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Last Updated: 2010/1/28
Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Meeting January 25, 2010- 6:30 PM

Members Present: Ron Pekrul, Cindy McIntyre, Rosalie Newman, Jim Whitley, Aileen Nosal, Susan Improta, Layne Lescault,  Leonard Penna (Police Department), Jim Solomon
Members Not Present: Maureen Birden, Shay Carmichael, Joan Piscatelli, Diane Savinelli, Jim Solomon
Staff Members Present: Beth Agen, Joan Bird
Guest:  Ashley Mele, Student Representative, Youth Advisory Board

1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm on January 25, 2010 by Layne Lescault in the downstairs meeting room at 17 Church Hill Road.
        a) Roll Call- the roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
b) Approval of November 2009 Minutes – Layne Lescault noted that the Grievance Procedures were misstated in Item 2(b).  Any grievance that makes its way to a Board Member should be referred to the Board Chair, who in turn, will refer it to the appropriate Board Committee for handling.  Tom Murtha noted that the person being grieved should get a copy of the grievance.  Motion to approve minutes as amended made by Tom Murtha, seconded by Jim Whitley.  Motion passed unanimously.

2. Chairman’s Report
a) Shay Carmichael will be resigning at the end of the current board term due to conflicts with board meetings dates but will remain an outside volunteer.                              
b) Bylaw update:  The bylaw committee continues to work on the revisions.  A draft version will be distributed at the April board meeting and final amendments will be discussed at the May meeting.  A vote on the proposed changes will be taken at the June Annual Meeting.
        c) Upcoming fund raising events will require board help.  These events include Mike Porco’s Donut Dash, the March Perseverance Breakfast, Independent Living Day in April and the Sweetheart Ball in June.
3.  Executive Director’s Report – See attachment titled Executive Directors Report January 25, 2010
a) Beth expanded on the Chair’s comments regarding board help at fundraising events.
b) Thanks were offered to Jim Morley and Joe Humeston for their support for the Concert Society Chamber Orchestra event.
c)  The Town will no longer provide telephone service to 17 Church Hill Road as of March 1, 2010.  This will cost NYFS an additional $200 per month approximately.
d) Board members are asked to attend the Budget Meeting Thursday January 28th, 7:00 pm, at the Senior Center.  
e) IBM employees increased their pledges to NYFS to $11,000 in 2010, up from $8,000 in 2009.
f) The new clinical director will start on February 15, 2010.
g) In reviewing monthly statistics, Beth pointed out that we are seeing more kids in support groups because they are free.  Community needs shot up during the month of December. We have plans in process to address waiting list and wait time issues.  Suggestions were made by Ron Pekrul and Rosalie Newman to have roundtable discussion with clinicians and to match a board member with an employee for mentoring/communication purposes.
4. Treasurers Report - See attachment titled Treasurers Report For the Period July-December 2009
5. Reports of Committees
a) Executive/Governance/Personnel – Personnel policies were reviewed by the Executive Director and Personnel Committee.  No changes were made.
        b) Finance Committee – no report
        c) Development and Fundraising – no report
        d) Long Range Planning - no report
        e) Audit and Quality Improvement - no report
        f) Facilities – no report.
g) Nominating Committee – There was discussion of the need to have a student representative on the Board as well as having a board member employed in the educational field.  The nominating committee will be working on these issues in February.

6. Old Business - no old business presented

7. New Business - no new business presented

8. Adjournment
        7:34  pm motion made by Jim Whitley and seconded by Tom Murtha to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Layne Lescault January 25, 2010.