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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Meeting April 27, 2009- 6:30 PM

Members Present: Shay Carmichael, Maureen Birden, Jim Whitley, Layne Lescault, Rosalie Newman, Ron Pekrul, Jim Solomon, Len Penna, Cindy McIntyre,

Members Not Present: Tom Murtha, Matthew Hastava and Diane Savinelli

Staff Members Present: Beth Agen and Joan Bird

Guest Present:  Joan Piscitelli

1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm on April 27, 2009 by Layne Lescault in the meeting room of Newtown Youth and Family Services at 17 Church Hill Road.
        a) Roll Call- the roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
B) Approval of March 2009 Minutes - Motion made by Ron Pekrul to approve the March 2009 minutes, seconded by Jim Whitley and passed unanimously by the Board.  Vote to accept minutes passed unanimously.

2. Chairman’s Report
        Steering committee held first meeting with board consultants regarding strategic planning for the short term.  Committee consists of Layne Lescault, Shay Carmichael, Jim Solomon, Ron Pekrul, Diane Savinelli, Beth Agen, Joan Bird and Judy O’Callaghan.  Committee divided into 2 sub-committees – strategy and finance.  Committee to focus facets of business – what is most important and matches our mission and how to perform more efficiently.  Working to develop plan and budget for June Annual Meeting.
        Since the May meeting will fall on Memorial Day, we will hold it one week earlier – May 18 at 6:30 pm.
        There was a discussion regarding moving the meeting time back to 7:00 but the consensus was to keep it at 6:30.
        A gift was presented to Brian Agen to thank him for the work he has performed on our facilities.

3.  Executive Director’s Report - Beth Agen
        See attachment titled Executive Director’s Report, April 27, 2009.

4.  Reports of Committees
        a) Executive/Governance (Policy and Procedure)
·       Personnel Committee met April 9.
·        Discussed pending policy evaluations.
·       Discussed use of staff for fund raisers.  Employees not permitted to work on fund raisers unless 100% of proceeds go to NYFS (i.e., Porco’s Donut Dash).  If another individual or business gets benefit from fundraiser, no staff help allowed.
·       Staff involvement permitted in Road Race and Holiday Festival, because they are “official” agency fund raisers.
·       Job Bank purpose is to find paid employment for youths 14-18, not to obtain volunteers for NYFS or other non-profit functions.
·       Looking to control costs with regards to personnel costs.
·       Reviewed 2009-2010 personnel budget.

        b) Finance
        See attachment titled Treasurer’s Report for the Period July 08 - March 09.
        c) Development and Fundraising
·       Ladies Night Out on April 3 was a success, 64 women attended, consensus was to hold quarterly.
·       Prom Photos expected to generate $300-$400 for NYFS.
·       Family Portrait Day will be held Father’s Day weekend.
·       New event – Touch a Truck - $20 per family.  Invite businesses/people with different kinds of trucks and allow kids to play on them.  Possible to hold it at Treadwell Park with a concession stand.  (Canine Advocates held a successful one).
·       Halloween Party for Adults.  Must look into a facility with a liquor license as NYFS cannot afford to pay liquor insurance or to assume liability for intoxicated drinkers.  The liquor liability insurance for the Ladies Night Out was donated, so it didn’t cost us anything.  Possible venues include The Stone Barn, Stony Hill Inn, Capilero’s Grove.
        d) Long-Range Planning
        Long Range Ideas presented by Jim Solomon:
·       Shorten mission statement to make distinctive and memorable.
·       Update brochure to be less time sensitive
·       Billboard ads – get public to think
·       Collaborate with other agencies to raise “healthy” children.
·       Collaborate with Board of Education on “bullying” issues.
·       Permanent representation on Board of Directors for certain occupations.
·       Screening process for future Directors.
·       Measurement of programs/effective and efficient and fulfilling mission.
·       Emphasize that all individuals are part of greater family.

        e) Audit and Quality Improvement
        Nothing to report

        f) Facilities
Fire Marshall has inspected and approved both buildings.

5) Old Business
6) New Business
Joan Piscitelli was introduced to the Board as a potential new member.  She has a strong background in education (holds a BS in Ed).  Has been a teacher/coach and has served as PTA President at NHS.  Is Co-Chair with Beth Agen of Newtown Prevention Council.  As a Newcomer, worked on Holiday Festival, which was her introduction to NYFS.

7)  Adjournment
        8:10 pm motion to adjourn made by Jim Solomon. The motion was seconded by Ron Pekrul and the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Layne Lescault April 29, 2009.