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OCTOBER 14, 2009


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.

Commission Members present:  Marks, Yochum, Yanni, Jr. and DiNicola
Commission Members absent:  Barczak and Crick Owen
Staff present:  Mangold, Samuelson and Reggiano
Staff absent:  None
Public:  Ernest Vitarbo.


(m/s/c: Yochum/Yanni Jr.)  “Motion to approve the minutes from September 9, 2009 meeting.”


Ø       None.


Ø       Letter from Newtown Youth and Family Services thanking the Parks and Recreation Department for all their help with the Road Race that was held on Labor Day weekend.
Ø       An email from Newtown Lacrosse thanking the Parks crew for their work for their Lacrosse Tournament and that the park is the envy of other towns.
Ø       Carol Marchetti requesting a renewal of her contract at Eichler’s Cove.
Ø       Also received were letters of recommendation to Chairman Marks for Carol Marchetti.


Ø       All items on the C.I.P. were moved forward.  The Community Center was reduced from 12 million dollars down to 9 million dollars. Ames & Whitaker explained that the size of the Community Center could not just be reduced to accommodate the reduction that in fact items would have to be removed from the project.  At the Public Building and Site meeting Chairman Marks presented the plan for the Community Center with the items removed, Public Building and Site made a motion and a recommendation to the Board of Selectman and Board of Finance that it was not worth moving forward without full funding.  Parks and Recreation has to go back before the Board of Selectman at the request of the First Selectman. The Board of Selectman would have to reinstate this money.  Then go before the Board of Finance and then the Legislative Council.  .
Ø       Bids are being reviewed to demolish Litchfield house. These bids also include the demolition of the Yale Building.
Ø       A letter from Public Building and Site stating that they would support the project only with full funding.  Chairman Marks is putting together a presentation for the Board of Finance.
Ø       Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson are working on a summary for the C.I.P projects.
Ø       There is a target date of July 2010 to start building the Community Center.
Ø       Might be able to get grant money for a splash pad at Dickinson Park, as was the case in Ridgefield because of it being a handicapped accessible facility.


Ø       Director Mangold attended a Fairfield Hills Authority meeting to endorse Parks and Recreation’s support of the trail during which the issue of the problem with dog waste on the trails was addressed. Director Mangold explained that there were in fact doggy waste bags on the trail and that people were taking the boxes of bags from the dispensers.  The Parks crew will be working to remedy that problem.  Carol Lee Mason, Animal Control Officer, has been patrolling Fairfield Hills to insure that residents are abiding by the Animals on Town Property Ordinance #254.  The Police have issues two tickets at Fairfield Hills for dogs that where not on a leash.  Ms. Mason has reported seeing some improvements and she will continue her patrols. Commissioner Barczak has been speaking with Fran Penarola about what can be done to include Parks and Recreation’s regulations for the town parks in the Ordinance.
Ø       $1,375.00 has been received in memory of Jack Honan, a former employee of Parks and Recreation.  This money will be used for Dickinson Park.
Ø       The maintanance roof task order has been received from O & G; Director Mangold has been following up with the First Selectman who needs to sign the order.  The work start date has changed and work will now be scheduled to begin in April and end in June 2010.
Ø       Dickinson Revitalization – Skate Park – There will be a meeting October 19th at 10:00 am with an ARC representative who will talk about options available for the skate park and the cost.  There has also been more support at the town level.
Ø       Test hole boring will start October 15th at Dickinson that will determine the design of the surface pad for the skate park; they will also be boring at the tennis courts at Dickinson.  Results should be returned with in a couple of weeks. Director Mangold will send all members of the commission the email from Chairman Marks about a new type of surface for the skate park that ARC might be able to address.
Ø       Existing C.I.P. items - $350,000.00 for the Maintenance Garage – Director Mangold will ask Larry Schilling, of O & G, about advance remediation on the inside of the garage and she will also ask Bob Tait, Finance Director, if work could be started on the inside of the garage. Additional items, infrastructure for the pool building and parking at Treadwell including bringing public water to the pool building. Dickinson Park work including tennis court resurfacing, bringing town water to the park, basketball resurfacing and pavilion work. There is an additional C.I.P. request for an additional $350.000.00 for the Maintenance Building.


Ø       Parks and Fields report was reviewed (see attached report).
Ø       The apron at Tilson Field will be paved when the paving equipment is on this side of town.
Ø       The Parks crew is trying new field paint for the field at Treadwell since now the artificial surface blades are getting thinner from use.
Ø       Assistant Director Samuelson also handed out an updated project list.  Chairman Marks asked that all the completed project be placed at the bottom of the list not omitted.
Ø       Work is coming along on the courtyard project at Treadwell Park in front of the pool building. The septic tank lid has been replaced and the walkway is taking shape.  There will no longer be car traffic in this area.
Ø       Director Mangold commended the park crew about there painting of the parking lines at Oakview field, a resident who has called to complain about the parking situation at the field has also called back to thank Parks and Recreation for correcting the problem.
Ø       The soil that has been placed at the Oakview Field from the high school construction will be screened during the winter so that it can be spread over the field.  This is an in house project not a capital project.  Soccer will have to give up these fields for a season.


Ø       Color Guard will be using Gym A at the Middle School starting in November.
Ø       The issue about having to pay overtime for the use of the schools has been resolved.  Greg Simon is okay with the way things have been going.
Ø       Maura Fletcher has asked about using the open are at Dickinson for a fundraiser, possibly a movie night.  The Commission discussed using this area for special events and if a fee will be charged.  Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano will bring back their recommendations to the Commission.
Ø       Dog Days of Summer Event went extremely well.  There where approximately 300 dogs and owners at the event to raise money for a dog park. We raised $1,500.00.  Assistant Director Reggiano will certainly run this even again.  She will be holding a meeting to organize a dog park committee on November 3rd.  Ms. Reggiano is hoping to raise all the money that will be needed for the dog park through fund raising.  Ms. Reggiano also discussed that the pavilion at Fairfield Hills is in need of repair.  Parks and Recreation will contact Maria DiMarco at Fairfield Hills and let her know that we will be working on that pavilion.
Ø       Pool attendance this year was up 3000 people. Eichler’s Cove attendance was up from 522 to 2370 people.
Ø       Camp attendance was down 100, Teen Adventure Camp and the 9, 10 & 11 year old Camp was up 25.  Specialty Camps were up 100 and the sports camps were down 300.  The fall programs are not going well and Assistant Director Reggiano is thinking of not offering as many programs next year so that there won’t be so many cancellations.
Ø       The Halloween Party for the 5th & 6th Graders is being held Friday, October 23rd at the Teen Center and the Halloween Pizza Party for the younger children will be held October 29th at Dickinson Park.
Ø       After further discussion on the issue of other organizations using the fields for their sports camp the Commission has agreed to charge a surcharge fee.
(m/s/c: DiNicola/Yochum) “Motion to apply surcharge of $20.00 per person to all people using the fields for camps.”
Ø       Assistant Director Reggiano and Director Mangold will update wording on the “Park Gift Fund” for the website as well as listing current projects.
Ø       Assistant Director Reggiano and Director Mangold are exploring hiring a Waterfront Director for both Eichler’s Cove and Treadwell Pool.  The Commission agreed to go ahead with this. They will keep the Commission updated.


Ø       Trails Committee update – Director Mangold attended a Trail meeting on September 29th.  They had about 10 to 15 people in attendance.  They elected a chairperson and a secretary.  They also had some Monroe people attend the meeting and they too are willing to help extent the trail.  State Representative, Debra Lee Hovey, also wants to help.  She will try to research the usage of a brown field.  They next meeting will be October 21st at 7:00pm.


Ø       Vote was tabled until November meeting.

12.  SET FEES FOR 2010

Ø       Fee Schedule:

1.      Swim Passes for Treadwell and Eichler’s Cove Beach      
a.      Family - Resident               $150.00
b.      Family – Non-Resident           $300.00
c.      Individual – Resident           $  55.00
d.      Individual – Non-Resident             $110.00
e.      Day Pass – Resident             $  10.00
f.      Day Pass – Non-Resident         $  20.00
g.      6 Daily Passes – Resident       $  35.00
h.      6 Daily Passes – Non- Resident  $  70.00

2.      Boat Launch – Residents only
a.     Lake Lillinonah          $100.00
b.     Eichler’s Cove                   $100.00
c.     Combo                    $150.00
d.     Eichler’s Cove Daily Launch      $  15.00

3.      Pavilion Rental
a.      Residents                       $150.00
b.      Non- Residents          $300.00
c.      Businesses                      $400.00

4.      Day Camp
a.      Dickinson weekly                $110.00
b.      Treadwell weekly                $120.00
c.      7 weeks Dickinson               $690.00
d.      7 weeks Treadwell               $750.00
e.      Extended Stay AM  (1 hr)        $  25.00 per week
f.      Extended Stay PM  (3 hrs)       $  75.00 per week

(m/s/c: Yanni Jr./Yochum)  “ Motion to approve all fees as presented by Assistant Director Reggiano.”


Ø       Chairmen Marks recommended that we renew the agreement until work is complete at Eichler’s Cove (security camera and circular driveway).
Ø       Assistant Director Samuelson stated that much of the work is held up due to the house on the property that Mrs. Marchetti resides in.
(m/s/c:  Yanni Jr./Yochum)  “Motion to recommend the renewal of Carol Matchetti’s agreement with the proposal to work month to month beginning 1/1/2010 with a 60 day vacate notice.”

14.  OTHER

Ø       Next meeting will be held Tuesday, November 10th at 6:00pm.



Ø       None.

(m/s/c:  Yochum/Yanni, Jr.) “Motion to adjourn.”  The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted by
Donna Benson