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Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission


Land Use Office                                                                                  Regular Meeting
Council Chamber                                                                           January 16, 2014  
Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut           

Present: Mr. Mulholland, Mr. Porco, Mr. Swift and Mr. Mitchell.  Alternates: Mr. Pozek. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Ruhs.
Also present: George Benson, Land Use Director.  
Clerk: Ms. Wilkin

The meeting was opened at 7.31 p.m.  Notice is made that the entire meeting was taped and can be heard in the Planning and Zoning Office, Municipal Building, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut


Review of state statute relative to P&Z alternates participation and voting

All members were given copies of the statute explaining what was discussed at the last meeting.


Mr. Swift nominated Mr. Mitchell for Vice-Chairman.  Seconded by Mr. Pozek.  Mr. Mulholland nominated Mr. Porco.  Seconded by Mr. Ruhs.  There were no other nominations.  After a brief discussion the Commission voted.  The vote for Mr. Porco was approved by majority.

Mr. Mulholland nominated Mr. Mitchell for Secretary.  Seconded by Mr. Pozek.  There were no other nominations.  The vote was unanimously approved.


Mandatory referral under CGS-8-30g from Shipman & Goodwin LLP for proposed zoning text amendment to the zoning regulations of the Town of Oxford to create a new Housing Opportunity Development (“HOD”) District

This proposed amendment concerns cluster housing, what Newtown refers to as conservation subdivisions.  After a brief discussion the Commission agreed that this has no negative impact on Newtown.  Mr. Mulholland will write a letter to Shipman & Goodman advising them.

Mandatory referral under CGS-8-24 from the Town of Monroe Planning and Zoning Commission for proposed zoning text amendments concerning Business District (B-2) in the Town of Monroe.

This proposed amendment concerned adding brew pubs as an allowed use.  Mr. Benson explained that this would affect the entire town of Monroe, not one specific site.  After a brief discussion the Commission agreed that this has no negative impact on Newtown.  Mr. Mulholland will write a letter to Monroe Planning and Zoning Commission advising them.


Land Use Director’s Comments

Mr. Benson explained to the new members of the Commission the background of an application that is scheduled to come before them in the near future involving the Edmund Road/Church Hill Road re-alignment.  This led into a brief discussion about future road development.  Mr. Mulholland confirmed the link between the Lexington Gardens development and Caraluzzi’s.  Since Starbucks’ employees could no longer use St. Rose’s parking it was suggested that some parking relief might be in order.  Mr. Benson will look into it.

Mr. Mulholland advised of New Milford’s plan to address the growing and distribution of medical marijuana since State statutes now permit this.  The Commission discussed the difference between growing and distributing and how it should be addressed from a zoning aspect.  More discussion will take place once more information is available.

Mr. Mulholland wants to streamline the way public hearings are handled.  He asked the Commissioners to try and review applications before they are heard in order to familiarize themselves with them.  This way they can prepare any questions they might have of the applicant.  Mr. Porco would like each Commissioner to receive copies of the maps, which Mr. Benson agreed to.

Mr. Corigliano joined the meeting at 8:35 p.m.

The Commission discussed sidewalk plans, especially for the Sandy Hook School.  The Draper gift comes under the Borough.


Mr. Mulholland moved to approve the Minutes of January 7, 2014, amended as follows:

Change as follows:  Mr. Mulholland called upon Mr. Taylor to explain the referrals due to the fact that he “was familiar with their origin and the Borough Zoning Commission’s reasons for proposing the regulatory changes”.

Seconded by Mr. Porco.  The motion was unanimously approved.

Mr. Mulholland moved to approve the Minutes of December 5, 2014 as submitted.  Seconded by Mr. Corigliano.  The motion was unanimously approved.


Mr. Pozek made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Mr. Corigliano.  The motion was unanimously approved.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.