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Employee Safety Committee
June 9, 2010
Lunch Room – Public Works Department

In attendance: Joe Tani, Co-chairman, Linda Omasta, Bill Halstead, Arlene Miles, Donna Saputo, Joey Barbera from CIRMA.  

Call to order at 10:05am.

Old business:  We are still waiting for the training reports from the different departments.

Review of injury reports:  Joe Tani will update Anthony Capozziello’s report to include that the employee was given further training to prevent the injury from happening in the future.

Training:  There was an annual review of Hazmat awareness given to the Public Works Department and the Parks & Recreation Department in May.  90% of the employees were present.

Building inspections:  A walk through of the Public Works Department was done.  The areas of concern were as follows:

        Outlets in the kitchen need to be GFI protected.

Fire extinguishers need to be checked monthly by personnel.  They are checked by an outside vendor yearly but need to be inspected to make sure the pin is in place and the gauge is green.
Gas cans need to be metal with spark arresters
All containers need to be labeled with their use and contents.
There needs to be a 3 foot cleared area around all electrical boxes.

Having no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:35am.

Arlene Miles, Clerk