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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Meeting May 18, 2009

Meeting called to order by Layne @ 6:35 pm.

Members Present:
Layne  Lescault,  Maureen Birden, Matthew Wastava, Rosalie Newman, Cindy McIntyre, Beth Agen, Ron Pekrul, Leonard Penna, Joan Piscitelli

Staff Members Present: Beth Agen

Meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm on May 18, 2009 by Layne Lescault in the meeting room of Newtown Youth and Family Services at 17 Church Hill Road,
Roll Call: The roll of Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.

Motion was made Rosalie Newman seconded by Maureen Birden to accept the minutes of April 27, 2009 passed unanimously.

Chair Report:
Strategic planning is still in process of meetings. Much thought and discussion put forth as to best plan and meeting with Consultants to continue. By week end of 1 June 2009 a plan to be put forth.

Sub-committee Finance to meet Wednesday 20 June at 1:00 pm. At Newtown Youth and Family, Church Hill Road.

Nomination Committee to meet at convenience of committee but prior to (22 June, 2009) to put forth a slate of officers.
Maureen Birden, Layne Lescault, Jim Whitely will return
Matthew Hastava was thanked for his service and involvement and will not be returning.

June 22, 2009 Annual Board of Directors meeting at Booth Library
Slate of officers presented at that time
Business meeting 6:30 pm
Annual Meeting 7:30 pm
Appointment of new board member:  Cindy McIntyre nominated Joan Piscitelli for board position seconded by Layne Lescault vote: unanimous

Executive Director’s Report: see attachment

Newtown Youth and Family Services has completed the self-study for the Council on Accreditation. An accreditation team will conduct a site visit the week of July 27th. A Preliminary Commission Report will be issued by the Council in September of 2009 with a final decision in December of 2009. The staff has been working on the accreditation process since April of 2008.

Discussion on 121 Mt. Pleasant as landlord has made the rest of building available. See attachment

Layne suggested there be a grounds and facilities chair: Joan Piscitelli nominated by Layne Lescault seconded by Maureen Birden approved unanimously.

Joan will speak with landlord of 121 Mt. Pleasant and report back to board at 22 June 2009 meeting.

Beth will speak with landlord of  17Church Hill Road on 3% increase that is up and coming.

A certified letter will be sent if there is no luck in  phone conversation by Beth and/or Layne by week end of 18 May 2009.

Personnel Committee did not meet

Ron Pekrul presented budget see attachment

Joan is working on budget for next year will be presented at 22 June 2009 meeting.

New Business:
Development and Fund Raising:
Maureen and Cindy are in the process of planning new activities.

Discussion ensued as to liquor at planned events three options were put forth:
Option 1:
Hold events at establishments with liquor licenses. Incur rise in cost in ticket price
Option 2:
Hold events at various venues and bye insurance to allow BYOB.
Option 3: No liquor at all.

Option 1 was chosen by consensus.

Old Business:

June Family Portrait Day: Father’s Day weekend. To be held at The Pleasance.

Conflict of Interest Policy:

Cindy McIntyre, photographer/board member donates 100% of sitting fees of pictures taken. Cindy absorbs remainder of costs printing etc.
 Pictures with Santa from Holiday Festival $15 sitting fee family received print for $15 and no other picture were ordered.

Cindy only receives money if people follow-up with orders after the event.

Layne motioned that photography fundraisers  benefiting NYFS shall continue as there is no conflict.
Matt seconded
Cindy recused herself
Passed unanimously

Any future advertising to be released to shall go to Beth for approval.

Motion made by Cindy to adjourn seconded by Rosalie meeting adjourned 8:05 pm

Respectfully submitted
Joan H. Piscitelli