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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
PRESENT: James Juliano, Margot Hall, Tom Long, Karen Pierce, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows & Building Administrator Tom Mahoney
Public Participation: NA
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Margot Hall, the minutes of October 9, 2012 were approved as revised by the Board.  Seconded by Karen Pierce and unanimously accepted.
Revision: In the minutes under approval of monthly bills it state’s that the Town Hall does not receive city water when in fact it does.
Revised sentence: Aquarian Water also stated that the building has a larger tank but the building does not have a tank because it receives city water.
Correspondence: Mr. Juliano received a retainer agreement from Attorney Korotash to sign saying the Board is accepting him as the attorney.
Serena who is the portfolio manager for the Mary Hawley Funds is looking forward to attending the Board meeting next month as a guest.
Building Administrator’s Report: The carpet has been cleaned in the theater which came out great and cost $200. LA restoration installed the snow guards on the roof, but it was also recommended a second set of snow guards be installed halfway up due to the large area. Mr. Mahoney also talked to Dan Holmes and he is going to do some plantings now and finish the rest in the spring. Received a quote for snow removal from a company located in New Haven in the amount of $250 per visit which entails all the sidewalks and keeping the exits clear. The Board will accept the quote on the basis that the building has to be cleared by 9am. Mr. Mahoney also ordered salt from Newtown Hardware.
Chairman’s Report: Mr. Juliano reported there was a problem with the boiler. The original wiring that came out of the circuit breaker panel going underground through conduit into the controls the wire insulation in the conduit wore off causing it to short out and blow the breaker. Mr. Juliano spoke to the power company to get an estimate on replacing all the bulbs with energy efficient bulbs. Historic Restoration also offered to come out and take a look and assess the building. Mr. Juliano had to hire a new company to paint and do the gold gilding because the prior company could not complete the job.  
Mary Hawley Society: NA
Approval of Monthly Bills: Marie Smith reported on the bills. LA Restoration is listed on the October bill because the invoice needed to be paid within 15 days or receiving. Karen Pierce inquired why there are two line items for CL&P with amounts listed under the ‘total’ column. Ms. Smith is going to speak to Sheila regarding the spreadsheet and ask for clarity on how it reads. The Board is requesting that just the current bills column to be approved be listed on the spreadsheet provided for the Board to avoid confusion. Tom Long inquired about Holmes Fine Gardens and how much the bill represents compared to the contract which is half of what the quote is for the contract. The Board has a $1,400 credit with Continental Concession.
Action on payment of bills: Karen Pierce motioned to accept approval of paying the current monthly bills totaling $22,485.45. Seconded by Mary Fellows and unanimously carried.
Old Business:
Constellation Energy-
Mary Fellows requested the letter from Fred Hurley showing the credit due and who is due partial credit from Constellation Energy.
Backboards & Crew Room/Dressing Room-
The backboards were determined to be vandalized and it needs to be investigated to see who had possession of the gym at the time of the incident. Mr. Mahoney stated that one of the gentlemen using the gym at the time said he went to make a shot and the backboard completely shattered. Mary Fellows reported that she will be completing the crew room and dressing rooms. Unable to order the new rugs at this point because the Board is still tied into their current contract, but Ms. Fellows spoke to Bob Tait about getting a release  by next year in order to order rugs for the Town Hall to maintain themselves.  
Online banking-
Ms. Pierce looked into the online banking and certain paperwork needs to be signed in order to set up an account. Since Mr. Juliano is the chairman he would need to sign the paperwork and set up an account then after that Sheila would be able to have access to check balances.
Mr. Juliano has an issue with the water company because the charge is based on the size of the pipe, and the water company is stating the pipe is 3” when it is actually 2.5”. Mr. Juliano requested someone from the company come out to measure the pipe.
New Business:
Discussion and action re Theater sound and power updates-
Ms. Fellows discussed Phase 1 of the sound and installation. Hayden Bates also has generated roughly $10,000 worth of revenue to put forth towards the project. The power distribution and sound need to be installed together. The sound can be utilized in two ways by using it for the theater and alternate productions because there is no base system and proper power which requires use of a generator. Project is broken down into two phases. Phase one is the power distribution change on stage which is how the power on the stage can be utilized for alternative equipment and Phase two is the new house system which can be used for both the theater and a key system for productions coming in. The total cost for phase one and phase two is $41,000. The Board is going to present the project to the Mary Hawley Society as well to possibly see if they have any input on the project.
Discussion and action re Updates of computer soft/hardware for ETH BOM-
Ms. Pierce discussed how the BOM only has one functional computer and if something was to happen to it there is no back up. The computer software is also outdated and doesn’t serve the functions necessary for the Board. Ms. Pierce discussed possibly purchasing a new computer either it being a laptop or desktop with an updated system while using the old computer as backup. Also, discussed having a backup server off site and could look into AT&T to see what they offer for service. The security of sensitive client and Board information is highly important and need to get a system that meets the needs of what’s required.
Discuss re format of BOM budget for fiscal 2013-2014-
The Board is creating a subcommittee to review the budget for approval consisting of Margot Hall, Marie Smith and Tom Long. The budget is required to show the revenue and the expenditures between building and theater.
Comments: NA
Executive Session: Upon motion of Karen Pierce and seconded by Marie Smith, executive session was entered at 9:11pm for discussion of personal matters and tenants/renters matters, and discussion of restructuring, job descriptions/assignments. At this time the clerk left the meeting.
Mindy Kovack, Clerk
Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers
MINUTES - Executive Session
November 13, 2012

Motion made by Marie Smith and seconded by Karen Pierce to go into Executive Session. Motion unanimously passed
at 9:11 P.M.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows, Tom Long, Karen Pierce, Margot Hall

The Board discussed tenant matters.

Motion made by Tom Long and seconded by Mary Fellows to go out of Executive Session. Motion unanimously passed at 9:45 P.M.

The topic discussed in Executive Session did not necessitate a vote by the Board.

Motion made by Margot Hall and seconded by Marie Smith to adjourn this meeting. Motion unanimously passed at 9:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Margot S., Hall