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July 13, 2009


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:07 pm.

Commission Members present:  Marks, Barczak, DiNicola, Yanni Jr. and Crick Owen
Commission Members absent:  Yochum
Staff present:  Samuelson
Staff absent: Mangold and Reggiano
Public: None


(m/s/c:  Barczak/Yanni Jr.) “Motion to accept the minutes of the June 10, 2009 meeting as presented.”   


Ø       None.


Ø       None.


Ø       Chairman Marks has been in contact with Newtown Youth Academy (NYA) in regards to scheduling the facility for the tennis program (Parks & Recreation agreed to cut back the hours needed to 600/per year, November 1, 2009 – October 31, 2010).  Still in discussions are the days of the week that will be used – previous use was 4 weekdays and one weekend day – proposed use by NYA is 2 weekdays and 2 weekend days.  There is also talk of tennis running directly through the NYA and Parks and Recreation using the 600 hours for other sports (basketball, field hockey and soccer). After further discussion the Commission agreed that the Town should revisit the lease agreement with NYA.  This might not be possible until after a new First Selectman is in office on December 1st.
Ø       At the August meeting Chairman Marks would like to discuss and vote on surcharge/administrative fees.


Ø       None.


Ø       Chairman Marks told the Commission that the trail at Dickinson Park should be paved, the surface is to soft.
Ø       The Parks and Fields report was reviewed.  Treadwell second filter pump and logic controller installation is being worked on.  New pole padding will be delivered in the next couple of weeks as well as the stair handrails.  There has been some vandalism to the Frisbee golf goals at Orchard Hill.  The Eagle Scout garden is completed at Lake Lillinonah. Building demolition is underway at Fairfield Hills and the curbing is up around the field.  Fairfield Hills Field – the process of loosening the soil and adding sand to it will allow for better water infiltration and nutrient exchange has begun.  Eichler’s Cove lighting is almost complete and should be working in the next couple of days.  The dock extension has been delivered as well as the missing cleats.  Assistant Direct Samuelson is trying to find the time to install the dock.
Ø       Hawley School (Taylor Field) – Assistant Director Samuelson met with Sean Dunn, this meeting went very well – topsoil is being added to some low areas, aerating and over seeding will be done this week.  Youth Football has arranged for a fire truck to come twice a week to water the field starting this week.  Assistant Director Samuelson told the Commission that in order for this field to be a viable game field it would need to be irrigated.  The cost to bring water to the field, etc would be roughly $60,000.00. Mr. Dunn requested that football be allowed to use Treadwell Turf Field anytime they wanted. Assistant Director Samuelson agreed to leave 5 Sundays open for game makeups. Soccer would have to give up there Sunday afternoon hours on those 5 days.  Sundays would only be used if football’s games were canceled due to rain on Saturday.
Ø       The high school will be requesting twice as many dates for Treadwell and Tilson fields because of construction at the High School.
Ø       Soccer U11 and under is requesting more smaller fields.  Chairman Marks would like a separate meeting for field use issues.
Ø       Chairman Marks asked Assistant Director Samuelson to put together a list of items that he can not get to. The staff is working on many projects and some items get pushed back.
Ø       A new park maintainer has been hired.  He will give his start date on Wednesday, July 15th.  Unfortunately one maintainer will be out on disability for a while with shoulder surgery.  So the crew will still be down one for a while.
Ø       Maintenance roof specs – Assistant Director Samuelson will speak with Fred Hurley or Public Works to see who it is that can do the specs for the Maintenance Building roof.  He will get back to Chairman Marks with the information. If no progress can be made then Chairman Marks will contact the First Selectman to see if an outside vendor could provide this service.


Ø       None.

9. RATIFY FOOTBALL GOAL POST  – Spending out of surcharge account.

Ø       (m/s/c: Barczak/Yanni Jr.) “Motion to appropriate up to $3,200.00 from the surcharge account for the purchase of goal posts for practice goals at the Middle School.”

10.  COMMUNITY CENTER – space review & update

Ø       Chairman Marks, Commissioner Barczak, Commissioner Yochum & Director Mangold attended a meeting with Steve Whitaker of Ames and Whitaker to review the bubble diagrams for the Community Center.  Mr. Whitaker was also scheduled to meet with the seniors to review their diagram. Chairman Marks told the Commission that he has asked Mr. Whitaker to upsize the gym to the size that is presently in the Edmond Town Hall.  The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 16th at 9:00 am at Town Hall South.  All Commission members are invited.  Mr. Whitaker feels good progress is being made at this point.  He would like to go before the Town Agency’s in September to discuss ideas and cost.  Approximate cost is $16,000,000.00.  Robert Mitchell of Public Building and Site has estimated the cost at $18,000,000.00 including furniture.  In the plans the building would be built in the first phase and the pool in the second phase.  Administrative work is being done for the demolition of Litchfield Hall, which is where the Community Center will sit.


Ø       The CIP was reviewed. Item # 3 Lights for Athletic Field  $300,000 should show as surcharge money – bonding not needed. Item #4 Dickinson playground/spray ground increase to $750,000 to include parking and water hookup. Item # 9 Replace Artificial Turf should show “at Treadwell Field” and that this is surcharge money – bonding not needed.  The Commission discussed combining Item # 1 Community Center Phase 1 and # 2 Phase 2 of the Community Center to one year and then Item #7 Phase 3 Community Center Pool and # 8 Phase 4 of the Community Center Pool to one year.  A further discussion will take place at the August meeting.
Ø       Assistant Director Samuelson explained to the Commission that bonding expenses are now included in the bonding amount.  Chairman Marks requested that Assistant Director Samuelson find out how much the expenses are so that it can be added into the bonding request.

12.  OTHER

Ø       Sean Dunn from Newtown Youth Football forwarded Assistant Director Samuelson a quote for temporary lighting for the football practice at the Middle School.  The cost would be $6,994.00.  The money for the rental could come from the surcharge account or the cost could be split with Newtown Youth Football and surcharge money. If the Middle School becomes the permanent practice field for football permanent lights will be needed as well as the electrical infrastructure to support them. The lights in use at Taylor Field could be moved to the Middle School field.
Ø       Ordinance Change – Public hearing will be held Wednesday night.
Ø       Dedication of Barb’s Trail went very well.  Thank you to the Garden Club for their help with the garden planting.


1.  DICKINSON PARK – Conception Plan

Ø       Assistant Director Samuelson presented the concept plan from Gary Sorge from Stantec for the revitalization of Dickinson Park.  The plan showed reconstructed tennis courts, stone picnic and patio area, the driveway would be reconstructed and re-aligned, a grove extension, a park path re-alignment, new playground, picnic grove, existing basketball court, splash pad, skate park, park platform & stage.  The Commission reviewed the concept plan with some possible changes; a second bathroom facility by the splash pad maybe required, the issue of the property ownership on the Brushy Hill entrance side of the park, a city water would need to be installed at the park, additional parking could be added by the grove, lights for the basketball court and possibly two tennis courts.

(m/s/c:  Yanni Jr./DiNicola) “Motion to adjourn.”  The meeting was adjourned 8:04 pm.

Respectfully submitted by
Donna M. Benson