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12-1-09 Dog Park Cmte
DECEMBER 1, 2009~
Parks & Recreation Commission Staff : Amy Mangold, Roseann Reggiano
Subcommittee Members Present: Monica Roberto, Ruth Hutchinson, Kaia Fahrenholz, Benay Yaffee, Kathryn Simonds, Barb Kinzig, Sue Thompson
1.~~~~~~Elect Chairperson and Secretary
2.~~~~~~Review structure of committee
3.~~~~~~Select a name for the Dog Park
4.~~~~~~Go over items for pamphlet
1. Kaia Fahrenholz volunteered to Chair; Monica Roberto volunteered for Secretary.   As part of their responsibilities, Chair shall present a report on the Subcommittee’s work at each monthly Newtown Parks & Recreation meeting, either in person or in writing;  while  Secretary shall  send agendas and minutes to the Town Clerk in advance of and within three days after each meeting.  ~
2. Review Structure of Committee
Mangold and Reggiano explained that the Dog Park Committee will operate not as an Ad-Hoc Town Committee, in which members are appointed by the Board of Selectman, but as a subcommittee of Newtown Parks & Recreation.  This subcommittee will operate as a group of community members who come together regularly to help with the specific goal of establishing a dog park in Newtown. All recommendations and decisions made by the subcommittee are subject to approval by the Parks & Rec. Commission. ~The Newtown Finance Director is being consulted on the creation of a 501[c][3] entity to accommodate tax deductible donations (Mangold).
3. Select a Name for the Park.
Reggiano held a contest among K-8 students from Newtown Schools to come up with a name and logo for the dog park.  After reviewing 198 entries, the subcommittee selected three finalists for approval by the Commission.  Fahrenholz collected top five logo submissions, and will present finalized logo options to Subcommittee after consulting with a local graphic designer. ~The winning entry and logo will not be made public until approved by the Parks & Rec. Commission.
4. Go over items for Pamphlet
Reggiano suggested a pamphlet for Newtown’s dog park, in order to generate awareness, volunteers and donations.   A sample pamphlet from a proposed Glastonbury Dog Park was circulated for ideas and suggestions.   
5. Other
5.1 MEETINGS.  Subcommittee will meet the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm.   Reggiano has reserved Room 3 at the Municipal Center (next to Town Clerks’ Office) for 2010. ~Reggiano reported that 23 residents have signed up to participate.
5.2 PARK SITE.  One of three proposed locations for the park is approximately 2 acres of land next to the new dog pound near the Governor’s Horse Guard off Wasserman Way, in Fairfield Hills. Reggiano to speak with Governor’s Guard about what possible effect the dog park would have on the horses and their training activities there.    Reggiano/Mangold indicated that that parcel is currently undergoing environmental soil testing.   Fahrenholz will map out areas of proposed dog park for next meeting, including parking availability.   Robert Hutchinson sent correspondence to NFA President to inquire if Holcomb Hill land could be used as potential dog park site. NFA will discuss at their next Board meeting. ~
5.3 FUNDRAISING. Reggiano reported revenue of $1,507 for dog park expenses, largely from Dog Days of Summer Event held last September.  One estimate to fence in two acres is approximately $44-$50K.   Fahrenholz suggested fencing to be donated.  Parks and Rec. staff would maintain the park once permanent structures were erected.  Liability insurance needs to be researched (Mangold).~
5.4  BEST PRACTICES.  Fahrenholz to email list of 10 questions for subcommittee members to ask those presently operating dog parks in the area. Ruth to poll Southbury; Fahrenholz/Reggiano to poll Stamford; Sue to poll Ridgefield; Barbara to poll Woodbury; Kathleen to poll New Milford; Roberto to poll Trumbull.~ One of the Questions will include how they keep drinking water for the dogs from freezing in the winter
5.5. WEBSITE.    Roberto will research cost of setting up website for next Subcommittee report to Parks & Rec.    It was suggested that website start as a simple site and include mission statement, ways to donate, volunteer opportunities,  meeting schedule, link to minutes,  pictures of student submissions, site maps and a dog park wish list.