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Employee Safety Committee
October 2, 2013
Newtown Municipal Center

In attendance: Carole Ross, Chairman, Bill Halstead, Rob Sibley, Carol Kochiss and Linda O’Masta of Rose and Kiernan.

Mrs. Ross opened the meeting at 10:00am.

Review of injury reports:       A review of the injury reports took place with 14 reported in the second quarter and 11 reported for the third.  The amounts of injuries were double the normal amount reported.  The majority of these were from the Public Works Department.  None were reported for the Police.  There were 10 sprains/strains which is also above normal for this period.  

Training:    Mrs. Ross reported that Dr. Aaron Coopersmith will conduct a seminar within the next month and the topic will be shoulder and back care.  

Mrs. O’Masta explained to the committee the new OSHA Hazmat requirements and will be forwarding this information.  The training must be completed by December 1st with compliance to the new regulations by June of 2015.  Mrs. O’Masta will contact CIRMA to setup a training session with lead persons for the Town.

Building Inspections:  The committee will conduct a tour of the Municipal Center on January 8th, 2014 which will be the next meeting.    

The next meeting will be held on January 8th, 2014.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am

Carole Ross