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Minutes Special Meeting:  January  19, 2013
Present: Jim Juliano, Margo Hall, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce
Absent: Tom Long, Mary Fellows,Tom Long joined the meeting at 11:00 bringing BOM to quorum

Meeting called to order:  9:30 am
Presentation by Richard Fritzer and Marc Fritzer presenting from Bi- Glass of CT regarding window replacement for ETH. ( Handouts included of past projects, including dame and cost.
  • Window style
  • Job is to work on old windows and make them as energy efficient as newer models.
  • Did the windows for ( list given to BOM)includes
  • Municipal Building
  • Meeting House
  • Need to retain Historic Status
  • Restore Compromised wood
  • Replace single pane glass with double pane glass
  • Completely weather strip windows to eliminate air loss/leakage
  • Fill and insulate weight pockets/sash weights ( cause draft/ great loss of energy) and place the sashes into the windows.
  • Jim Juliano shared that we have a contact in Hamden who is interested in this project that would like to come to a BOM meeting and address grant resources and funding to assist this project.
  • Margot proposed to move out of , Marie Smith seconded.
Motion to move into executive session made by Marie Smith at 10 :45 and seconded by Margot Hall, passed unanimously,
Move to leave executive session, Margot Hall, seconded by Tom Long.
Reviewed  drafts of job descriptions. No votes taken.
Motion made by Tom Long, seconded by Marie Smith Vote to Explore possibility of Greeter for weekend events to direct event traffic. Passed  unanimously.
Move to adjourn made by Tom Long, seconded by Jim Juliano, passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted by Karen C. Pierce, Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers