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01-07-14 Special Meeting
Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission


Land Use Office                                                                            Special Meeting
Council Chamber                                                                    January 7. 2014  
Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut           

Present: Mr. Mulholland, Mr. Porco and Mr. Mitchell.  Alternates: Mr. Pozek. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Ruhs.
Also present: George Benson, Land Use Director.  Clerk: Ms. Wilkin

The meeting was opened at 1:33 p.m.


Mandatory referral under CGS-8-24 from the Borough of Newtown for application by the Borough of Newtown Zoning Commission for proposed amendments to Article 4 (Users) to change allowed special exception uses in a Residential Zone, provide rules for lots that lie in more than one zone, allow outdoor sales and storage of merchandise in a Business Zone with a permit and to make editorial changes

Mandatory referral under CGS-8-24 from the Borough of Newtown for application by the Borough of Newtown Zoning Commission for proposed amendments to  Article 6 (Signs) to provide additional signage in Professional, Business and Industrial Zones with lots with multiple buildings.

Mr. Mulholland called upon Mr. Taylor to explain the referrals due to the fact that he had worked on them while on the Borough Zoning Commission.

The first issue was signage on multiple buildings on one site.  A single sign indicating the name address of the site would be visible from the road with individual signs situated on the buildings.  This would avoid potential accidents on major roads as a result of drivers slowing down to find their destination.  

The second matter refers to outdoor sales areas.  In particular Caraluzzi’s and Big Y, who have seasonal products along the walkways in front of their buildings.  Currently this is prohibited although it has taken place.  This would allow for these sales with a temporary permit, renewable annually.  This would result in more control on what people want to do,  

The third matter proposes changes to regulations that currently allow for non-profit hospitals as an allowed use.

The fourth issue is about properties split between the Borough and Town.  This would be based on lot not structures.  This arose out of A-2 surveys that were done, which helped identify whether lots were in the Borough or Town.  

After discussing these matters, Mr. Mulholland had no issues from a planning point of view.  The Commission concurred.  Mr. Mulholland will write a letter to the Borough reflecting this opinion.

Land Use Director’s Comments

Mr. Benson advised that he had looked into the State Statutes regarding the role of alternate members of the Commission.  If a member cannot make a meeting an alternate is designated who will participate in all discussions and vote on the matter(s) at hand.  Also, alternates can participate in public hearings until they are closed, at which time only the members will discuss and vote on the matters.


Mr. Pozek made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Mr. Porco.  The motion was unanimously approved.

The meeting adjourned at 2:12 p.m.