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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Mary Fellows, Margot Hall, Tom Long, Karen Pierce, Marie Smith.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney.

Public Participation. None noted.
Acceptance of Minutes Upon motion of Mrs. Pierce, the minutes of the meeting of  November 7, 2011 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Building Administrator’s Report. Mr. Mahoney has a letter from Mr. Hopper which will be discussed in executive session. A thank you card was received from Mrs. Motyka and Mrs. Becker. Mrs. Becker presented her bill that Mr. Mahoney gave to Mr. Juliano. Mr. Mahoney distributed new bank forms for signature by the Board members. Mrs. Fellows installed a sign for the Chamber of Commerce. Miss Diane requested a sign for Lathrop School of Dance; she has had one designed that is the same format and size as the Chamber’s sign. She will be advised that she needs approval from the Borough Zoning Commission. Dan Cruson would also like a sign on the front sign board.  Mr. Juliano will discuss the sign with Mr. Cruson.

The annual fire inspection was completed with no issues. Mr. Mahoney recommends emergency signs in the bathrooms downstairs. He will discuss this with the electrician working in the building. The fire extinguishers were inspected; Mr. Mahoney replaced one.

Mr. Mahoney said there is a $25,000 deductible (for the insurance policy shared with the Town) for replacing the snow guards and shingles that were damaged in the storms. Mrs. Pierce asked that Mr. Mahoney check to see if the Town has already paid part of this deductible as part of their claims. Mrs. Hall suggested checking with Finance Director Bob Tait. Mr. Juliano will obtain some quotes.

Mr. Mahoney reported that Mrs. Glassman requests the Alexandria Room rent free for a children’s museum. She will be asked what the anticipated attendance will be.

“Dolphin Tale” will be the Christmas week film. A private screening of a movie will be held on January 2 with a reception in the gym. The Town festival went very well but was not that well attended.     

Chairman’s Report. Mr. Juliano distributed a maintenance schedule (Attachment A to original minutes). Mr. Hopper will add the schedule to the Day Sheets. Boilers one and two are switched every week for equal wear. Above the ceiling in the second floor hallway are motors that should be oiled and greased every two weeks. The grease trap in the kitchen must be cleaned every three months. Air filters in the air handlers in the Lathrop space should be changed every three months. Mrs. Fellows noted that the dishwasher and ice maker need to be de-limed on a regular basis. Mrs. Fellows noted that all the knives are gone in the kitchen and there are only a few spoons left. Mr. Juliano said that plaster work should be done in the theater balcony this week.  Mrs. Fellows noted that the quote received for the painting is: full building quote is $60,000, minus the walls is $46,000. Main lobby would be $19,000.  Other quotes will be obtained. Electrical – the sconces are being refurbished.  

Correspondence. None noted.

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Pierce moved to approve the payment of bills totaling $24,377.34  pending the availability of funds. Second by Mrs. Fellows and unanimously carried. Mr. Juliano had tree removal done by KLM Landscaping because the Town said they did not have equipment tall enough to do the job. Mr. Juliano will talk to the Finance Director about having the Town reimburse the Board of Managers for part of the cost before the bill is paid. Mrs. Hall suggested that the Fire Department be billed for this work.  

Unfinished Business

Mud rugs and uniforms. Mrs. Fellows reported that the rugs will be arriving soon.  Uniforms are still being worked on. Mrs. Fellows requested that the company provide a sample of pants that will match the shirts.  

Mail slot on Jeanne’s door. A box with a lock will be mounted on the door rather than just a slot.

Time to begin meetings.  Mrs. Hall moved that beginning in January 2012 the meetings will start at 7:00 and end at 9:00. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.

Paperwork and instructions for permits for signs for different events at ETH. It will be noted on the permit forms that all signs must have a permit that is approved by the Borough.

Relocation of Time Clock has been relocated by Mr. Juliano.

New Business
Election of Officers. Mrs. Pierce nominated Mr. Juliano as Chairman. Second by Mrs. Smith. There were no other nominations. Mr. Juliano was elected by unanimous vote. Mrs. Smith nominated Mrs. Hall as Vice-Chairman. Second by Mr. Long. Mrs. Fellows nominated Mrs. Pierce. Mrs. Pierce declined the nomination. There were no other nominations. Mrs. Hall was elected by unanimous vote.
Boiler Water Treatment Contract Proposal. Mr. Juliano had the water tested; the result was that the water is very hard. He contacted Artec Water Systems who will check the equipment each month, service it when needed and install a water softener. This includes six service calls at $325 per month for the months that the boiler is being used and a water softener for $225. This will save thousands of dollars per year spent servicing the boilers because of the hard water. Mr. Juliano feels that we do not need to replace the safety valves at this time; the cost would be $1,500 per valve. Mrs. Smith moved to expend $325 per month for six months servicing the boilers and $225 for a water softener to Artec Water Systems. Second by Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Hall feels that the same person should install the kitchen water softener. The Board agreed. Motion unanimously carried.

Forming of subcommittee for job descriptions and expectations. Mrs. Pierce asked that the Board members consider this for discussion at the January meeting.

Discuss possibility of Quarterly reports regarding Mary Hawley Trust Investments. The reports are sent to the office and will be included in the packets to the Board. Mrs. Piece will look into trying to get Project Loans from Newtown Savings Bank rather than tapping into the Trust.    

Possible signing of bank documents bringing BOM signatures and ID up to date with Newtown Savings Bank. The Board will sign the forms tonight.

Discuss efficient assignment of space. The Parent Connection would like to relocate. The art group could move into the Manager’s old office. The Chamber of Commerce could move into the former Probate Office. This will be tabled until it is determined if the art group would like to stay in the building. Mrs. Pierce moved that the Parent Connection be charged month to month until they relocate. Second by Mrs. Fellows and unanimously carried.  

Updating pricing for rental...round the numbers. Mrs. Malota reworked the rental form to include the anticipated number of attendees and the amount of the deposit. Also included is how the security deposits are handled. Also “Final payment is due two weeks prior to your event and must be in cash.” The fact that credit cards are accepted as a suggested form is payment will be added. An additional fee of 2  ½% will be charged for credit cards. Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Malota will draft a form for consideration at the next meeting.  

Comments around the Table. Mrs. Malota said that Bethel Congregation of Jehovah Witnesses is coming in April and would like to make up their own form concerning liability for injuries as they said they have done in the past. Mr. Mahoney and Mrs. Becker said that the group has not changed the form in the past. The Board will not approve changing the form.  

Executive Session. Upon motion of Mrs. Pierce, executive session was entered at 7:55 p.m. to discuss personnel matters and a deposit situation. Mr. Mahoney and Mrs.Malota were invited to attend for their portions of the executive session. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk

Addendum to the minutes:

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion made by Chairman James Juliano and seconded by Karen Pierce to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. The Board requested that Mr. Mahoney and Mrs. Malota remain present. Motion unanimously passed at 7:58 P.M. Clerk Ann Mazur left the meeting at this time.

Motion made by Mr. Juliano and seconded by Marie Smith to go out of Executive Session. Motion unanimously passed at 9:00 P.M.

MOTION made by Marie Smith and seconded by Karen Pierce to pay Marcy Becker for the time spent training and in support of Jeanne Malota on matters concerning the daily operation of the office.
The fee is $987.00.
Motion unanimously passed.

MOTION made by Karen Pierce and seconded by Mary Fellows to refund the rental fee of $262.00 to the person who held the "Sunday morning -12/11/11" event in the Alexandria Room. Motion unanimously passed.

This meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Margot S. Hall