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Treasurer Rpt
Newtown Youth and Family Services, Inc.
Treasurers Report
For the period July-December 2009

The year to date Profit & Loss report ending December 31, 2009 shows a profit of $4,788 for the first six months of the fiscal year. This is a favorable outcome compared to the budgeted loss of ($2,457).  The month of November showed a loss of $6,669 however the month of December showed a profit of $302.  
Income       Year to Date - Compared to Budget under $4400
  • Contributed support is slightly over budget, annual fund drive total thru 12/31/09 is$6,366.
  • Grant income remained steady and slightly ahead of budget.        
  • Earned revenues are under budget in both behavioral health and positive asset development
Expense       Year to Date   - Compared to Budget under $11,644
  • Most expense categories are under budget for the first six months
  • Salaries and related expenses  is slightly over $2702  relates to medical director as employee
Special Events Breakdown   
                       TOTAL            Road Race       Holiday Festival                Trinity Concert         
      Income          79,819                42,060                     20,109                         17,650
      Expense    (29,938)            (13,793)                      (5,224)                            (10,921)
      Net                49,881                  28,267                                14,885                                 6,729
      Budget           46,400                 21,000                        15,000                                10,400

Cash Position as of December 31, 2009
  • Total of Operating Accounts                                    $   2,761
  •  Total of Savings & Short Term Investment  Accounts             $ 46,340
$ 49,101
  • Total of Restricted Account                                     $  17,476
                                                                                                        $ 66,576

The credit line was used from 12/31/09 thru 01/14/2010.  On 01/15/10 the line was paid in full and the balance is currently  0.00.