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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Business Meeting January 24, 2011 - 6:30 PM

Members Present: Susan Improta, Layne Lescault, Paul Mangiafico, Cindy McIntyre, Steve Meeker, Ashley Mele, Tom Murtha, Rosalie Newman, Ron Pekrul, Leonard Penna, Denise Rodriguez, Jim Solomon
Members Not Present: Maureen Birden, Diane Savinelli

Staff Members Present: Beth Agen

 1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm on January 24, 2011 by Tom Murtha in the upstairs meeting room at 17 Church Hill Road.
        a) Roll Call- The roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
b) Approval of November 2010 Minutes - Motion made by Jim Solomon to approve minutes and seconded by Paul Mangiafico. Motion passed unanimously.

 2. Chairman’s Report
          a) Tom Murtha discussed findings from the review of 5 alternative locations; now is not              the right time to buy a new building. Possible lease of FFH buildings is still being                    explored and will be discussed by Selectman Pat Llodra at the next board meeting.                       Board members will have another opportunity to visit facility.      
          b) Staff move from Mount Pleasant facility will be completed by March 1.
          c) Tom discussed health insurance savings to be moved to the contingency fund.
                 d) Another staff breakfast will be scheduled in mid-March.
          e) Tom discussed ongoing “Making Things Happen” campaign and asked for 100%                  board member support.

          3.  Executive Director’s Report - See attachment Executive Director’s Report January, 2011.
 a) Clinical sessions down .35% and supportive program hours down 11% from last year with only one less employee.
 b) Speaker for the Perseverance breakfast is still open; date has been moved out.   
  c) Staff is working on the 3/1 consolidation and remains positive.
  d) Budget process continues and moves to Board of Finance next.
  e) Beth discussed staff changes and training opportunities.

  4. Treasurer’s Report - See attachment titled Treasurers Report for January 2011
          a) Ron Pekrul discussed grant income and contributions support are down from last year. Net income from Holiday Festival and Annual Appeal are both up from last year.   

5. Reports of Committees
          a) Executive/Governance (Policy and Procedure) – no report
          b) Personnel – Discussion of one employee with an excellent review.
          c) Finance – see Treasurer’s Report.
          d) Development and Fundraising – Layne Lescault has stepped down from the committee; new members are needed. New fundraisers such as a circus will be discussed at next meeting.
          e) Long-Range Planning – no report
          f) Audit – no report
          g) Continuous Quality Improvement – no report
          h) Facilities – see above.

6. Old Business - None

7. New Business - None

8. Adjournment
        At 7:32 pm motion made by Ron Pekrul and seconded by Susan Improta to adjourn meeting. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Denise Rodriguez January 25, 2011