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Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission


Land Use Office                                                                         Regular Meeting Meeting
Council Chamber                                                                September 19. 2013  
Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut           

Present: Mr. Mulholland, Chair Pro Tem, Mr. Porco and Mr. Swift.  Alternates: Mr. Pozek was seated for Ms. Dean and Mr. Corigliano was seated for Ms. Brymer.  Also present: George Benson, Land Use Director.  Clerk: Ms. Wilkin

The meeting was opened at 7.30 p.m.  Notice is made that the entire meeting was taped and can be heard in the Planning and Zoning Office, Municipal Building, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut


Mandatory referral under CHS 8-3b from Spath-Bkorklund Associates, Inc. for a proposed Special Exception Permit application submitted to the Town of Monroe for property at 1585 Monroe Turnpike, Monroe, Connecticut

Mr. Mulholland advised that this application is for a change of use at the Stephens Lumber location on Route 34 to allow for processing and distribution of firewood.  The current buildings not be changed.  This is simply a courtesy application.  The Commission did not consider this a problem to Newtown.  Ms. Dean will write a letter to Monroe.


Application by the Town of Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission for update to the Town of Newtown Plan of Conservation and Development

Most of the proofed sections have been turned in to the office.  Mr. Mulholland explained a few details he noticed on his section.  The Commission noted that there should be a reference made to the town website.


Land Use Agency Director’s Comments

Mr. Benson clarified State Statute 8-2M that was raised at the last meeting.  This Statute pertains to New Haven only.  He suggested that Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development to address the Commission to explain the various design districts and the associated regulations.

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Pozek made a motion to accept the Minutes of September 5, 2013 as submitted.  Seconded by Mr. Corigliano.  The motion was unanimously approved.     


Mr. Pozek made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Mr. Swift.  The motion was unanimously approved.

The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.