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NOVEMBER 12, 2008


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.

Commission Members present:  Marks, Barczak, Yochum, DiNicola, and Steimle
Commission Members absent:  Eigen
Staff present:  Mangold, Reggiano & Samuelson
Staff absent:  None
Also present:  Three members of the public and one member of the press.


(m/c/s:  Barczak/Yochum)  “Motion to accept the minutes of the October 14, 2008 meeting as presented.”


Ø       Sean Dunn, Bob Davenport and Debbie Leidlein all or Newtown Youth Football and Cheer.  Mr. Dunn presented the Commission with a letter referring to the critical issues at Taylor Field they feel need to be addressed.  (See attached letter.)  Issues listed where possibly putting in a turf field, an additional storage shed and lighting upgrade.  Or keep the grass field with the following improvements; water line and irrigation system, pitch the field for appropriate drainage and provide a sewer line. Chairman Marks explained some of the issues about the field, use of the field is limited by the parking spaces available at the school which causes practices/games to be cancelled, cost of adding a water line to the field would be a major renovation, lighting upgrade may be an issue with neighbors, and a turf field may not be an option at this location.  Chairman Marks told the parents that a solution maybe to use on another field for practice and Taylor field for games only. Parks and Recreation will work on a plan with options.  Chairman Marks explained that there might be private money available to put in a turf field for girls soccer.  He would like to meet with Director Mangold, Greg Simon and the private group to discuss possible multi use of a turf field, which could include football.  Mr. Dunn mentioned that lacrosse would also be interested in a field since there season dose not over lap with football, The issue of who owns the field was discussed and Mr. Dunn will investigate this matter with the tax assessor.  Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson will work together on a short-term solution.


Ø       An email was received by Joe Carrino. It was in reference to a problem with balls being hit from the baseball field at Treadwell into the soccer field.  Assistant Director Samuelson explained that the backstop at Treadwell will be replaced and moved back 15 to 20 feet.  Home plate will be moved back about 5 feet.  Assistant Director Reggiano suggested that the teams be required to use a 44 restricted flight ball, which would keep the ball from being hit so hard.  The Commission agreed that this would be a good solution.  The teams will be notified in the spring that this type of ball is now required to be used at Treadwell Park.


        Fairfield Hills Report
Ø       Skate park request for addition time to fundraise was approved for one year.  The deadline is October 1, 2009.
Ø       Director Mangold reported that the Authority gave Parks and Recreation permission to put a gazebo on the green, which will be located where Greenwich house now sits. Director Mangold has also spoken with the Cultural Arts Commission who would like to see a band shell installed instead of a gazebo.
Ø       Fairfield hills Authority spoke to Director Mangold about possibly starting a Community Garden. Plots would be given out and be maintained by different residents. Director Mangold will get information to them about this possible project.
Ø       Chairman Marks got a phone call from John Reed reporting that the first phase of the trail is complete.  Additional paving of the trail will take place in the spring.  Mr. Reed explained that the Fairfield Hills Authority is not in place to manage the trail so he would like to meet and go over what is needed to maintain the trail.  The Commission agreed to not do anything on the trail until the entire trail is complete.  John Reed will be invited to the next meeting to discuss the trail needs to the Commission.                                                                                                                                    
Ø       There is site work fencing that was put up that restricts access to the baseball field.
Ø       The general contractor is finishing up final projects at the baseball field and the drainage issue will be completed.
Ø       Electrical components are being finished up, water is in and the sports lights will be done in mid-December.


Ø       Welcome back Donna.
Ø       Happy Birthday to Assistant Director Reggiano.
Ø       Director Mangold received an email from Jeff Cugno from O & G on the issue of whether the Public Building and Site Commission would be engaging with Ames & Whitaker (architect) directly or through O & G.
Ø       Director Mangold went to the Commission on Aging with an update from Mr. Cugno.  The Commission on Aging did not put their portion of the funding in their CIP request.  Marylyn Place (Senior Center Director) is going to write a letter to the First Selectman stating her intention to include this in next years CIP.
Ø       Commissioner Barczak questioned where we were with the project and Director Mangold requested further information from Mr. Cugno.  He replied that he was still working with the First Selectman, the town attorney and Public Building and Site Commission chairman to clarify the design contract issue.  Mr. Cugno has recommended to O & G that they proceed with a proposal immediately. The O & G/Ames & Whitaker proposal for programming and schematic design should be forwarded to the Board of Selectman by weeks end.  It would lay out a 30-week schedule starting December 1, 2008.
Ø       Chairman Marks will send an email to Bob Mitchell from Public Building and Site Commission on how to move forward with the project.
Ø       Director Mangold is working with O&G to see if they would be willing to donate a scoreboard for the field at Fairfield Hills.  Carminuccio’s Restaurant has expressed interest in the past on funding a scoreboard. They might still be interested.
Ø       Skateboard Park Committee has had two successful fundraisers.  They have raised about $13,000.00.
Ø       Director Mangold spoke with Commissioner Eigen today – she will resigned from the Commission.  Commissioner Eigen would like to still be involved with the dog park as that progresses.  This leaves two positions available on the Commission.  One would be a democrat (to replace Commissioner Eigen) and the other could be from either party.  Commissioner Yochum has a couple of people she will speak with to see if they are interested in the position.
Ø       Eichler’s Cove – the final amended contract for Carol Marchetti needs to be signed.


Ø       See attached report.
Ø       Shade covering for the kiddie pool area at Treadwell  - Assistant Director Samuelson has information about canopy that is pre-engineered with required wind load that must be met. No final decision has been made.
Ø       Tilson Turf Field bid has to go out for second bid.  The Finance Director because of a few issues with the first bid made this decision.  The bid package will be sent to the same three companies that bid the first time.  Bids will be back in two weeks and the project can be awarded the day the bids are opened.
Ø       Treadwell Steps – the second set has been started – should be done before the ground freezes.
Ø       LRM has been awarded the Elm Drive Trail – they will begin in mid-December.  They prefer to work when the ground is a little frozen.  The triangle piece of property by Liberty fields is owned by the Town and will also be taken care when the trail is done.  This piece of property will have a bench dedicated to former Parks and Recreation Director Kasbarian.
Ø       Musco lights at Treadwell – all were replaced in the spring.  When new system is installed all lights will be working.  
Ø       All irrigations systems have been winterized.
Ø       Eichler’s Cove – all concrete work has been complete.


Ø       Three Halloween parties were held, one for the 5th grade and one for the 6th grade.  Still had about 100 kids. Will hold a combined 5/6 grade party again next year.  Not worth doing two separate parties. The third party was held at Dickinson Park for over 200 children. Very successful.
Ø       Frisbee gold fliers went out with a few people coming in the office to pick up free Frisbees.  Assistant Director Reggiano will promote this again in the spring.
Ø       Alisa from Continuing Education reported to Assistant Director Reggiano that she attended a seminar on brochures and that 75% of people prefer to have a hard copy.  We have only had 92 people signed on for the winter preview on line.  We will be going to print for the winter preview.


Ø       Tabled.


Ø       Note change in 5B - Chairman and one other authorized member.
Ø       Donna is checking with Fran Pennarola from the Legislative Council on how to proceed and submit the Ordinance changes.
Ø       (m/s/c: Yochum/Barczak)  “Motion to present the Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee and the Legislative Council.”

12.  URBAN TRAIL – ELM DRIVE - update

Ø       See Assistant Director of Parks report.


Ø       See Director’s report.


Ø       See Director’s report.

15. 2009/2010 BUDGET REVIEW

Ø       Preliminary budget was handed out to all members and reviewed.
Ø       The Finance Department will fill in the salary information.
Ø       Chairman Marks will get in touch with Carol Ross (Human Resource Director) to get a salary analysis.  Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson were told that they would receive salary increases in October 2008 to bring them up to a competitive salary.  This has not yet happened.
Ø       A master Plan for Dickinson might not be necessary because of other plans that are in the works.  Assistant Director Samuelson suggested that a Landscape Architect might better serve with the park.  This would help make sure that projects in the park are placed appropriately.
Ø       Chairman Marks would like the bottom line for the Capital Budget to be no more then $366,000.00.
Ø       Chairman Marks requested the balance in the surcharge account.  The June minutes show an increase in surcharge fees for soccer, lacrosse and football to pay for the replacement of the turf at Treadwell.  The increase is $20.00 for soccer and lacrosse and $15.00 for football.  The groups were notified of the increase.
Ø       A discussion took place about speaking with the Finance Director about funding for the skateboard park to see if there is another mechanism other then budget money to help fund this project. Possibly encumbering the money.
Ø       The gazebo for Fairfield Hills was taken out of the budget because the Fairfield Hills Campus will not be ready to construct the gazebo.
Ø       The sidewalk at Treadwell Park was also removed from the budget.

11.  OTHER

Ø       A meeting will be scheduled between Parks and Recreation, Schools Superintendent, Janet Robinson and the Board of Education to discuss the field needs at the Middle School and Reed Intermediate.



Ø       Schedule was given out to members and will be voted on at the December meeting.

2.    2009 SUMMER FEES

Ø       Day Camp
o       Dickinson Park -        $110.00 per week
o       Dickinson Park – Half Pint Program  - $55.00
o       Treadwell Park -        $115.00 per week

Treadwell Pool
o       Family Pass -   $140.00
o       Individual Pass-        $  50.00
o       Non-Resident -  $280.00
o       Non- Resident Individual  $100.00

Eichler’s Cove Beach – Residents Only
o       Family Pass -   $140.00
o       Individual Pass -       $  50.00

Combination Treadwell/Eichler’s Cove Beach Swim Passes – Residents only
o       Family -        $165.00
o       Individual -    $  65.00

Day Individual Swim Pass    $10.00 Resident (Treadwell Pool or Eichler’s Cove Beach)
                                    $20.00 Non-Resident (Treadwell Pool only)
Daily 6-pass Swim Pass       $30.00 Resident with membership (Treadwell Pool or Eichler’s Cove Beach)
                             $48.00 Resident without membership (Treadwell Pool or Eichler’s Cove Beach)
                             $60.00 Non-Resident with membership (Treadwell Only)
                             $96.00 Non-Resident without membership (Treadwell Only)

Lake Lillinonah Boat Launch
o       Launch          $100.00

        Eichler’s Cove Boat Launch/Beach Pass
o       Launch Only     $100.00
o       Launch/Beach    $165.00

Combination Lake Lillinonah and Eichler’s Boat Launch
o       Launch Only     $150.00
o       Launch/Beach    $215.00

Eichler’s Cove Marina/Beach pass included
o       Resident                $1,000.00  season          19ft and under
$1,250.00  season           over 19 ft
o       Non-Resident    $1,225.00  season   19 ft and under
$1,475.00  season           over 19 ft

Eichler’s Cove Beach hours will be extended to 10:00 am – 8:00 pm.

(m/s/c:  Yochum/DiNicola)  “Motion to approve the fees as presented.”

3.   OTHER      

There will be a Special meeting the first week of December to review the Budget.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted – Donna Benson, Clerk