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Last Updated: 2012/6/19

The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
PRESENT: James Juliano, Margot Hall, Tom Long, Karen Pierce, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows & Building Administrator Tom Mahoney
Guests: Dan Holmes from Holmes & Fine Gardens, and Don Gansjager
Public Participation:
Don Gansjager from DRN- Sounds, lights & video company out of Oakville, CT.
Did an overview of possible renovations for the theater with assistance from Mary Fellows. Performed a live demo, and used the sound system for a live audience. Conducted before and after preview of what Blu-Ray would look like in the room, and did a walk through and brought in equipment which tested all scenarios. Spent a lot of time watching movies and videos, set speakers up in different spots of the room, tried different manufacturers, and all different placements. Spent a lot of time testing to see where the best spot was. The theater needs some type of foundation of a sound system so that a traveling show can come in and plug into what is available instead of stacking speakers, eliminating generator use, etc. Proposed and have broken out project into four phases according to priority; phase one being the base sound system, phase two being upgrades, phase three to additional projection which is Blu-ray, and phase four to remove the power upgrade to remove the generator. A show can come in and bring minimal equipment while providing a foundation in order to have a better set up and installed scenario which is customized to the room. Also, willing to have training of staff on how to operate system in order to get best use and ensure there is a smooth transition. The minimum base to start the system is between $10-12,000. Don distributed a portfolio which lays out the equipment chosen and the venues which displays the level of quality that is provided.
Dan Holmes from Holmes and Fine Gardens-
Mr. Holmes was present at meeting to discuss the planning from last fall, and review the current plan to formulate a general cost and layout of plantings. Discussed the proposal from last fall and took note of which items are already completed; removed the hedge out front, transplanting, recently mulched the front of the building, etc. Presented a list which broke out per plant on each line item, but Mr. Holmes needs to review the quantities and layout of certain items.  The board if looking for hardy plants which are low maintenance. Concerned about the snow cover as well and the damage the plants will sustain with the snow sheering off the roof. Mr. Holmes ensured the selection of plants is hardy and once past the initial stages the plants can retain the damage. The first three items of the proposal are completed but the existing shrubs do need retriming. The project can be broken down into segments in order to get expenses needed, and what was suggested was to start off with the larger items such as the Witchazel, Mountain Laurel, and the Winterberry Holly.
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Margaret Hall, the minutes of May 5, 8, 29 2012, are tabled and unanimously passed.  
Correspondence: Received a quote from White Hills Paining for the gold gilding paint, and received a couple samples with the selected paint on it. The quote stated $8,200 for the gold paint, and $19,000 for the gold plate. The work order as it stands for the painting is the preparation of surface for application, prime with metallic adhesive primer, and then apply paint and sealer. The labor came in at $7,700; materials cost $500; and the crescent metallic exterior UV top coat which totals $8,200. For the gold gilding the labor is $16,000 which includes preparing work area, priming surface with metal adhesive primer, applying color and adhesive, testing tack, applying leaf, varnishing the leaf, prepare holidays, sealant to protect the leaf, and  apply antique glaze. This estimated is based on $23.75/carat genuine gold leaf one look of leaf covers 39.5 square feet. Board was curious if any areas within close proximity that the Board could go to too look at the actual product itself to get a general idea of appearance. Lowest bid on the gold painting out of 7 or 8 contractors, but received one bid a little lower for the gold gilding.
Building Administrator’s Report: The Lathrop School of Dance had their recital, and Tom Mahoney received recital books to distribute to the Board. Tom received a letter from the electrical workers IBOEW stating they are no longer going to be holding their meetings at the town hall due to their new building that has been built in Monroe. Tom also received a phone call from the woman who uses the upstairs kitchen to bake cupcake, and she needs a notarized letter for the state stating that she is able to use kitchen to bake her products. Life Safety Services contract is coming due for $250 for the year to service emergency lights. Received two proposals for all outside window cleaning; one from Kevin Barrett of All Clean for $695, and the other was from Ron Shaboo for $1,191.12. The wall sconces came in and are going to be installed shortly.  The total for the fixtures came to $1,269.50. Received one quote for bominite for sealing sidewalk. Suggested to call LRM and Ben’s Masonry to get pricing as well. Kid Catcher wants to put on a couple series of plays for next year in January and March which would include Friday nights, Saturday nights, and Sunday afternoons in Alexandria Room. Friends of Music have March 10, 2012 reserved for the space. Tom will get the specific dates and then the Board will approve motion to move forward. The town hall will be short staffed between July 14, 2012-August 10, 2012 and will be looking for assistance on Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, Thursday mornings, and Friday mornings. Received one quote for the elevator contract negotiations; New England Elevator Corporation. Bison Cup Elevator will be here Wednesday of Thursday of this week, and LA Elevator out of Bridgeport will be in the building tomorrow afternoon. Will eventually have three quotes to work with, and need to give notice to OTIS by August 1, 2012 of contract withdrawal. Received a quote from New England Elevator Corporation for $2,680 for a weight test on the small elevator before the inspection which is required by law. Tom also needs to install an emergency public announcement in the theater per the Fire Marshall’s Office.
Chairman’s Report: Bob Hall is having sidewalks fixed in front of the neighboring building, and the tar part of the driveway belongs to the Town Hall. Bob Hall estimated the amount that should be paid for Town Hall portion is roughly $500.
Mary Hawley Society: NA
Approval of Monthly Bills: Marie Smith pointed out how the expenses distributed to the Town of Newtown this month were almost double which was due to paying out for the months of April and May. Might need to reconsider looking at a new uniform service because the invoices and the paid amount are got corresponding.  The company requested we pay them in individual amounts on a weekly basis instead of on a monthly basis. Also, claimed that they did not receive one check which also did not clear the bank. Board discussed getting rid of the carpets or just vacuuming them on their own while sending them out for seasonal cleanings and ordering say 4 shirts per staff member and have embroidery on them to be worn with khaki pants. Could look into Land’s End or L.L. Bean for shirts because they also do custom embroidery which is a onetime charge and they also supply you with a disk. Weinstein Company is a movie distribution company that supplied the movie ‘The Artist’. M Kristy is the company that supplies the Snapple supply for the concession stand. The total monthly amount for the building came to $38,905.86 and the theater came to $9,514.44 which is a total cost of $48,440.30.
Action on payment of bills: Karen Pierce motioned to accept approval of paying bills totaling $48,440.30 Seconded by Mary Fellows and unanimously carried.
Old Business:
Constellation Energy: The town switched energy suppliers from Constellation to TransCanada and during the process an old outstanding bill came up. The Board was advised from Fred Hurley that there was some misbilling of which the town received a credit for and since has been fine. Never heard anything until the town switched energy suppliers. Mary Fellows contacted the company and spoke to a representative who stated there is no credit on the account for any misbilling, and she stated she would send an e-mail to Fred Hurley to explain how that particular credit was disbursed to the town. Mary Fellows is waiting to hear back from Fred; therefore not going to pay any bill to constellation until matter is solved.
Sub-Committee Report-Restructuring, Job Description/Assignments: Karen Pierce stated will share information during executive session.
Report- Progress of staff space, Gym, Theater, Alexandria Room dressing rooms and restrooms improvements: Mary Fellows stated that the staff space is good to a point. The gym just requires the crash pads to be recovered. As far as the theater goes Mary has looked into fire curtain inspection, and possible replacement. The spring coils are loosening and getting old. The theater also needs reskirting in the front of the stage. The dressing rooms in the Alexandria Room are still in progress.
Review- Possible action on lease document: Margot Hall stated information will be discussed in executive session.
Review- Possible action of day/hourly rentals fees: Margot Hall distributed a revised list with the changes discussed during the last meeting held. Margot also attached a form for non-profit organizations to show documentation required for proof of being a non-profit organization. Also input the 3 hour minimum and $50 security deposit.
Karen Pierce made a motion to accept the new rate proposal presented by Margot Hall, seconded by Marie Smith and unanimously carried with one opposed.
Brochure: Mary Fellows stated that there are no new changes made to the brochure at this time, and that it is still a work in progress. Mary stated if anyone has any suggestions or questions to just e-mail her. Can keep making changes and redistributing among the Board until the feel it is where the want it.
New Business:
Window Washing: James Juliano made a motion to accept the proposal submitted by Kevin Barrett from All Clean for $695 and unanimously carried.
Side Walks: Karen Pierce made a motion to accept the Boards share of the cost for the sidewalk materials of $500, seconded by Marie Smith and unanimously carried.
Discussion- Action on advertisement spots preceding movie showing: Karen Pierce stated how the Town Hall has the ability now to run advertisements before the shows now versus before they could not. This could bring in more revenue for the budget and is a great way to increase revenue. Karen suggested asking Tom Mahoney for more information by the August meeting in order to figure out best way to go about advertisement.
Karen Pierce made a motion to ask Tom Mahoney to research the cost and time frame for production for an advertisement reel and would like the information by next meeting for earliest possible run, seconded by Margot Hall and unanimously carried.
Comments: NA
Executive Session: Upon motion of Marie Smith and seconded by Mary Fellows, executive session was entered at 9:04pm for discussion of personal matters and tenants/renters matters, and discussion of restructuring, job descriptions/assignments. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Mindy Kovack, Clerk