – town owned  this could be graveled and used for cold storage.  
  • Director Mangold will ask Assistant Director Samuelson for more details on the First Light permitting at Eichler’s Cove.  Parking at Eichler’s should also be part of the above list.
  • Improvement to the band shell is already in this year’s budget for Dickinson Park.
  • Ballfields should not be in year six of the CIP but in year seven.
  • The Alpine Property should also be included in the CIP as a possible pocket park.
  • Dickinson Park – it looks like we would need an engineered system with recycled water for the splash pad and a septic for the bathhouse.  Point out to First Selectman Llodra that a previous project, to build a new pool and bathhouse at Dickinson would have cost $5,000,000.00 when the pond was closed, and to build a splash pad with an engineered septic and bathhouse could cost $1.5 million.
  • Open space custody is growing and it is Parks and Recreations responsibility to maintain.  We are now committing 2 days a month.  We have a line item in our budget for trails but not for all open space maintenance. Parks and Recreation does not have the money or the manpower to maintain all open space management.  The Commission would like the money for maintenance to come from Rob Sibley’s budget so that when something needs tending Parks and Recreation could hire someone to complete the work or charge him for our manpower.  Parks and Recreation could maintain all active property.  Parks and Recreation can’t use a lot of the property because it is not mapped or trailed.
  • Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson will work on the sixth year.  All Commissioners are asked for their thoughts and suggestions for the September meeting.
12.  OTHER

13.   2012/2013 BUDGET

  • The Commission agreed that the remaining funds for the Dog Park should be funded through the budget.  The need for a park has been demonstrated by the community.
14.  OTHER

(m/s/c: Barczak/Yanni Jr.) “Motion to adjourn”.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Benson

AUGUST 9, 2011

(m/s/c:  Brookes/Yochum)  “Motion to approve the minutes from the July 12, 2011 meeting as presented.”

(m/s/c: DiNicola/Yochum) “Motion to approve spending up to $2,500.00 from the surcharge account for lighting for the 2011 football season (Newtown Youth Football) with the stipulation that Parks and Recreation will not entertain a request for the 2012 season.”

(m/s/c: Barczak/Yanni Jr.) “Motion to adjourn”.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna M. Benson