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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Business Meeting November 22, 2010 - 6:30 PM

Members Present: Maureen Birden, Susan Improta, Layne Lescault, Paul Mangiafico, Steve Meeker, Tom Murtha, Rosalie Newman, Leonard Penna, Denise Rodriguez
Members Not Present: Cindy McIntyre, Ashley Mele, Ron Pekrul, Diane Savinelli, Jim Solomon

Staff Members Present: Beth Agen, Jill Pluta, Sheila Russo, Jessi Zeigler

 1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm on November 22, 2010 by Tom Murtha in the downstairs meeting room at 17 Church Hill Road.
        a) Roll Call- The roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
b) Approval of October 2010 Minutes - Motion made by Susan Improta to approve minutes and seconded by Paul Mangiafico. Motion passed unanimously.

 2. Chairman’s Report
a) Tom Murtha discussed consolidation of operations to 17 Church Hill by February 1,            2011. Tom and Beth have visited two alternative locations and are exploring the possibility of our buying a building large enough to house all operations.   Motion was made by Rosalie Newman to further explore options. Motion was seconded by Paul Mangiafico and passed unanimously.    
          b) Budget – see Treasurer’s report
          c) Tom recommended possible changes to the current committee structure.
                 d) Ways of easing the transition for staff were discussed.

          3.  Executive Director’s Report
  a) Behavioral Health and Supportive program hours were strong with only minimal changes from last year.
 b) Discussed recent CCFSA retreat and CCFSA grant.   
  c) Announced a new Community Service Resource Book.
 d) Beth discussed RFP for Behavioral Health and Homework Club funding.
  e) “Making Things Possible” campaign to include mailing, video snip-its, T-shirts.  

  4. Treasurer’s Report - See attachment titled Treasurers Report for October 2010
          a) In Ron Pekrul’s absence, Tom Murtha discussed the revised budget with more realistic         reporting of behavioral health payments. Motion was made by Steve Meeker to approve the revised budget; seconded by Layne Lescault; approved unanimously by the Board.

5. Reports of Committees
a) Executive/Governance (Policy and Procedure) – Motion made by Layne Lescault to affirm NYFS has Non-Discrimination and Anti-Terrorism policies; seconded by Paul Mangiafico; passed unanimously.   
b) Personnel – Motion made by Layne Lescault to approve the amendments to Supervision and Credentialing; seconded by Maureen Birden; passed unanimously. Discussion followed about grammatical errors in documents. Layne Lescault revised motion to approve the amendments with above changes; seconded by Maureen Birden; passed unanimously. Document is to be revised by Susan Improta within two weeks.     
          c) Finance – no report.
          d) Development and Fundraising - Holiday Festival fundraising is on goal and slightly above last year. Board members were asked to help sell tickets. The second annual Perseverance Breakfast was discussed. New fundraisers will be discussed at next meeting.
          e) Long-Range Planning – new facility discussed above.
          f) Audit – no report
          g) Continuous Quality Improvement – no report
          h) Facilities – see above.

6. Old Business - None

7. New Business - None

8. Adjournment
        At 7:40 pm motion made by Steve Meeker and seconded by Susan Improta to adjourn meeting. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Denise Rodriguez November 23, 2010