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April 14, 2009


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:07 pm. Chairman Marks also welcomed Vincent Yanni to the commission.

Commission Members present:  Marks, Barczak, Yochum, Crick Owen, and Yanni
Commission Members absent:  DiNicola
Staff present:  Mangold and Samuelson and Reggiano
Staff absent: none
Public:  Richard Paloian, Kendra Bobowick from the Newtown Bee.


(m/s/c:  Barczak//Yochum) “Motion to accept the minutes of the March 9, 2009.”


Ø       None


Ø       A letter was sent from First Selectman Borst to O & G thanking them for their contribution of the scoreboard.
Ø       Complaint regarding the new Dickinson trail regarding the dogs that are using it.
Ø       ARC Grant will give 10% of funds raised to the Skate Board Park.  Director Mangold has told Lori Capozziello and she was very happy with that.
Ø       Chairman Edward Marks received a letter from the Planning and Zoning  Chairman; Lilla Dean, regarding their meeting on April 30, where they will be reviewing their plan of conservation and development implementation. Chairman Marks will not be able to attend but Director Mangold said she will and if there was anyone else that could attend that would be helpful.


Ø       The tour of the Parks and Recreation facilities was held at 2:00 p.m. before the commission meeting.

Ø       Director Mangold is working with Director of the Health Department Culbert with the opening of the Dickinson walking trail on May 30.
Ø       Director Culbert received a Physical Activity of Obesity Participation grant and on May 2  the opening of the Fairfield Hill trails will take place. Dr. John Reed from the Fairfield Hills Authority will give opening remarks, with participation from Cody Foss, the VNA,  and many more. The parking will be a Glander Fields. Director Mangold spoke with Chief Kehoe about having the bicycle officer give out rewards to children riding their bicycles and skateboarding safely with helmet and pads.


Ø       Assistant Director Samuelson brought the plan that Mr. Jay Archer of John Jay Landscape Development had done for Treadwell Park.  It contained a new theme and concept of a new multiuse courtyard garden and landscape design at the park.  It detailed what types of trees and plantings that should be used and a design showing where and how it will look.
Ø       (m/s/c:  Barczak//Yochum)  “Motion to thank Jay Archer for his plan and to move forward with its construction.”
Ø       Assistant Director  Samuelson discussed the roofing project, fencing projects at Treadwell, Middle School, and Reed, along with the scoreboard installation and the lightning detentions installation .  He stated that all projects should be done by Memorial Day.  With Memorial Day through Labor Day just maintaining parks and fields.
Ø       The pool filter has gone out to bid.
Ø       The shade structure is delivered and will be installed by pool opening.


Ø       Assistant Director Reggiano said that the egg hunt and the flashlight egg hunt where postponed a week due to the weather and it was then decided to hold them rain or shine.  It was a little rainy but fine.  The egg hunt had around 200 people and the flashlight egg hunt had 75-100 people attending. Social Service had a few baskets left over and Assistant Director Reggiano raffled them off for the Campership Fund and made $139.00.
Ø       Director Mangold thanked the two bunnies for coming to the egg hunt.
Ø       Assistant Director Reggiano stated that she has started the interviews for the counselors but there is only 5 positions and they are at Dickinson.  Everyone else has decided to come back. There was over 75 counselor job applications.  
Ø       Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano will be interviewing all lifeguards and gate guards this year.  
Ø       Also Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano will be taking a lifeguard management course.  
Ø       At Orchard Hill Park the Frisbee golf has started.  
Ø       The April break camps sign ups are low, it could be because NYA has similar camps going on.
Ø       The adult running , track and touch football  are very successful programs.
Ø       Director Mangold and Assistant Reggiano met with Ken Good from the Newtown Youth Academy to discuss the Youth Track Program.  Mr. Good said when there are track meets scheduled he needs to know about them in advance and due to the number of people attending the meets, Parks and Recreation may need to rent a court for the crowd.  A second meeting was held for tennis to work around the Newtown Youth Academy’s tennis schedule.  This was worked out.
Ø       Chairman Marks suggested that Director Mangold schedule a meeting at the Youth Academy to go over the lease agreement.
Ø       The Creamery is working with the Lion’s club for certificates to hand out during the Frisbee tournament.


Ø       Chairman Marks said that they will schedule the date for the lake tour at the next commission meeting.


Ø       Lighting Project at Fairfield Hills – done
Ø       Tilson Turf Field – done
Ø       Maintenance Roof -waiting
Ø       Community Center – waiting to move forward with the architect to present preliminary drawing and ideas.  Steve Whitaker came and went over the Parks and Recreation needs after having a meeting  with the seniors to find out their needs.  At this meeting were Director Mangold, Chairman Marks, and Commissioner Barczak.  Mr. Whitaker the architect then met with Assistant Director of Recreation Reggiano and Director Mangold to take photos of current facilities and to obtain more programming space needs information.  Another meeting was held with the seniors and the commission on aging, present were Director Mangold, Commissioner Barczak, and Assistant Director of Recreation Reggiano.  This meeting was to discuss the needs and programs associated with the pool phase of the project.  Director Mangold looked at the design phase would come in.



Ø       The next commission meeting might need to be rescheduled.  Chairman Marks asked to see when  Commissioner DiNicola can attend and changing the date to either Monday or Wednesday of that week, so he can be there.

(m/s/c:  Yochum/Yanni) “Motion to adjourn.”  The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted by
Deborah Denzel