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Treasurer's Rpt
Newtown Youth and Family Services, Inc.
Treasurers Report
For the period July 08 – March 09

Overall the P & L shows a loss of $95,475 for the fiscal year period (July 2008 thru March 2009).  The projected budgeted loss was $8,482 so we are off budget by $86,993.  As in previous months, lack of revenue continues to be the prevalent contributing factor.  
 Revenue is under budget $139,560 and expenses are also under budget $52,567 showing the net of $86,993.  
Proceeds to date from March Annual Appeal mailing are $1,410.  Proceeds from Women Night Out Event $1,786.
Income – Under Budget $139,560
Contributed Support – In Kind-Employee Benefits lower than expected, also reflected on expense side
Corporate/Business Grants deficit due largely to corporate foundation changing funding cycle, unable to apply this fiscal year as budgeted.
Grant income - Lower grant income, offset by equally lower grant expenses
Earned Income – Behavioral Health – the difference from budget for the behavioral health program for the ninth month period July to Mar 09 was $19,989. We continue to monitor the number of clients served, the amount of income generated and the number of uninsured clients.
Program Service Fees – Continue to try to increase participation in income generating groups.
Expense- Under Budget $ 52,567   
Grant & contract expense - Lower Grant Expenses equally shown by lower grant income
Salaries & related expenses - under $65,640 continue to be further under budget thru the eight month period
Other Personnel expenses - over budget due to use of temporary help and recruitment expenses
Travel & meetings expenses – please note, travel expenses related to grants now appears in line 7000 Grant Expense
Cash Position as of March, 2009
1.       Total of Operating Accounts                                    $  4,904
2.       Total of Savings & Short Term Investment  Accounts             $ 98,270
3.      Total of Restricted Account                                     $  23,607