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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
August 26, 2013 – 6:32 PM
15 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook CT

Members Present: Jesse Rosenschein, Rick Child, Sheilah Krasnickas, Karen White, Daniel Patti, David Moseman, Tom Murtha, Steve Meeker, Don Ramsey, Mackenzie Page, Kathleen McCleary, Susan Giglio
Members Not Present: Ashley Mele, Leonard Penna (Newtown P.D.), Mel Kawakami
  • Welcome and Call to Order: 6:32
  • Approval of June 2013 minutes:
  • Tom asked to add Jesse to Executive Board
  • Chairman’s Report:
  • Each committee should have 2 board members (Email Steve to confirm which committee you would like to join)
  • Nominating
  • Personnel- would like to have 3 members for this committee
  • Strategic Planning
  • Fundraising
  • Finance/audit
  • Continuous Quality Improvement – meets 1x month
  • Executive Director’s Report:
  • Met w/ school district- they have hired 18 mental health workers
  • Department of Justice grant – Still waiting to receive this. Hired 2 counselors through this grant.
  • Hired p/t social worker to work 2 evenings a week & Saturdays (waiting list is down)
  • Open Houses – will have NYFS presence/table in each school.
  • May have increase in clients in October once police report is released.
  • Candice and Steve met with Pat Llodra – The impression was that NYFS couldn’t meet community’s needs. Press Release is scheduled to be released to community about extended hours.
  • Fundraising: Next month will report on Road Race & Holiday Festival
  •       Nominating: Have 16 on Board presently. There’s one open spot- might look to Newtown Savings Bank or an attorney.
  • Old Business: Bring NYFS Questionnaire to next meeting. NYFS Board business cards are being created w/talking points for short elevator pitch.
  • New Business: Nothing
  • Other: Organizational Chart was distributed
  • Motion to Adjourn: Dave/Tom