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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Karen Pierce made a motion to move out of executive session which was seconded by Tom Long, and the meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m.
Present: James Juliano, Margot Hall, Tom Long, Karen Pierce, Marie Smith & Building Administrator Tom Mahoney
Absent: Mary Fellows
Guests: Sheila Torres, the new Board of Managers Secretary.
Public Participation:
Ms. Torres was excited and is anticipating working with the Board of Managers at the Town Hall.
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Margot Hall, the minutes of September 11 & 19, 2012 were approved.  Seconded by Karen Pierce and unanimously accepted.
Correspondence: Mr. Juliano received correspondence from the Hartford Steam Boiler Co. regarding the number two steam boiler which was requested to be cleaned more thoroughly. Mr. Juliano has a discrepancy with the company regarding the inspector stating that the safety valve does not meet the capacity of the new fire power flame boilers that were adapted to the boiler. Mr. Juliano explained that the inspector was measuring at full capacity which was not the case anymore because the theater is no longer heated by the boilers. The inspector is recommending a higher capacity on the valve but questioning the accuracy of the request since replaced the old valve with at least twice the capacity and utilizing less space.
Building Administrator’s Report: Tom Mahoney reported that LA Elevator did the weight test on the old geared elevator and it passed the inspection.
The snow guards on the roof should be installed in roughly two weeks. Received a contract from LA Restoration which was addressed to the Town of Newtown which needed to be corrected to address Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers and resubmitted.
Received three quotes for cleaning the rugs in the theater; Ziggler located in Danbury came in at $471.56, Red Baron located in Newtown $400.50, and Super Clean located in Newtown which was $223.35.
Dan Holmes from Holmes Home and Fine Gardens sent over a proposal which included a contract. The Board needs to review the material and move forward with the process before the planting season is over. Some concern over doing the planting before the roof project is complete to avoid damage to shrubs and possibly push the project until spring. Would need to discuss the technicalities with Mr. Holmes to ensure that the Board is going to go along with the project just need to determine the time frame and what his expectations are.
Received a post card for the grand opening of B.J.’s opening in Brookfield. Mr. Mahoney mentioned to possibly pick up occasional supplies for the theater.
Chairman’s Report: Mr. Juliano inquired about the electric bill and how high the bill is from paying CL&P and TransCanada. Mr. Juliano wants to put a request in to CL&P to come to the Town Hall to give an estimate for switching over all light bulbs to efficiency bulbs. Last year when inquired about the situation the estimated it would cost roughly about $3,200 to come out, but the payback would be roughly 1.5 years.
Tom Long inquired about the Cinema Bind Group that pays for reimbursement for the cost of transferring from the movie projection system the Town Hall currently has to digital. Tom Mahoney called the company and the company is a volunteer group. Company does not do anything with Blu Ray or regular 2D. The only system the company works with is 3D and must use company’s equipment.
The Hartford Steam Boiler Co. would like to open man hole covers on the top of the boilers to see if the new water treatment is going into water.
The cupola was supposed to be started this week but nobody showed up to start the work. Mr. Juliano placed a phone call into the company and is still waiting on a callback. Board needs to discuss whether or not to move forward with the next lowest bidder.
Mary Hawley Society: Working on a presentation for getting a program together for local service groups or entities that might want to sponsor a project.
Approval of Monthly Bills: Marie Smith presented that the payroll for August and September is $43,895.46. August total was $26,313.10 because there were five weeks in the month, and September total was $17,582.38. Paid two months because there was a discrepancy with August but was unable to find the problem but moved forward with payment for both months. The building switched water companies from United Water to Aquarian Water. Ms. Smith requested that Mr. Juliano call Aquarian Water because the bill increased by almost $200. United Water charged the same service fee every moth, Aquarian charge differently every month depending on service. Aquarian Water also stated that the building has a larger tank but the building doesn’t even have a tank because does not receive city water. The basic service is $152.66 but will change according to the size of the tank. Ms. Hall & Ms. Smith purchased a new fridge for $200 which is located upstairs until downstairs is finished, and also purchased a few office supplies from Staples. The building total came to $8,146.81 and the theater total was $10,281.68 which is a total of $18,428.49, and with the payroll included the grand total is $62,323.97.
Action on payment of bills: Tom Long motioned to accept approval of paying bills totaling $62,323.97. Seconded by Karen Pierce and unanimously carried.
Marie Smith is going to request that Sheila not pay Aquarian Water until Mr. Juliano is contacted regarding increase in bill, and will contact Ms. Torres and let her know outcome. Ms. Hall requested that the Board work on balancing the big check book because the auditors request to see records of expenses. Discussed setting up online banking in order to see the bank account activity which would help balance the books. Ms. Pierce will contact bank and look into whether the Board is signed up for online banking and get the information regarding setting up the account online for future use.
Old Business: Mr. Juliano presented on behalf of Mary Fellow’s regarding the backboards that are broken. The backboards do have a five year guarantee which needs to be replaced.
New Business:  
Marie Smith motioned to accept the proposal from Super Clean for $223.35 to clean the theater carpets. Seconded by Tom Long and unanimously carried.
Tom Long discussed how he & Jeanne went back and forth extensively regarding the budget and once Sheila is up to speed to have Sheila take over due to timing issues.
Tom Long motioned that the Board retain the services of attorney Mark Kortash as needed. Seconded by Karen Pierce and unanimously passed.
Comments: Marie Smith shared how received an invitation for the cocktail party for the new company Wind Corporation which was where Neumade used to be located.
Executive Session: Conducted at the beginning of the meeting at 7:00pm.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:06pm by Marie Smith. Seconded by Karen Pierce and unanimously passed.
Mindy Kovack, Clerk

MINUTES - Executive Session


MOTION made by Marie Smith and seconded by Karen Pierce to go into Executive Session.  Motion unanimously passed at 7:05 P.M.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Karen Pierce, Marie Smith, Margot Hall, Tom Long (at 7:50 P.M.) and Attorney Mark Korotash.

ABSENT: Mary Fellows

The Board members interviewed Attorney Korotash for the purpose of retaining him to advise the Board on several pending business matters.

MOTION made by Karen Pierce and seconded by Tom Long to go out of Executive Session.  Motion unanimously passed at 8:10 P.M.


Respectfully submitted,

Margot S. Hall