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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
May 21, 2012 – 6:30 PM
Board Room, C.H. Booth Library, Newtown, CT

Members Present: Maureen Birden,  Leslie Polseno, Tom Murtha, Steve Meeker, Karen White, Rosalie Newman, Layne Lescault, Elise Trock,  David Moseman, Sheilah Krasnickas,  Don Ramsey, Rick Child

Members Not Present: Jesse Rosenschein , Diane Savinelli, Jim Solomon, Ashley Mele, Paul Mangiafico, Leonard Penna (Newtown PD)

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM by Tom Murtha.
        a) Roll Call- The roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
b) Approval of April Minutes – A motion was made by Karen White to approve the minutes as written.  The motion was seconded by Dave Moseman and passed unanimously.
2. Chairman’s Report
a)  There is not much new to report.  We continue to maintain positive cash flow.
b)  The 2012-2013 budget contains salary increases for the first time in 4 years.
c)   Now that we have moved and our finances are in better order, we need to pay more attention, as a board, to our fundraising efforts.
          3.  Executive Director’s Report  (Given by Tom Murtha)
a)  Independent Living Day was a success.  We had 68 volunteers and 42 seniors requiring assistance.  Thanks to Board Members assisting and to Kaitlyn Johnson for organizational skills.
b)  Partnership for Success Grant.  We are making great strides with this grant and have received several accolades from the State in regards to the work we are doing.  Biggest hurdle is the database we are required to run.
c)  CCFSA Awards – Congratulations to Steve Meeker (volunteer) and to Mandi Polseno (employee) for jobs well done.
d)  Updated policies to be reviewed and approved by the Board include Record Retention and Destruction, Discharge and Aftercare Procedures, Payment and Cancellation Policy, and Volunteer Policy and Procedure.   A motion was made by Elise Trock, seconded by Sheilah Krasnickas, to approve the above policies as written.  The motion passed unanimously.
e)  The Department of Children and Family Services will be visiting our office June 14, 15 and 18 for our license renewal.
f)  Jill Pluto updated our intake form to address recommendations received at a Law & Ethics conference she and Candice attended.  The questions concern whether a client or an individual accompanying client has a court order prohibiting access to youth under 18.
g)  The Donut Dash by Porco Academy will be held the morning of May 26 (prior to the Duck Race).  Proceeds benefit NYFS.  There will be a 5K and a Kids Run.  Registration forms are on the website.  Our new office will be the pit stop for donuts.
4.  Finance and Treasurer’s Report
a)  The 2012-2013 budget, which has been reviewed by the Executive Committee, was sent to Board members prior to the meeting. As there were no questions regarding the budget, a motion was made by Steve Meeker, seconded by Rick Child, to approve the budget as presented.  The motion passed unanimously.
b)  We have about $90,000 in the bank and foresee no major changes in this amount between now and our fiscal year end of June 30. c)  Thanks go to Candice Foster and Eileen Meeker for their budget work. They presented a budget with documentation to support each number rather than “guesstimates.”
5.  Personnel Committee
The following amendment to the bylaws was presented by Rosalie Newman and will be voted on at the annual meeting:  A Board Member must recuse himself/herself if a family member or friend is being discussed in connection with personnel issues at a Board meeting.
6.  Nominating Committee
a) The following slate of officers was presented and will be voted on at the annual meeting:  Chair – Tom Murtha; Vice Chair – Steve Meeker; Treasurer – Dave Moseman; Secretary – Ashley Mele.  
b) Steve Meeker has been the Executive Member at Large this year.  Since he will now be Vice Chair, we need someone else to fill this position.  Rick Child was suggested for Executive at Large, and he agreed to run on the slate.  Additionally, if anyone is interested in one of the Officer Positions, don’t hesitate to contact Steve or Tom.  We are also considering having an Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Secretary to assist and ultimately take over these positions.  Again, interested board members can contact Steve or Tom.
c) Don Ramsey has agreed to join the Nominating Committee to assist in recruitment.
d) We discussed a change in approving new members.  Potential members have already been vetted by Nominating  and have met with the Chairman. When they attend the Board meeting, rather than have them return for the next meeting for voting, we are discussing voting during the first meeting (sending them out during the voting process).  A resolution for this procedural change will be drawn up for the June meeting.
7.   Fundraising Committee
a)  Road Race.  Letters have been sent out to prior sponsors asking if they can help again this year.  We already have a commitment from Newtown Prevention Council for $10,000. for the Kids Run as well as an additional $8,000+ in donations.
b) Holiday Festival. At the first committee meeting, it was decided to expand the area of the house tours to get more houses.  Other improvements were discussed.  Candice and Eileen will be producing a list of potential sponsors who do not contribute to the Road Race and start making contacts with them for the Festival.  The Board discussed other ways to “jazz up” the Festival and each Board member will bring 3 suggestions to the next meeting.

7.  Old Business
8.  New Business
In order to satisfy our software system protocols, the Board has reviewed our records and has established that Beth Agen resigned as Executive Director effective February 18, 2011; that Jessi Zeigler served as Interim Executive Director until June 20, 2011; and that  Candice Foster was appointed Executive Director on June 20, 2011.
9. Adjournment
A motion was made by Dave Moseman, seconded by Elise Trock, to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 PM.  The motion passed unanimously.

The next meeting will be held at the Community Room of the C.H. Booth Library on June 25, 2012 at 5:45 PM and will be the annual meeting

Respectfully submitted by,
        Layne Lescault, Secretary