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FEBRUARY 10, 2009


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.

Commission Members present:  Marks, Barczak, DiNicola and Crick Owen
Commission Members absent:  Yochum
Staff present:  Mangold and Samuelson
Staff absent: Reggiano
Public: Anthony Willie and Charlie Coats from Newtown Naturals, Scott Coleman, Sean Dunn from Newtown Youth Football and Cheer and one member of the press.


The minutes of the regular meeting held November 12, 2008, December 9, 2008 and January 13, 2009 were tabled because the Commission did not have a quorum.


Ø       Anthony Willie and Charlie Coats from Newtown Naturals (Housatonic Wooden Bat League) requested field time for their season that starts May 26th. The requirements were reviewed. Assistant Director Samuelson discussed the possible availability of Sunday mornings between 8:00 am and noon.  Mr. Willie and Mr. Coats will get back to Assistant Director Samuelson with all required paperwork and exact time needs. Chairman Marks mentioned that week night games may be available when the youth season ends. If any night games are scheduled then there will be a $75.00 per night lighting charge. If they needed tryout times they should contact Assistant Director Reggiano to see if time is available at one of the schools.
Ø       Scott Coleman presented a plan for a Newtown Trails Initiative. Mr. Coleman has meet with Director Mangold and Rob Sibley from Land Use to discuss extending the Rails to Trails trail from Monroe into Newtown.  Mr. Coleman would like to involve the Scouts in this program. The Commission was very receptive to the idea.  Chairman Marks asked Mr. Coleman to get a group organized and prioritize trail projects. The Commission would like Mr. Coleman to come back before the Commission when these two items have been completed.  At which time an ad hoc committee could be formed.  Mr. Coleman would like to start this project in September.
Ø       Sean Dunn of Newtown Youth Football and Cheer was present to go over the deed from Taylor Field.  Taylor Field does in fact belong to the Board of Education.  Parks and Recreation will not be doing any renovations to the field.  It was agreed that Treadwell turf field would be scheduled for practice play starting in August.  Taylor Field will be a game only field for Newtown Youth Football. A storage container for their equipment will be needed at Treadwell. The weight sleds will be a concern since they will have to be left out. A permanent solution for game play was not yet decided. Chairman Marks will get back to Mr. Dunn after other options are reviewed.


Ø       Letter from Taunton Press with their annual donation of $500.00.
Ø       Email from Selectman Paul Mangiafico to Lori Capozziello of Donate to Skate thanking her for the proposal for the Skate Park.


Ø       Welcome Maureen Crick Owen as a new Commissioner.
Ø       Commissioner Steimle will not be returning to the Commission.


Ø       Director Mangold sent a memo to Jay Gill, Chairman of Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers, thanking him and the Board of Managers for their time.  Included in the memo was her response to the possible move to the Town Hall.  After touring the building and then speaking with Scott Sharlow from the Technology Department she let Mr. Gill know that in order for the move to take place, if at all, the technology needs for the department would need to be met, which are many.  Also, a concern was that the department would be moving into a smaller area then what is now available to the department and if the move did happen that we would like the use of the First Selectman’s office area and the current Registrar of Voters office for storage needs.  Since this would only be a temporary move to the Town Hall (the Community Center request was passed) she felt it was not in the best interest of the department to make this move.
Ø       Director Mangold has booked a band called “The Bookends” to play a free concert at Dickinson Park in the summer.  She would like to hold a couple of concerts this summer.
Ø       Director Mangold spoke with Gordon Williams about the new Orchard Hill brochure, which now includes the Frisbee Golf Course.  They will be working together to promote the use of Orchard Hill.  Director Mangold has also spoke with the Health Director; Donna Culbert who informed her that they have received an Obesity Grant for physical activity and the departments will be working together on activities.  Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano will be working on a “Passport to the Parks” program that will send people to different facilities to participate in an activity.
Ø       Director Mangold reported that Jeff Cugno, from O & G, will be having a preliminary meeting with the architect firm of Ames and Whitaker to discuss the Community Center project after which he will then hold a meeting with Parks and Recreation and the Commission on Aging to discuss the project.


Ø       Parks and Fields report was reviewed.
Ø       The ice skating rink at Dickinson Park has been a huge success this year.
Ø       The Urban Trail should be done by the beginning of March.
Ø       New lighting controls have been installed at Treadwell Field, during installation a bad conductor was found and has been replaced.
Ø       The issue at Middle School softball field could be resolved by moving the backstop and reconfiguring the field layout. This will cost approximately $14,000.00.  The Board of Education will be asked to help with this project.
Ø       The high school has requested night use of the new baseball field at Fairfield Hills.  The Commission approved.
Ø       Assistant Director Samuelson requested that the Commission name the new baseball field at Fairfield Hills.  The Commission agreed on Fairfield Hills Baseball Field until a dedication is planned.  Assistant Director Samuelson will order the signage needed for the field.
Ø       Assistant Director Samuelson requested the support of the Commission for the Relay for Life that takes place in June and will be held at Fairfield Hills this year.  The plan is for this event to become a fair.  The Commission will support the project.  Many of the Park Maintainers volunteer their time to this event.


Ø       There will be no Spring/Summer preview printed this year.  The preview will be available on-line. Assistant Director Reggiano will be contacting the Newtown Bee to see what the cost of having additional newsprint versions of the preview printed to be sent home with the students in place of the previous preview.  To date we have 194 people registered for the Recreation Brochure link.  
Ø       The first annual Ice Skating party was held on Friday, February 13th.  The party was a huge success.
Ø       Newtown Youth Academy – Kathy Brophy has been working very well with Assistant Director Reggiano. After calculating the fees paid so far and the projected fees we will still be short $7,707.50.  Assistant Director Reggiano will be scheduling over the $84,00.00 in case some of the programs get cancelled.  She is considering drop in volleyball. Tennis is still complaining about the fact that only one tennis screen has been installed.  
Ø       The Reed School has denied us use of the gym during a summer camp in case of a thunder and lightning storm.


Ø       (m/s/c: Barczak/DiNicola) “Motion to accept 2009 Meeting Schedule as presented.”


Ø       (m/s/c: Barczak/DiNicola) “ Move to approve the revised summer fees as adjusted.”

12.  2009/2010 BUDGET/CIP - UPDATE

Ø       The Commission reviewed the CIP report as adopted on January 22, 2009.  Maintenance Facility roof was added back in.  Have a heart traps were purchased for raccoons inside the Maintenance Facility.
Ø       Budget update:
o       Account 1004 – new maintainer position removed.
o       Account 1006  - lifeguard for Eichler’s Cove was removed from this account and will be paid out of Eichler’s Cove account.
o       Utilities account reduced by $10,00.00.
o       Contractual Services less $3,00.00 – lawn bid came in less then last year.
o       Capital Account – Shop equipment less $14,000.00
o       Total budget down 5%


Ø       Amount in account $363,302.80.  Funds taken in calendar year 2008 $88,859.50.  Funds taken in over the fiscal year from July 1, 2008 until February 9, 2009 $36,680.00.
Ø       Missing 2 years of basketball surcharge payments (2007 & 2008).  Parks and Recreation will not release the check for the payment of the basketball hoops until this has been resolved.
Ø       Funds from this account go towards purchases for the department.  In five years the turf at Treadwell Field will be replaced with these funds.


Ø       Lighting Project at Fairfield Hills – going well.
Ø       Tilson Turf Field – going well.
Ø       Maintenance Roof – Director Mangold reported that she still has not received any reports from the consultant after numerous requests.  The Commission agreed to move ahead without Russell Barley and get the bid documents from the town hall project.  They will then request that TRC develop the scope of the project.
Ø       Projects to go out to bid – Treadwell pool filter, lightning detector, and security cameras for Treadwell and Eichler’s Cove Marina.
Ø       Bid opening was held January 10, 2009 for lawn maintenance contract.


Ø       Still waiting to be scheduled for the public hearing with the Legislative Council.

16.  OTHER

Ø       None.



Ø       None.

(m/s/c:  Barczak/DiNicola) “Motion to adjourn.”  The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 pm.

Respectfully submitted by
Donna Benson