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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
February 4, 2013 – 6:30 PM (rescheduled from January 28, 2013)
15 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook CT

Members Present: Maureen Birden, Don Ramsey, David Moseman, Tom Murtha, Steve Meeker, Karen White, Rosalie Newman, Rick Child, Kathy McCleary, and Jesse Rosenschein.
Members Not Present:  Diane Savinelli, Ashley Mele, Sheilah Krasnickas, Leonard Penna (Newtown PD), Jim Solomon, Leslie Polseno, and Susan Giglio

Staff Members Present: Candice Bohr

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM by Tom Murtha.
        a) Roll Call- The roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established. Welcomed new Board member, Kathy McCleary.
b) Approval of November Minutes - Motion made by Steve Meeker to approve minutes as written.  The motion was seconded by Dave Moseman and passed unanimously.
c) Approval of Staff Handbook- Motion made by Rick Child to approve handbook as written. The motion was seconded by Jesse Rosenschein and passed unanimously.
d) Approval of accepting Elise Trock’s resignation- Motion made by Rosalie Newman to approve resignation as presented. The motion was seconded by Karen White and passed unanimously.

2. Chairman’s Report
a)  The lease for the Suite C 15 Berkshire Road has been drafted and awaiting response from landlord. The administrative staff has moved and the renovation work as begun.
b)  Discussed options of investing Newtown Cares account with NSB. Looking for “non-profit” rate. Need liquid asset option for future programming and community assistance.
c) Need to add another member to the Board. Steve Meeker has a suggestion and will present at February meeting and Rosalie Newman suggested a teenager to complete our Board.

          3.  Executive Director’s Report
a) Update on the resources that NYFS is providing to “walk-ins”.
b) Working with the School District to provide additional support for staff and to provide guidance on a long term plan.
c) Jill and Candice have been working very closely with DCF/DMHAS and The National Center for Child Traumatic Stress.

4.  Finance and Treasurer’s Report
a)We currently “shopping” around for interest rates for our Newtown Cares account.

5.  Personnel Committee
        a)No report given.

6.   Special Event Committee
        a) Holiday Festival Date for 2013 will be Sunday, December 8th, second Sunday this year, due to corresponding to Town’s tree lighting.

7.  Old Business

8.  New Business
9.  Adjournment
A motion was made by Maureen Birden, to adjourn the meeting at 7:10.  The motion passed unanimously.

The next meeting will be held at the Newtown Youth and Family Services, 15 Berkshire Road, on February 25, 2013.

Respectfully submitted by,

Candice Bohr, Executive Director