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Edmond Board of Town Hall Managers
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, July 9, 2013, 7:00 P.M
Mary Hawley Room, Edmond Town Hall
45 Main St., Newtown, CT

Present: James Juliano, Margot Hall, Karen Pierce, Mary Fellows, Marie Smith, Tom Long. Also present: Building Administrator Tom Mahoney. Chairman Juliano called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Public Participation.  None.
Approval of Minutes of June 11, 2013. Upon motion of Ms. Smith, the minutes of the regular meeting of June 11, 2013 were unanimously accepted as presented.
Correspondence. Ms. Pierce printed an email from Flagpole Production Company which will be discussed under executive session. Ms. Pierce said that a person from UConn is writing a book that will include Edmond Town Hall if the Board desires to have it included; she will send the Board the email for their response.
Report by Building Administrator. Irish Dance Classes are moving to Sandy Hook. They were paying $360 a month here and had to move to a different room each month. The AC went down twice in the last two weeks; McKenney was here and said something is tripping the breakers. Mr. Juliano will have an electrical contractor place a meter on the unit to note the usage which will be presented to CL&P so that it can be determined when low voltage is coming into the building. CL&P will fix it if it is peak draw; otherwise the Board of Managers will have to pay for it. Mr. Juliano will train the employees to remove the panel on the roof and reset the breaker. Fire Department was here twice because painting set off the detectors.  Newtown Kindness cancelled their request to rent. Windows will be washed by a contractor.
Report by Chairman. Mr. Juliano reported that the fire escape is the main priority. Atlantic Iron Work Restoration presented three scenarios: #1 for $5,700, #2 for $8,960 which will include scenario one and also replace the treads and would last 25 years and must be cleaned every five years; #3 total replacement of the entire fire escape for $25,860 plus $4,000 for a load test; this last scenario would require a certified engineer approving that this was done properly and approvals by the Fire Marshal. Mr. Juliano recommends Scenario #2. Fire Work Restoration submitted a $19,200 bid to fix the escape plus a load test for $4,000.

Discussion and Approval of monthly bills. Ms. Pierce moved to approve bills totaling $67,367.27 Second by Mrs. Hall and unanimously carried.


Reports on progress of various renovations, installations and/or replacement of                       equipment. Mr. Juliano said that the last coat of paint will be put on the cupola tomorrow. The weathervane will be painted also. The cameras are installed except the last one; the stage is being worked on. We will burn 1/16 of the power that we were burning before the lighting project is completed.

Ms. Fellows noted that the new cameras recorded a wedding in which the historic dishes were used rather than the white dishes that they were supposed to use; the cabinet will be locked from now on. Ms. Fellows said that the dressing rooms and bathrooms are renovated and painted. She donated some new light fixtures for the bathrooms. New AC unit is in the Lower Courtroom. Mr. Juliano said that a carpenter will fix the north side doors. Ms. Fellows said that the Alexandria Room will be painted this weekend.

Basketball hoops – a men’s group has offered to donate $2,000 to buy new hoops. Sports Authority would install them. Ms. Fellows will coordinate this project.

Daily/hourly rental documents. Ms. Hall noted that Attorney Koratash is completing the documents which Ms. Hall will distribute to the Board for their review. He questioned the insurance for short termers. Ms. Pierce noted that some of the renters are not included in the reports. Mr. Long requested that the monthly report indicate “zero dollars” if the renter did not pay for that reporting month. Ms. Pierce suggested that space that is donated to groups be included in the report.

Ms. Pierce noted that the annual inventory needs to be done. Ms. Fellows will report on her list under “New Business.”


Ms. Fellows would like to hire a day crew to clean up the building. The staff will be included. Ms. Pierce moved to authorize Ms. Fellows to hire a crew not to exceed $500 for a purge day on July 25. Second by Ms. Fellows and unanimously carried.

Ms. Pierce moved to approve Atlantic Fire Escape Scenario #2 for restoration and repair in the amount of $8,960 to include a load test for an amount to be determined. Second by Ms. Smith and unanimously carried.

This motion will replace the previously approved motion to spend $25,000 for the project. However, the motion to approve $3,000 to repair the foundation is still in effect.

Ms. Hall and Ms. Pierce are going to the Connecticut State Preservation Office in Hartford to train to apply for an historic grant. This seminar is mandatory in order to apply for this type of grant. The funds of $5,000 to $200,000 must be matched.

Comments from members. Ms. Pierce asked if the water is still coming in by the elevator; Mr. Juliano and Mr. Mahoney reported that it is coming in. Mr. Juliano thinks it is coming in through the storm drains and will have this researched to see if the joint is glued.

Ms. Smith noted that Connecticut Magazine mentioned the Edmond Town Hall and the Farmers’ Market.


Ms. Hall moved to enter executive session at 8:40 p.m. to discuss tenants and personnel matters. Second by Ms. Smith and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk

                        Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers
                                Minutes Executive Session
                                        July 9, 2013

PRESENT: James Juliano, Tom Long, Mary Fellows, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce, Margot Hall

The Board discussed renter matters.

Motion made by Karen Pierce and seconded by Mary Fellows to go out of Executive Session. Motion passed at 9:46 P.M.

The Board did not take any action with regard to the topics discussed.

Motion made by Tom Long and seconded by Karen Pierce to adjourn this meeting.  Motion unanimously passed at 9:47 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Margot S. Hall