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Employee Safety Committee
December 8th, 2010 10:00am
Police Department – Meeting Room

In attendance: Carole Ross, Chairman, Linda Omasta, Agent from Rose & Kiernan, Carol Kochiss, Bob McCulloch, and George Tammaro, Risk Manager from CIRMA

Mrs. Ross opened the meeting at 10:00am.

Review of injury reports:       This quarter 6 accidents were reported.  A discussion took place regarding the various reports and if there was preventive policies in place which could have prevented them.  The committee discussed the possibility for the town to purchase Yaktracks for outside workers in order to prevent slips on ice and snow.  Mrs. Ross will look into that.

Training:       Mr. Tammaro reported that several training sessions will take place in February and March.  Workplace Violence and Sexual Harassment for supervisors and separate workshops will be conducted for the Public Works Department.  He will be looking at our past injuries for other training possibilities.

The inspection of the Police Department/Parks & Recreation and Social Services then took place.  Reports will be filed with the Chief, the Public Works Director and the Fire Marshal.  No serious violations were noted.

The meeting schedule for 2011 will be as follows:  March 9th, June 8th, September 7th and December 7th at 10:00 am – location to be determined at the March meeting depending on inspections.  
Meeting adjourned at 11:03 am

Carole Ross

3 Main Street – Safety Committee Inspection – December 8th, 2010 10am

In attendance:  members of the Safety Committee, Robert McCulloch, Head Maintainer, George Tammaro, Risk Manager CIRMA, Linda O’Masta, agent – Rose & Kiernan.

A full inspection took place in all accessible areas of both levels of the Police, Parks & Recreation and the Social Services Department.

The building passed successfully with one item noted in the electrical room which Mr. Mcculloch will address.  Additional storage is needed in all areas of both levels.

Carole Ross