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12-14-10 Special Meeting
Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission

Sandy Hook Firehouse                                                Special Meeting
Riverside Road                                                  December 14, 2010
Sandy Hook, Connecticut                 

Present:  Mr. Bloom; Ms. Brymer; Mr. Mulholland and Mr. Poulin.  Alternates: Mr. Porco and Mr. Pozek   Also present:  George Benson, Land Use Director.  Clerk:  Ms. Wilkin

The meeting was opened at 7.00 p.m.  


Mr. Bloom opened the meeting by asking the Commissioners for comment.  Mr. Mulholland said that the Commission is looking for input from the residents and business people of Sandy Hook to incorporate into the POCD.  Ms. Brymer said that the POCD is more of a vision for Newtown including the Sandy Hook Design District.  Mr. Poulin said they are looking for a discussion covering all aspects of life in Sandy Hook.  Mr. Benson concurred adding that houses in the district can remain residentially zoned but could be changed upon request.  Mr. Bloom thanked the people for the phenomenal job they have done so far.

The discussion was opened to the floor.

Michael Burton said that their letter, which is on file in the Land Use office, is a compilation of ideas raised at many meetings.  Parking is always unclear.  Thinks it would be helpful to clarify it.  Mr. Benson agreed and will look into making the regulations clearer.  Also the removal of the telephone pole and lights in the middle of town.  People would like to see some areas down Glen Road cleaned up.    They want to make it pedestrian friendly.  Mr. Burton would like the streetscapes detailed. Mr. Benson said that the purpose of the POCD is to have a plan for various areas.  All ideas have to be in the Plan in order to get funding.  

Mr. Benson went to the map to indicate where the design district currently was and where it could be extended.  Mr. Bloom would like to see the old factory on Glen Road cleaned up.  Mr. Bloom asked about Dayton Street, which is not currently in the Design District.  Mr. Burton thinks there are a lot of places that could be developed.  Someone referred to the two HAZMAT sites: the garage and old wire factory.  Mr. Benson will look into what could be done to clean them up.  A study is needed but if removed would it really help with the Design District.

There was a hearing in 2005 regarding extending the Design District, which was unpopular with the majority of residents.  Mr. Mulholland will resurrect the file and see how it might fly now.  Mr. Burton did not think there would be much change in sentiment.

Mr. Benson wants to plan sidewalks starting at the flagpole down to Sandy Hook.  He noted that anyone coming in with an application is asked for an easement to allow for future sidewalks.  The State planners felt Sandy Hook to be a lovely New England village and agreed that the HAZMAT places should be dealt with.  They are working on it.  The DEP said the areas are okay but experts for potential buyers disagree.  Potential hook up with the water might make it sellable.  The cost of clean up would be very expensive.  

Mr. Benson asked for any uses that are currently not allowed in the regulations that should be.  Mr. Mulholland asked if a bridge could be constructed over the water to connect the village with parking.  

The discussion went on to the intersection that is considered dangerous.  The First Selectman explained that there is a plan to square off the intersection.  Funding is difficult.  Mr. Benson said that plans are in the works for parking lines in front of businesses along Church Hill so drivers know it is not a driving lane.

The discussion moved to signs.  The Commission needs to discuss their options.  Mr. Burton said there is a need to be able to attract potential customers.  Sandwich signs are a help but limited under the regulations.  Mr. Cruson suggested re-examination of the regs.  Mr. Benson said that the Commission has to be careful of possible abuse.  He gets a lot of compliments on the town because of the lack of signs.  There is a need for compromise.  It is difficult to control everything.  They want to be business friendly but have to think of everyone.  Mr. Porco noted that Subway brings in a lot of people due to their sign at the 84 exit.  It was the consensus of opinion of those present that sandwich signs are helpful.  The discussion went on to directional parking signs indicating businesses in the rear of buildings.  Mr. Mulholland asked for feedback.  Mr. Benson will look into it.  A State easement would be required.

Mr. Bloom thanked everyone for coming and for their helpful comments and remarks.  He hopes to see everyone again.  The meeting was closed at 8:12 p.m.


Mr. Bloom nominated Ms. Dean to continue as Chairman.  Seconded by Mr. Poulin.  There were no other nominees.  The vote was unanimous.

Mr. Porco nominated Mr. Poulin as Vice-chair.  Seconded by Mr. Pozek.  There were no other nominees.  The vote was unanimous.

Mr. Bloom nominated Mr. Brymer to continue as Secretary.  Seconded by Mr. Pozek.  There were no other nominees.  The vote was unanimous.


The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.