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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
October 28, 2013 – 6:30 PM
15 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook CT

Members Present: Don Ramsey, David Moseman, Tom Murtha, Steve Meeker, Karen White, Kathy McCleary, Jesse Rosenschein. Ashley Mele, Sheilah Krasnickas, Leonard Penna (Newtown PD), Mackenzie Page, Rick Child, Susan Giglio and Mel Kawakami
Members Not Present: Diane Savinelli and Daniel Patti

Staff Members Present: Candice Bohr

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:33 PM by Steve Meeker.
        a) Roll Call- The roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
b) Approval of September Minutes - Motion made by Tom Murtha to approve minutes as written.  The motion was seconded by Dave Moseman and passed unanimously.

2. Chairman’s Report
a)  We are in the process of finalizing a lease for 3 years

          3.  Executive Director’s Report
a) We have positions open at Newtown Youth and Family Services
        1. APRN
                A) Dr. O is backed up until January for medical clients
                B) We are having a hard time finding someone for this position.
2. A licensed social worker to work part time as a clinician for Saturdays and two evenings a week.
b) We are still waiting on the Department of Justice Grant.
        1.They are looking for more information from all the agencies who have given information
        2. The time went up to 18months
        3. We were told whatever we foot for the social workers, we will be reimbursed with
        4. We are just looking for some clarification
c) Someone was hired in the school system to tighten up the work on the social workers  
d) We are converting the children room into two offices
e) We have 21 on the waiting list and our cliental has increased 75% in the past year

4.  Finance and Treasurer’s Report
a)  The tax return and audit is almost completed
1. The return is due November 15, 2013
b)  It has been 2 years since we hit the credit line, but we are looking to rise above.
c)  We are in a comfortable place, financially.
d) We are opening an account with Wells Fargo.
        1. There will be different CDs all around the country, in different banks.
        2. This will cover us for the banks with the money for Newtown Cares.
        3. We are hoping it will be open within the next week.

5.  Personnel Committee
        a)  Five were reviewed and they were all glowing reviews.

6.   Fundraising Committee
        a) Holiday Festival will be held on December 1, 2013.
                1. We are looking for volunteers for the holiday festival.
2. We will not be having the house tours this year. It will be an event held every other year. Instead we will have an antique trolley running up and down Main Street with a speaker. The Trolley will be a separate cost but the ticket will be discounted if a Holiday Festival ticket was purchased as well.
7. Strategic Planning
        a) They met and are looking into all the events that Newtown Youth and Family Services offers.

8. PQI
        a) No New business
        b) Our pre and post surveys are all going online
                1. We have poor return rates

9.  Nominating
        a) We are looking for a new attorney

10.  Old Business

11.  New Business
        a)  We are looking in to get the reports for the community stress points
1. We do track why people come here but we are looking to see more trending for possible new programs
        b) We are having a Board and Staff Breakfast on December 4, 2013 from 7am until 8am.
12.  Adjournment
A motion was made by Tom Murtha, to adjourn the meeting at 7:04. The motion was seconded by Rick Child. The motion passed unanimously.

The next meeting will be held at the Newtown Youth and Family Services, 15 Berkshire Road, on November 25, 2013.

Respectfully submitted by,

Ashley Mele, Secretary