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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Meeting November 23, 2009- 6:30 PM

Members Present: Ron Pekrul, Joan Piscatelli, Rosalie Newman, Maureen Birden, Jim Whitley, Aileen Nosal, Susan Improta, Layne Lescault,  Leonard Penna (Police Department), Diane Savinelli
Members Not Present: Shay Carmichael, Cindy McIntyre, Tom Murtha, Jim Solomon
Staff Members Present: Joan Bird

1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm on November 23, 2009 by Layne Lescault in the downstairs meeting room at 17 Church Hill Road.
        a)Roll Call- the roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
b)Approval of October 2009 Minutes - Motion made by Joan Piscatelli and seconded by Jim Whitley to approve the October 2009 minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
c) Trinity Concert - Jessi Zeigler unable to be at meeting. Joan Bird will collect money from ticket sales by Board Members.
2. Chairman’s Report
a)A summary of the Board Consultants report was passed around to the Board.     

           b)Grievance Procedure - If there is a grievance that makes its way to a Board Member                        refer them to the Executive Director.
           c)The Holiday Festival has collected over $9,000 in sponsorship. Need to put up            sandwich boards around town.
3.  Executive Director’s  Report - None
4. Treasurers Report - See attachment titled Treasurers Report For the Period July-October 2009
5. Reports of Committees
        a) Executive/Governance/Personnel
        Going to broaden approach for finding a clinical director
        b) Finance Committee - Met and reviewed financial procedures. Need to do further review and discuss with auditor. Audit to be completed next month. Will be presented to Board in January.
        c) Development and Fundraising
        Discussed selling tickets for both Holiday Concert and Holiday Festival
        d) Long Range Planning - no report
        e) Audit and Quality Improvement - no report
        f) Facilities - Still waiting for contract from Pro Bono Partners. The alarms at 121 Mt. Pleasant are synced.
        g) Nominating Committee - no report6. Old Business - no old business presented
7. New Business - no new business presented

8. Adjournment
        7:18  pm motion made by Joan Piscatell and seconded by Jim Whitley to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Diane Savinelli November 24, 2009.