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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
October 22 2012 – 6:30pm
C.H. Booth Library, Newtown CT

Members Present: Jesse Rosenschein, Rosalie Newman, David Moseman, Maureen Birden, Tom Murtha, Ashley Mele, Susan Giglio, Karen White, Steve Meeker, Don Ramsey, Lenard Penna (Newtown PD)

Members Not Present: Elise Trock, Rick Child, Sheilah Krashickas, Jim Soloman, Diane Savinelli, Leslie Polseno

Staff Present: Candice Foster, Executive Director

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:32pm by Tom Murtha
Roll Call
  • The roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established
Approval of the September 2012 minutes
A few changes to the minutes: spelling errors
A motion was made by Steve Meeker. The motion was seconded by Dave Moseman and passed unanimously
Chairman’s report
The sign is still up at our old location, we can paint it white to not confuse people
We are in good shape money wise
CCFSA, if we want to keep the COA accreditation. We will have to pay $12,000.
Executive Director’s Report
Our Checking account has the names on it with past board members.
We would like to remove Layne Lescault and Susan Improta from all the checking accounts and put Dave Moseman on all of the checking accounts
Jesse Rosenschein made a motion to remove the names and add Dave to all of them. Karen White seconded the motion and passed unanimously.
We have a waiting list with 7 people on it
We are looking for a periderm therapist
We are also in need of a receptionist, we are loosing our receptionist for the morning hours.
 Our case manager needs to be replaced, in the Waterbury area preferably someone bilingual
We are doing great compared to our budget
$12,000 will be spent on the CCFSA
We have gone all year without touching the credit line
The Road Race was a success and brought in $5,000 more then we budgeted.
Our budget is $20,000 for the Holiday Festival
The fundraising committee has been meeting once a week for the Holiday Festival
Maureen has taken control of the Victorian tea
Following up on sponsors for the program book
Ahead of where we were last year, in planning
House tours (6 houses)
We are getting the history of each house
We would like 2 speakers in each house
Docent – women of Newtown
2 more houses we need docents for
Would like boy scouts to shovel the snow (if there is any)
Personnel committee
The evaluation has been a great asset
We are one member down from what we would like
No new business
Old business
Strategic Plan
Needs to sit down and talk about what’s been accomplished and what needs to be accomplished.
Some of the goals we had were already done
New business
  • Rosalie Newman made a motion to adjourn at 6:58pm. Don Ramsey seconded it.