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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Meeting October 26, 2009- 6:30 PM

Members Present: Maureen Birden, Layne Lescault,  Rosalie Newman, Joan Piscatelli, Leonard Penna (Police Department), Diane Savinelli, Tom Murtha, Jim Solomon, Jim Whitley

Members Not Present: Shay Carmichael, Ron Pekrul, Cindy McIntyre

Staff Members Present:Beth Agen

 Guests Present: Susan Improta, Aileen Nosal, Jim Morley, Joe Humeston, Chris Wolcott, Bill    Brautigam

1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm on October 26, 2009 by Layne Lescault in the downstairs meeting room at 17 Church Hill Road.
        a)Roll Call- the roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
b)Approval of September 2009 Minutes - Motion made by Tom Murtha and seconded by Jim Solomon to approve the September 2009 minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
c) Trinity Concert - Jim Morley and Joe Humeston discuss selling tickets for the December Concert at Trinity. Board responsible for selling tickets. There are 275 seats available.
2. Chairman’s Report
        Board Consultants present and will give presentation later.
        By-Laws will be going back to Pro-Bono Partners. Presentation to Board possibly at the next Board Meeting.
3.  Executive Director’s  Report - Beth Agen
        See attachment titled Executive Director’s Report, October 26, 2009.
4. Treasurers Report - See attachment titled Summarized Profit Loss to Budget July - September 2009
5. Reports of Committees
        a) Executive/Governance/Personnel
        The Personnel Committee met on October 12. Minor changes to job descriptions.
        b) Finance Committee - Need to increase Agency income. Fundraisers important.
        c) Development and Fundraising
        Actively working on the Holiday Festival. Agency can take credit cards for Concert and Holiday Festival tickets or online with Paypal through website.
        d) Long Range Planning - no report
        e) Audit and Quality Improvement -
        Tomorrow (10/27/09) last day onsite for audit.
        f) Facilities -
        Still working with Pro-Bono Partners on lease for 121 Mt. Pleasant. Waiting for paperwork to come back.
        Another bid for retrofitting other part of 121 Mt. Pleasant came in with a number significantly less than last bid. Looking for funds to pay for in so can move forward. Consolidating Facilities document. Looking to presenting it to the Board at the November meeting.
        g) Nominating Committee
        Motion made by Joan Piscatelli to accept the nominations of Susan Improta and Aileen Nosal to the Board. Motion seconded by Jim Whitley and passed unanimously by the Board.
6. Old Business
        Final report given by Board Consultants. Board has made strides in more strategic in approach to organizational management. Need to continue in same direction. 
7. New Business - no new business presented
8. Adjournment
        8:13 pm motion made by Tom Murtha and seconded by Rosalie Newman to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Diane Savinelli October 27, 2009.