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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Wednesday, March 14, 2012 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Mary Fellows, Margot Hall, Karen Pierce, Marie Smith.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mrs. Hall the minutes of the meeting of February 24, 2011 were unanimously accepted as presented.

CORRESPONDENCE. Mr. Juliano reported that a bid was received from Consolidated for the steam boilers for $1,300 each.  Other bids will be solicited.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Kate Katcher, Stray Cats Theater Co. asked the Board for assistance obtaining a permanent location for them.  Last year’s program had to be cancelled because there not enough children involved due to a lack of a permanent location.  Performances are scheduled for July 26th and if enough people participate a second performance on the 27th.   Attendance is planned for the entire month of July Monday through Friday 10am to 3pm.  Mr. Mahoney will look at the calendar.  There will be an update later in the year.

BUILDING ADMINISTRATION REPORT. Mr. Mahoney reported that the he has received a request from a woman wishing to use the kitchen to bake cupcakes for ten hours a week.  The Board will discuss fee scales later.  The Chamber of Commerce is asking about the lease.  Hayden Bates is arranging a jazz concert to benefit Edmond Town Hall.   Receipts on children’s matinees were $10,000.  There are plans to show “War Horse” March 25 at which time the Horseguard will bring in horses for the first matinee at 1.00pm.  

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT. Mr. Juliano noted that the cost to refurbish the eight brass sconces is $1,200.  The missing parts will be taken care of later.  Mrs. Hall moved to go with American Pride LLC, Lamp Repairs second by Mrs. Fellows and unanimously carried.   

The new employee rec room is under way.  They are getting more bids for the flooring.  They want one more bid for the copular.  A company in Redhook, New York quoted $1,200.

REPORT OF THE MARY HAWLEY SOCIETY.  Mrs. Hall reported on the proposed fundraising scheduled for September 22.  They will be renting all the space in the town hall.  Plans involve sponsors who will be asked for contributions towards the $10,000 renovation costs.  

BILLS FOR PAYMENT. Mrs. Pierce moved to approve the payment of bills totaling $30,990  pending the availability of funds. Second by Mrs. Hall and unanimously carried.

The Board will ask Jean to ensure that money will come out of appropriate accounts.

Bill from Constellation Energy for 12/22/09 to 1/29/10.  Mrs. Fellows reported that Bob Tate should be taking care of the anticipated refund from Constellation Energy.  She will stay on top of the matter and report back to the Board with any updates.


Report of sub-committee re. Restructuring, Job Descriptions and Job Assignments. Mrs. Pierce reported that the work is still in progress.  The next scheduled meeting is March 20th .

Report of progress of staff space, gym, theater, Alexandria Room dressing rooms and restroom improvements. Mrs. Fellows reported on the stage curtains, noting that new rings were put on the curtains and the pit curtains were full of black mold and should eventually be replaced.  Quotes are coming in for approximately $2,200.  Also quotes for gilding the frescoes are coming in for $8,500.  The Alexandria Room bathrooms are not yet ready and the bathrooms are under way. Name plates for various doors have been ordered.  Shelving for storage is being erected.  Mrs. Fellows purchased a tool box.  She will come up with a proposal regarding tables.

Review of Lease Documents.  This is to be discussed in Executive Session

Review of day/hourly rental fees.  The Board discussed the proposed charges.  Mr. Mahoney suggested restrictions on certain activities due to potential damage to the new floor.  Mrs. Fellows will revise the sheet for future discussion and approval.

Review of “Brochure”.  Mrs. Fellows distributed the latest version for comment.  She will continue to work on it for future discussion and approval.

Associated Refuse quote regarding pick-up of recyclable materials.  Mrs. Fellows moved to accept the quote from Associated Refuse Haulers for a 96 gallon container emptied once per week for a monthly charge of $25.  Second by Mrs. Smith and carried unanimously.

Discussion on policy of recommending outside vendor/suppliers to rental patrons.  Mrs. Fellows had a catalogue of stage furniture.  The Board discussed compiling a list of various vendors, without giving an impression that they are recommendations.  No action will be taken at this time.

Discussion re guidelines/criteria for renting to long-term tenants – possible formation of sub-committee to investigate/formulate criteria for above.  The sub-committee will consist of Mrs. Fellows, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce.  

EXECUTIVE SESSION. Upon motion of Mrs. Hall, executive session was entered at 9:20 p.m. to discuss personnel matters, tenant/renters matters and restructuring, job descriptions/assignments. Second by Mrs. Fellows, The motion carried unanimously.  Mr. Mahoney was invited to attend. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Margaret Wilkin,

Addendum to Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers minutes of March 14, 2012:

Motion made by Marie Smith and seconded by Mary Fellows to go into Executive Session. Motion unanimously passed at 9:20 P.M.

Motion made by Marie Smith and seconded by Karen Pierce to go out of Executive Session. Motion unanimously passed at 10:10 P.M.

Motion made by Marie Smith and seconded by Mary Fellows to charge Stray Kats Theatre Company $500.00 for the Alexandria Room, if available, the Gym as an alternate space during the month of July 2012 for a children's Summer program. The hours are from 10 AM to 3:00 PM., Monday thru Friday. Motion unanimously passed.

Motion made by Margot Hall and seconded by Karen Pierce to adjourn this meeting. Motion unanimously passed at 10:15 P.M.