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03-31-11Special Meeting
Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission

Botsford Fire Department                                                                 Special Meeting
315 South Main Street                                                    March 31, 2011
Newtown, Connecticut            

Present:  Ms. Dean; Ms. Brymer; Mr. Bloom.  Alternate: Mr. Pozek.  
Also present:  George Benson, Land Use Director.
Clerk: Ms. Wilkin

The meeting was opened at 7.37 p.m.  Notice is made that the entire meeting was taped and can be heard in the Planning and Zoning Office, Municipal Building, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut


Mr. Benson opened the discussion stating that the Commission wants to reach out to the residents of various districts to get their feedback.  The parameters of the Design District were indicated on a map that was available to those wanting a copy.  The district runs from the Borough almost to the Monroe line, and includes property with road frontage on Route 25.  There was no plan to change these parameters.

Ms. Dean asked to hear from those present wishing to comment.

Andrew Wiggins, Farm Meadow Road liked the plan.  He took advantage of the Special Design District.  

Ms. Dean said that they are trying to give people options.  They did not want continuous strip malls.  It was preferred to have a mix of houses, shops and offices.  She thought Mr. Wiggins did a beautiful job.

Wes Thompson, Walnut Tree Hill Road, member of the Economic Development Committee asked if there was anything the EDC could do so future applications do not take so long.

Mr. Benson said the procedures took time but expect things to improve.  Ms. Dean added that they have a flow chart that they will give to Mr. Thompson.  Mr. Benson said that when people come into the office they are given details of what they need to do.  The information is on the zone map.

Mary Curran, Cold Spring Road asked for details of how it is done.

Mr. Benson said that people come into the Land Use office to discuss feasibility.  Most engineers and surveyors in town are familiar with the requirements.

Mr. Thompson noted that there is a website where you can find out what property is available.  Ms. Brymer asked if he updates it.  He has it for his own use noting that it is difficult to keep up with updates.  The EDC website has active links from the town website.

Tony Joffrey, 13 Susan Lane asked if there have been any traffic studies in the area and accident reports.  Ms. Dean advised that Route 25 is a State Road and accident reports come under the Police Commission’s authority.  Any requests received go to the Police Commission for approval.  There have been curb cut studies and suggestions from HVAC.  Mr. Benson said that they have to work with the State.

Ms. Dean said that the interns hired by the Land Use Office might be able to work on existing traffic studies already on file.

Mrs. Curran noted that a connection between the two shopping centers was on file for possible future installation.  

Ann Peters, 10 Aaron Lane asked about sidewalks.

Mr. Benson said that there is a plan in development showing where sidewalks are suggested under Safe Schools.  It is a goal.  Once installed, sidewalks become the responsibility of the property owner.

The discussion continued including ongoing costs, streetscapes, building design and rear parking, which retains colonial charm.  There is a desire to make the area pedestrian friendly.  Mr. Benson said that they are in receipt of 14 ideas in writing, which will be considered.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.