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11-24-08 Amended
Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Meeting November 24, 2008- 6:00 PM

Members Present: Tom Murtha, Layne Lescault, Ron Pekrul, Jim Solomon, Rosalie Newman, Cindy McIntyre, Leonard Penna (NPD), Maureen Birden, Shay Carmichael (arrived at 6:25pm) and Diane Savinelli.

Members Not Present: Arlene Spoonfeather, Matthew Hastava and Jim Whitley

Staff Members Present:Beth Agen

1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 6:06 pm on November 24, 2008 by Layne Lescault in the meeting room of Newtown Youth and Family Services at 17 Church Hill Road.
        a)Roll Call- the roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
        b)Approval of October 2008 Minutes - a motion was made by Tom Murtha to approve the minutes from October 27, 2008. Discussion of minutes. Minutes to be amended as follows: 9. Went into executive session, and add 9a Came out of executive session- Motion made to give Chris Gardner a copy of the Grievance written by Beth Agen and the response made by Rosalie Newman and Layne Lescault. Motion made by Tom Murtha, seconded by Jim Whitley and passed unanimously by the Board.
        Vote to accept minutes as amended passed unanimously.

2. Chairman’s Report
        Bob Mitchell has resigned from the Board of Directors effective November 1, 2008. Board will recognize both Bob Mitchell and Chris Gardner at the annual meeting in the spring. Layne met with consultants about Phase II of Board Development.
        The Holiday Festival will take place on December 7, 2008. Donations down about $2000 this year.

3.  Executive Director’s  Report - Beth Agen
        Beth Agen distributed a packet of materials including the Executive Director’s Report of November 24, 2008.
        Thank you to the Board Members who attended the coffee and conversation hosted by the staff (Layne Lescault, Ron Pekrul, Jim Whitley and Rosalie Newman). The feedback was appreciated.
        The United Way of Western Connecticut accepted the letter of intent from NYFS for the- 2009-2011 fiscal year. The full proposals are due on January 7th.
        NYFS submitted a request to the Town of Newtown for the 2009-2010 fiscal year which is the same as the current fiscal year at $270,000.
        NYFS is applying for $125,000 from the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) for Supported Education services. Services will provide assistance, support and coaching needed to facilitate the access, participation and completion of academic or technical courses needed for employment in an array of educational situations including, but not
limited to, community colleges, universities, adult education (e.g. GED, ESL, computer literacy) and technical training schools. The application is due January 8, 2009.
        On December 18th clinical staff will participate in an in service on office-based treatment for opioid dependency. This is the second to last step needed before offering this substance abuse treatment service. The final step will be working with Dr. Ovanessian to document clinical procedures and the overall program plan.
        Behavioral health clients served are up 15% YTD versus the previous fiscal year.
        Over the Christmas break NYFS will be hosting a double-eliminaton Guitar Hero competition for 7th to 12th graders.
        The second eight week cycles of Children of Divorce and Sib Shops has seen double enrollment for the initial eight week cycle.

4.  Finance and Treasurer’s Report - Ron Pekrul
        Handout distributed to the Board titled Treasurers Report For the Period July 08 - October 08.
        Overall the Profit and Loss shows a loss of $21,278 for the first four months of the fiscal year (July through October 2008). The projected budgeted loss was $20,307 so we are off budget by $971.
        Amended 1/09: The Board voted and approved the finance committee establishing a line of credit in the amount of $50,000 with Newtown Savings Bank. Moved: Matt Hastava; Seconded: Ron Pekrul; Passed: Unanimously.

5. Reports of Committees
        a)Executive/Governance (Policy and Procedure)/Personnel - Layne Lescault, Rosalie Newman and Diane Savinelli. Will be working on a job description for Beth Agen.
        b)Finance - see #4 above
        c)Development and Fundraising- committee has not met yet.
        d)Long Range Planning - has not met yet.
        e)Audit and Quality Improvement- Audit has begun
        f)Facilities - committee included Bob Mitchell so need to find another member. The building next door will not work because of the parking.
6. Unfinished Business - None discussed

7. New Business
        a)Strategic Plan- draft of strategic plan handed out for discussion. Tom Murtha moves to approve the strategic plan as presented. The motion is seconded by Ron Pekrul and passed unanimously.
        b)Posting of NYFS meeting agendas and minutes - Discussion of Public Act 08-03.
        Post meeting dates with the Secretary of State a year in advance. Post agenda of Board meeting with the town 7 days prior to the meeting and post the minutes of the meeting with the town within 7 days after the meeting. If any action is taken at the Board meeting minutes will be submitted to town within 48 hours of the meeting. Notice of special meetings will be posted 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
        c)Status as Fiduciary of the Newtown Prevention Council SAMHSA grant - grant is up for renewal and will expire in October 2009. Discussion of whether NYFS should remain as fiduciary if grant is renewed. Problem with liability of NYFS under grant. Programs under the grant decided on by the Prevention Council. If NYFS was not the fiduciary there would be more office space for NYFS. Supervisory committee of grant could decide where grant should go. Maybe NYFS could remain as fiduciary and changes could be made as to how the funds are handled and the status of employees working on the grant. Beth Agen will address issues with the Supervisory Committee.
        d)Formation of Bylaw Committee - Committee to be formed to review bylaws. Committee to include Shay Carmichael, Layne Lescault and others as needed.    

8.  Adjournment
        7:35 pm motion to adjourn made by Cindy McIntyre. The motion was seconded by Ron Pekrul and the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Diane Savinelli November 24, 2008.