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Employee Safety Committee
March 9, 2011 10:00am
Municipal Center – Meeting Room

In attendance: Carole Ross, Chairman, Linda Omasta, Agent from Rose & Kiernan, Carol Kochiss, George Tammaro, Risk Manager from CIRMA

Mrs. Ross opened the meeting at 10:20am.

Review of injury reports:       This quarter 4 accidents were reported.  The members felt this was very good considering the harsh winter we have had.  Mrs. Ross will find out about the YakTracks for the Public Works Department and if they are in use.

Training:       Mrs. Ross reported the 2 seminars conducted by CIRMA, specifically Mr. Tammaro and Mr. Barbera on Workplace Violence and Sexual Harassment were very well attended.  Several department heads commented favorably about them.

Inspections:  An inspection took place by the Deputy Fire Marshal at the Municipal Center.  There were several violations involving the use of extension cords.  These were corrected immediately.  A violation was noted involving a Board of Education Storage room where clearance between the sprinkler deflector and the shelf was not adequate.  Mrs. Ross will find out if that has been corrected.

It was decided to conduct the next inspection at the Senior Center on June 8th and the Public Works Department in September.
Meeting adjourned at 11:50 am

Carole Ross