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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 7:30 P.M., Mary Hawley Room, Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows, Tom Long, Margot Hall

ABSENT:    Karen Pierce

MINUTES: Upon motion and second to the motion approval of the Minutes of July 10, 2012 meting was tabled. Motion unanimously passed.


REPORT by Building Administrator: Tom Mahoney reported that Sam is back from vacation and that the scheduling of maintenance staff during his absence went smoothly.

Ms. Bennedetto, who had planned to use the kitchen to bake cup cakes, will not be doing that.

The Town’s highway department trimmed the oak tree in the front of the Town Hall.

Allied Restoration will be starting repairing the roof and snow guards in September.

LRM has made a proposal to power wash, seal and repair the sidewalk.  
Standard Construction also submitted a proposal.  No action taken.

Elevators - the elevators are due to be inspected.  Allied has proposed to do the weight check on the original elevator for $1,250.00

Precision Alarm has made a proposal for an annunciator for the theater.  Other quotes are being sought.

The employee’s refrigerator is not working.   Mary Fellows will look into replacing the refrigerator.  The Board suggested an allocation of about $200.00 for a replacement.

Kitchen - the temperature control on the refrigerator was replaced.

There is need to replace the flag for the flagpole in front of the Town Hall.

Kate Katcher requested future scheduling for Stray Kats.

The Fall schedule requests from regular renters are coming in.
REPORT by Chairman: Mr. Juliano reported that painting of the cupola will begin next week. The project has been inspected by OSHA and the Newtown Health Department.

Prior to inspection by Hartford Steam Boiler, Funk will install safety valves and make other minor repairs to the boilers.

Stain in Alexandria Room Ceiling: Mr. Juliano reported that a pan catching condensation from air handlers located in the attic was damaged.  The collected water spilled onto the attic floor and on, causing he stain on the ceiling of the Alexandria Room.  The pan was repaired.  Refresher painting of the Alexandria Room should be done in the Fall.

The windows in the Gym were cleaned.

The Board will be holding an open house on the occasion of the 155th anniversary of Mary Hawley’s birthday, August 22.  Gladiolas are ordered by Tom Mahoney.  A guest book will be placed in the Mary Hawley Room on that occasion.

Report re Mary Hawley Society.  Mary Hawley Society will reschedule a fund raising event in early 2013.  The Society is looking to fill vacancies and expand their membership.

APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion made by Marie Smith and seconded by Mary Fellows to approve bills/expenditures totaling $40,931.95.  Several of the bills were examined buy the Board members.  Motion unanimously approved.

Constellation Energy: No report

Staff space and uniforms: Project is moving along.

Brochure: Discussion and suggestions of changes were given to Mary Fellows.

Lease and rental documents: Being passed on to Town Attorney

Project Newtown Troops and Veteran’s LLC request for assistance in fund raising: The Board will make available the lobby space in the Town Hall during movie showings for the purpose of displaying and soliciting funds by the Organization for the current project at the Municipal Center.
Tom Mahoney will be asked to work with the Organization’s members on scheduling.

MOTION made by Marie Smith and seconded by Tom Long to have Allied perform services on the “old” elevator at a cost of $1,250.  Motion unanimously passed.

Comments from members: None

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion made by Tom Long and seconded by Mary Fellows to go into Executive Session.  Motion unanimously passed at 8:35 P.M.

The Board members discussed various matters concerning tenants/renters issues.

Motion made and seconded to go out of Executive Session.  Motion unanimously passed at 9:15 PM.

No action taken as a result of discussions during Executive Session.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn this meeting at 9:18 PM.  Motion unanimously passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Margot S. Hall
Vice Chairman
