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Last Updated: 2010/5/28
Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Meeting May 24, 2010 - 6:30 PM

Members Present: Layne Lescault,  Maureen Birden, Cindy McIntyre, Ron Pekrul, Tom Murtha,
Leonard Penna, Denise Rodriguez, Ashley Mele, Rosalie Newman, Joan Piscitelli,  Susan Improta, Shay Carmichael, Diane Savinelli.                                                                                
Members Not Present: Jim Whitley, Aileen Nosal, Jim Solomon

Staff Members Present: Joan Bird, Beth Agen, Jessi Zeigler

1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm on May 24, 2010 by Layne Lescault in the upstairs meeting room at 17 Church Hill Road.
        a)Roll Call- the roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
b)Approval of April 2010 Minutes - Motion made by Tom Murtha to approve the minutes from April.  Motion seconded by Ron Pekrul and passed unanimously.  

         2. Chairman’s Report
        Layne Lescault thanked everyone for their support during her time as Chairman.  

3.  Executive Director’s  Report -
        a) Annual Awards - Gail Smith Award to go to the Newtown Road Race Committee
        H.D. Bassett Award to go to Associated Refuse, the Employee Award is to go to Laurie Peffers, and the Youth Award is to go to Devin Sapelli
        b) Behavioral Health sessions up 12% for month but down 2% for year.
        c) Employee paid time off - Staff has not used much of their personal time.
        d) Yearly review of clinical policies and procedures. Only change is to the Ohio Procedure where the scale has been changed so change how it is applied.
        e) Town youth wrote essays on how to make the world a better place. Beth Agen read one.

5. Treasurers Report - See attachment titled Treasurers Report for the Ten Month Period July - April 2010
 6. Reports of Committees
                a) Executive/Governance/Personnel
         Bylaw revision discussion - Beth Agen suggests that Mission Statement be revised. Mission to read “Newtown Youth and Family Services, Inc. is dedicated to helping children and families achieve their highest potential regardless of ability to pay.”
b) Finance Committee -
        1) Need to expand size of Board to 17.
        2) Draft budget to be presented to the Board for approval next month.

c) Development and Fundraising -
        Little Sweetheart Ball to be cancelled due to lack of interest.
d) Long Range Planning - no report      
e) Audit and Quality Improvement -
        Out to bid. Got one back and waiting on others.
        f) Facilities - no report
        g) Nominating Committee -
        Slate for executive committee next year -
        Tom Murtha - Chair
        Susan Improta - Vice Chair
        Ron Pekrul - Treasurer
        Layne Lescault - Secretary
7. Old Business - None
8. New Business - None
9. Adjournment
        7:25 pm motion made by Cindy McIntyre and seconded by Tom Murtha to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Diane Savinelli May 26, 2010