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JULY 13, 2010


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.
Commission Members present:  Marks, Yanni, Jr., Crick Owen, Yochum, Brookes and Barczak
Commission Members absent: DiNicola
Staff present:  Mangold and Samuelson
Staff absent:  Reggiano
Public:  Richard Paloian, John Reed and Kendra Bobowick from the Newtown Bee


One typo was corrected under section 3 - sentence should read “Neither the Trails Committee nor Mr. Philippi have the authority to proceed on their own with any projects, discrepancies or concerns.
(m/s/c:  Crick Owen/Yochum)  “Motion to accept the minutes from the June 8, 2010 meeting as amended.”


  • John Reed, Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority.  Dr. Reed wanted to thank the department for all the work that has been done at Fairfield Hills and for the good working relationship between the Authority and Parks and Recreation.  One of the goals of the Authority is to have the town understand that Fairfield Hills is part of Newtown and not its own entity.  It should share all of the town resources, Parks and Recreation, Public Works and the Police Department and that each department should prepare to take on the responsibilities that go along with it. Dr. Reed is working with First Selectman Llodra and the Chief of Police to resolve any communication issues. He also welcomes the opportunity to discuss any issues that may arise with the Parks and Recreation Department.  Dr. Reed did confirm that the buildings would not become the responsibility of Parks and Recreation.  Rules for the Campus are being discussed and reviewed and he would like both the Fairfield Hills Authority and Parks and Recreation to work together to complete them and to adopt them.  Parks and Recreation will refine rules by the September meeting and compare notes.  The Police Department will put together a security detail.  Before the present security company leaves Fairfield Hills there should be a list of exactly what needs to be done at the campus. The question was also brought up as to whether there will be someone on the campus to supervise all tenants.
  • Chairman Marks remarked that the Parks and Recreation Department should be ready to take on more responsibilities, scheduling requests and open space request on a more formal basis. Assistant Director Samuelson requested that it be clearly defined what the detailed responsibilities of Parks and Recreation would be at Fairfield Hills.  Assistant Director Samuelson also reminded the Commission that the present staff does not meet our current needs.
  • Commissioner Brookes thanked Dr. Reed for taking the job as Chairman.

  • None.

  • None.

  • See below reports.

  • Parks report was reviewed.
  • Irrigation at some of the fields is a problem due to the lack of rain. (Liberty Field and the field at Sandy Hook School)
  • The second concrete pour at Dickinson Park will take place this Thursday; this will complete the tennis courts and basketball court slabs. The concrete has to sit for three weeks and then the final surface and coating will be applied.  All courts will open at the same time. Mid-August is the targeted opening of all the courts.
  • Density testing for the skate park will be completed next week.
  • Scheduling maintenance at Treadwell pool has been a challenge this summer with recent weather conditions, overcrowding and extreme heat. Options are being looked into to accommodate this type of usage.
  • Maintenance garage roof project is underway.
  • The Blue and Gold field construction is moving along.  
  • An additional lifeguard chair will be added at Eichler’s Cove beach.

  • No report


  • A draft of the results and recommendations from the Eichler’s Cove Sub-Committee survey were handed out and reviewed.  The Commission members decided to further review the draft and will be ready to discuss and vote on recommendations at the August 10th meeting.  These recommendations will then be presented to the Board of Selectman at their August 16th meeting.
(m/s/c: Barczak/Brookes)  “Motion to authorize $6,000.00 out of the Eichler’s Cove operating account to hire a consultant to evaluate parking and access road for Eichler’s Cove.”


  • Current C.I.P. was handed out and reviewed.
  • The first 4 years of the C.I.P. are frozen.  Director Mangold will be attending a department head meeting tomorrow morning and will be told how much money will be available in year 5.  The design phase of the Community Center is in year 4. Added in year 5 (2015/2016) the building cost of the Community Center estimated at $15,000.000.00 with an option to be considered to split the building cost between 2015/16 and 2016/17.  $400,000.00 to complete the master plan at Dickinson Park, which would include site improvements around the current bathroom facility and a new bathhouse/concession stand to support the new playground/spray ground area.  $425,000.00 for bathrooms and concession at Eichler’s Cove Beach/Marina.
  • A further investigation of the use of the current Newtown High School portable classrooms for any use by Parks and Recreation will be examined

  • Total funds raised for the Dog Park to date are  $8,200.00.  
  • July 16th there will be a fundraiser at the Blue Z Coffee House.  There will be a small cover charge and proceeds will go to the dog park fund.  They will also raffle off a small dog gift basket.
  • There is now an email newsletter called Constant Contact, which will be written from a dog’s point of view.  To sign up to receive this email newsletter go to bark&
  • There will be a float in the Labor Day parade this year.
  • September will be the 2nd Annual Dog Days of Summer event.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano attended a 4 H event to provide awareness for the dog park.
  • Chairman Marks would like a rendering of the dog park and its location.


  • Director Mangold reported that she, along with members of the Trail Committee, went to the trail on Point of Rocks Road across from Dickinson Park and they had a hard time entering the trail from that end.  This is not a fully developed trail as of yet.  A lot more work needs to be done to complete it.  Mark Lurie has started a blog about this trail.  Director Mangold will forward the link.  Rob Sibley from Land Use was at the last Trails Committee meeting and showed how the trails in town could connect instead of just one trail per piece of property.
  • Director Mangold received a letter from Donna Culbert, Director of the Health Department that states that it is safe to put the sign back where it was on the Rail Trail.  Chairman Marks asked that Assistant Director Samuelson arrange for the sign to be put back in its proper place.  Mr. Phillippee will be sent a bill for cost incurred to move the sign back.  Director Mangold reported that the Parks and Recreation Commission have the authority to remove a member from the Trails Committee.

13.  OTHER
  • None.

1.   OTHER

  • None.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:51 pm.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Benson