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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
PRESENT: James Juliano, Margot Hall, Tom Long, Karen Pierce, Marie Smith & Building Administrator Tom Mahoney
Public Participation: NA
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Karen Pierce, the minutes of April 10, 2012, seconded by Marie Smith and unanimously accepted with the revised changes to be made.
Correspondence: New representative for JP Morgan, Serena Marks, who is available anytime for questions. Margot Hall and Marie Smith received an email from the Selectman’s about the Historic Restoration Fund and how to apply. Application is due in October. Energy Audit needs to be performed and by an experienced individual because it requires a lot of work and detail.   
Building Administrator’s Report: Tom Mahoney contacted Dan Holmes regarding mulching in the front of the building and whether or not to plant additional plantings. Mulching is necessary but additional plantings need to be discussed further. The board agreed upon using natural mulch around the building. Flag Pole Radio is holding another show on May 19 with Elizabeth Van Trap. Mr. Mahoney was contacted by the woman who wants to use the kitchen for baking with a maximum of ten hours a week and use all the utensils minus weekends. Margot Hall brought up that there are supervisory guidelines that need to be followed while someone is in use of the kitchen.  A system needs to be implemented either by the woman renting kitchen of staff. Mr. Mahoney contacted three window washing companies and heard back from one. The company is All Clean and the owner is Kevin Barrett. Waiting to hear back from Peter McLaughlin regarding the sidewalks. Did hear back from another guy Augie from Perform Concrete in Bethel and is waiting on an estimate. Lathrop has the Stardust Review coming up on May 31-June 3. Lathrop was wondering since the General Store does not stay open during the show if they could have a hot dog and hamburger stand out back with the Lion’s Club hosting. The board stressed the proper permits and paperwork needs to be filed with the health department for approval which the board would like to review as well. School gets out on June 21 and the theater will resume the summer schedule. Hayden Baites has booked a benefit concert on August 3 which is an all-day event and will host the band Brown Bird. The theater is receiving the movie Red Tails which will run for four days, May 20-23, and the 4:00pm show on Sunday will be run by the Department of Children and Family and the showing will be free.
Chairman’s Report: Mr. Juliano discussed that the cupola is going to be painted soon the company is waiting until the night time air is the right temperature.
Mary Hawley Society: Mrs. Hall stated that the Mary Hawley Society is moving along planning for September 22. Going to have some planning sessions and they are requesting from the Board of Managers a letter that describes and outline what the financial end of improvements to the sound and projection of the sound in the theater. The society wants to know specifically what the Board wants to do as far as switching to a digital system and looking for a dollar amount as far as how much the Board is willing to spend. The Mary Hawley Society donated $10,000 to the Board of Managers in which Mr. Juliano delivered a Thank You note for their generosity. A couple projects to be designated too such as $8,500 to be donated to painting. Suggested that could donate the balance to the remaining theater renovations since the theater is not yet completed. Mainly Mary Hawley Society is looking for a projection of cost for the Blue Ray to head their fundraiser. Mr. Juliano stated the Blue Ray cost is between $13-15,000 but have not yet received bids yet to give a specific cost range. The Mary Hawley Society is also looking for new members to join.
Approval of Monthly Bills: Jeanne submitted a revised list after receiving more bills. The building and theater costs were not broken out because of the way they overlap. The list reflects that Newtown Color Center is to be paid more than what is owed because Jeanne did not realize the bills overlapped so in reality they are only due $144.61. The line item for Associated Refuse was the dumpster the Town Hall had used, and not to be confused with the trash removal by Pendergast because they are two separate items. Salaries to the Town of Newtown are paid on a monthly basis and depending on the amount of pay periods the figure changes. The cost of shipping films is separate from cost and usually runs around $28 each way to ship.
Action on payment of bills: Karen Pierce motioned to accept approval of paying bills totaling $37,607.17 Seconded by Margot Hall and unanimously carried.
Old Business:
Lease Documents: The long term lease is under review with town council and town attorney. Mrs. Hall is looking for approval to send out the package of documents of day and hourly rates to be reviewed as well. Procedure of the rental of Pavilion through Park and Recreation requires a deposit, fee, and entering into a contract for reservation, accident insurance required which is also available through the Park and Recreation Department. The board agreed on submitting day and hourly rates along with rental application, regulations, and town liability to town council for review.
Hourly Rates: Gym parties should be reduced to a minimum of 3 hours versus 4 with a rental fee of $90 versus $120. Going to include in writing somewhere that time also includes the party set up and clean up. For the Alexandria Room, the rate shows additional hours after 11pm or if patron runs over allowed time are billed at $45 an hour. The board agreed on taking out 11pm and just stating if the designated party runs over time slot they are to be charged an additional fee of $45. The security deposit for parties is $200 but the board is debating whether that amount is warranted. The board brought up dropping the deposit to $50 for birthday parties in the gym which everyone agreed on. The board specified $200 security deposit per event and then $50 security deposit for parties within the gymnasium. If catering is involved or a DJ/band it is recognized as an event by the Board. A renter’s fee of $50 holds the specific date and room requested for the event/party and then 30 days before the event patron needs to come up with the security deposit. As far as the return of the security deposit that will be returned to the patron no later than 15 business days after the event/party is held. The rate chart wording needs to be changed to reflect the correct prices and time frame of changes being made.
Brochure: NA
New Business:
Sub-Committee: A sub-committee is to be appointed to formulate a line-item budget document as planning tool for annual income and expenses for use by the Board of Town Hall Managers. Tom Long, Marie Smith and Margot Hall have volunteered to be the sub-committee for specific purpose of creating such a document. Tom Long suggested sub-committee start meeting in the month of June, and should have a fair bid of meetings during the day in order to work with current staff to get prior information that will be needed.
Pre-event/Post Event Checklist: Formulation of a check list for hourly and day rental space. Submitted by Karen Pierce.
Pre-Event Check List for all rooms, Pre-Even Check List for Kitchen, Post-Event Check List for all rooms and Post-Even Check List for Kitchen. These check lists would be used by Town Hall staff to ensure everything is in order before and after events/parties. The date and the individual conducting the inspection should be included on the top of each list. The report will then be submitted to Tom Mahoney to keep on file.
This should be done the day before the event for morning and early afternoon gatherings and first thing in the morning for evening gatherings.
Pre-Event Check list for all rooms: Floors should be swept and mopped, surfaces dusted and cleaned, ceilings and walls free of debris, bathrooms cleaned and stocked with toilet paper and paper towels, all light fixtures are functioning and no blown bulbs, exit lights in working order. Pre-existing damage also needs to be noted on the form. Room set up to meet request of patron, tables, chairs, etc.
Pre-Event Check list for kitchen: Clean grease trap, dish washer detergent is loaded, run dishwasher to make sure it is functioning, clean and sanitize all surfaces, make sure no lingering food from prior events in refrigerator or freezer, wash floor, check ice machine, make sure all kitchen equipment is functional, and note and pre-existing damage to the kitchen, report problems of equipment immediately in order for them to be addressed before the event/party, turn on gas for stoves, stock sink area, soap dispenser are filled, paper towels, etc. Check the sink and make sure clean of debris.
Post-Event Check List for all rooms: Damage survey should be conducted immediately, breakdown and cleaning must occur immediately after event if another patron has an event scheduled for that day. Take pictures, note any excess cleaning if necessary, breakdown table and chairs, clean, sweep, and wash floors and surface areas, check kitchen sinks for garbage, flush the drains, clean grease trap, turn off the gas on stove, remove trash.
Tom long suggested condensing the list down to one form, list the room that is being inspected, the type of event scheduled, the date of the event, staff signature for pre & post event.
Margot Hall suggested signs be made identifying the fridge and the freezer because they are similar models and can cause some confusion. Also, the ice machine should be identified because patrons don’t realize there is ice available. Post directions on how to turn on and turn off kitchen appliances. Need to make sure all appliances are cleaned as well because some appliances have been left in drawers dirty. Karen Pierce also suggested that next meeting to possibly discuss whether or not to provide utensils for events/parties because of the cost to replace missing utensils.
Comments: Otis elevator contract which is a 5 year contract which is up for renewal needs to be reviewed because if no action is taken the contract is automatically renewed for another 5 years. The effective date is November 1 and Board needs to provide notice if the intention is to do anything different. Written notice needs to be submitted 90 days prior but no more than 120 days. The way contract is written covers just the service of the elevators and does not include repairs. Tom Long suggested looking into other elevator service contractors which include service and repairs.

Executive Session: Upon motion of Marie Smith and seconded by James Juliano, executive session was entered at 8:45pm for discussion of personal matters and tenants/renters matters. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Mindy Kovack, Clerk

MINUTES - Executive Session
Regular Meeting
May 8, 2012

Motion made by Marie Smith to go into Executive Session.  Motion seconded by Tom Long and unanimously passed at 8:43 P.M.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce, Tom Long, Margot Hall

NOT PRESENT: Mary Fellows

The Board discussed personnel, tenants/renters matters

MOTION made by Tom Long and seconded by Karen Pierce to go out of Executive Session.  Motion unanimously passed at 9:37 P.M.

There were no items brought to vote.

MOTION made by Karen Pierce and seconded by Marie Smith to adourn this meeting at 9:40 P.M.  Motion unanimously passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Margot S. Hall
Vice Chairman