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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Meeting February 23, 2009- 6:30 PM

Members Present: Tom Murtha, Layne Lescault, Ron Pekrul, Jim Solomon, Rosalie Newman, Cindy McIntyre, Maureen Birden, Jim Whitley and Diane Savinelli.

Members Not Present:Leonard Penna (NPD), Matthew Hastava and Shay Carmichael.

Staff Members Present:Beth Agen and Joan Bird

1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 6:37 pm on February 23, 2009 by Layne Lescault in the meeting room of Newtown Youth and Family Services at 17 Church Hill Road.
        a)Roll Call- the roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
        b)Approval of January 2009 Minutes - Motion made by Ron Pekrul to approve the January 2009 minutes, seconded by Tom Murtha and passed unanimously by the Board.
        Vote to accept minutes passed unanimously.

2. Chairman’s Report
        Discussion of financial report and the need to raise more money for the Agency.
        Need to appoint Ad Hoc nominating committee for the Board.

3.  Executive Director’s  Report - Beth Agen
        Handout distributed to the Board titled Executive Director’s Report, February 23, 2009.
        Agency has received good press for the Random Acts of Kindness and new groups.
        Have met with Steve Meekere about the Road Race. Received an anonymous donation of $1,000.
        Mike Porco will be doing his second annual “Donut Dash” in March to raise money for the Agency.
        Have applied for two grants - Fairfield Community Foundation ($2,000 for Independent Living Day) and Bishops Fund For Children ($5,000 for Behavioral Health). Have reviewed another 80 private foundation guidelines of which 57 the Agency did not meet the criteria for and 23 are on the list to approach.
        COA Questionnaires have been distributed to the Board and Staff.
        United Way of Western Connecticut funding for $25,000. Presentation for mentoring programs to prevent underage drinking. Date 3/3/09 at 10:30 am. Location: United Way, 85 West Street, Danbury.
        United Way of Western Connecticut funding for $60,000. Presentation for the Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse programs. Date: 3/17/09 at 8:45 am. Location: United Way, 85 West Street, Danbury.
        Tom Foster, LSCW, will begin per diem work for the agency next month.
        Presented chart showing changes in sessions from last year to this for the months of July through January with a percentage increase of 22.03%.
        Three new programs started in January: The Me after Wee (Divorce Support Group), CHAOS (Adolescent Support Abuse Support Group), Women Empowering Women (Women’s Support Group). An additional 16 people per week served by these groups.
        Met with Diane Sherlock, Principal of the Middle School, about starting another after school program. She will take the program plan to the guidance team at the school. Another 8 to 10 kids will be served per week.

4.  Reports of Committees
        a) Executive/Governance (Policy and Procedure)
        Personnel committee have Executive Director job description.
        Want to encourage more Board and Staff interaction. Suggestions were made as to how to go about having more interaction.
        Special Committee on Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. Will refile with the State after making sure the documents agree.
        b) Finance
        Committee presented the Board with a document titled Treasurer’s Report for the Period July 08 - January 09.
        Overall the P&L shows a loss of $66,476 for the fiscal year period (July 2008 through January 2009). The projected budgeted loss was $12,592 so the agency is of budget by $53,884. The same period last year showed a loss of $108,754. As reported last month, some of the reasons for the loss include; 1) Unrealized $12K corporate grant when funding period changed; 2) More uninsured clinical patients and fewer psychiatrist sessions accounting for the loss revenue in Behavioral Health.
        Discussion was had about the cash position of the Agency as of January 31, 2009. More specifically the Restricted Account totalling $23,497 was discussed. This account represents Caroline’s Gift and is less restricted on a case-by-case basis.
        c) Development and Fundraising
        The committee presented a list of suggestions for fundraising for each month of the year.
The suggestions that were discussed by the Board included the following: Superbowl Party; Sweetheart Dance (couples or father/daughter); some sort of event for Mothers/Sons; dog day (including possibly a dog parade and show); bike day; halloween party; winter festival; raffle; girl’s night out (this event is in the works and set to take place in the next couple of months).
        d) Long-Range Planning
        e) Audit and Quality Improvement
        The audit will most likely be presented next meeting.
        f) Facilities
No committee at this point. Need someone to review the facilities policy and procedure.
Diane Savinelli will do this review.

5) Unfinished Business
        Recommendations of NESC Board Consultants. The money to do the final phase has been budgeted for. Will let them know that the Agency is going forward.

6) New Business
Appointment of Ad Hoc nominating committee. Jim Solomon and Diane Savinelli appointed.

7)  Adjournment
        8:40 pm motion to adjourn made by Ron Pekrul. The motion was seconded by Jim Whitley and the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Diane Savinelli February 27, 2009.