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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday, March 8, 2011 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Sandra Motyka, Marie Smith,  Margot Hall, Karen Pierce. ABSENT: Mary Fellows.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent Clark Kathan, Office Manager Marcy Becker, two members of the public.

Public Participation. Ginger Hanrahan discussed her proposal for an art development center at the Edmond Town Hall. (Attachment A to original minutes). She would like to set up an art center that dovetails with the other activities in this building, including having space for four or five artists to teach courses and having art shows. She discussed her proposal with Borough Zoning Enforcement Officer Jean St. Jean, who indicated that her proposal would meet the Borough zoning regulations. Mr. Juliano said that arrangements will be made for Ms. Hanrahan look at the rooms that are available to determine if they meet her needs; if so, then a lease will be discussed. Ms. Hanrahan suggested use of acrylics, charcoal and pastels, not oil paints or mineral spirits. Mrs. Motyka suggested that Ms. Hanrahan may need dedicated space and storage, rather than shared space and storage.  Ms. Hanrahan noted that most artists bring their own supplies rather than storing them, unless a work is being done that requires storage of items until it is completed.

Acceptance of Minutes Upon motion of Mrs. Motyka, the minutes of the regular meeting of February 8, 2011 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Mrs. Becker announced that she is retiring as of June 30.

Building Administrator’s Report. Mr. Mahoney gave the Board information on hiring a cleaning service. Mr. Mahoney noted that he and Mr. Kathan received a list of cleaning, painting and repairing that needs to be done.  Mr. Mahoney suggested using glass blocks in the gym windows. Their use will be considered if this would change the historic designation of the building. The Fire Marshal reported that everything had been taken care of except the items in the dressing room. Mrs. Pierce said that Mrs. Fellows said that they are flame retardant. The covers for the pipes are on order. Mr. Mahoney reported that we received Unemployment Compensation bills for Steven and Glen. He filed paperwork contesting the claim for Steven, who left on his own and has another job. The bills are $69 for Steven and $113 for Glen. Public Works is looking at going with another electric supplier and Mr. Mahoney said that he wants the Board to be advised  before a change is made. Mrs. Motyka will follow up with Mr. Hurley and advise him that the Board is not looking to join this group but would consider a proposal. The mid winter break was low because many of the schools lost the holiday because of the weather. Last week and this week the income picked up. Mr. Mahoney is talking to Pepsi about putting in a slushy machine. Mrs. Pierce is concerned that ice machines harbor bacteria. Mr. Mahoney will talk to Pepsi about this issue. Mrs. Motyka noted that the Board would like to be advised before it is decided to purchase such items. The Board will discuss this and advise Mr. Mahoney of their decision.

Building Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Kathan reported that he hopes to get back to the Fire Marshal by the end of the week that the items in the dressing rooms are fire retardant. Mr. Kathan said two people looked at the lower meeting room floor but have not yet submitted a bid. Mr. Juliano said that we do have one price of $2,500. However, Mr. Juliano said that we will buy the material so that the cost would be only $1,800 and that this contractor would agree to this. The fire alarm inspection went well. Ongoing painting includes the gym rest rooms and the floors. Mr. Kathan is making two tables for the gym. Mrs. Becker said that we have not purchased tables and chairs in years and requested that they be purchased a few at a time. Mr. Kathan said that we are down about a hundred chairs in the gym because of wear and tear. Mrs. Motyka suggested a line item in the budget for these purchases. Mrs. Becker noted that the clock people have made donations in the past. Mrs. Motyka asked Mr. Mahoney to bring a proposal of what is needed to the next meeting. Mr. Kathan noted that chairs have to be moved from one location to another constantly for events and he would prefer that each room have its own chairs.

Chairman’s Report. Mr. Juliano is meeting with HR tomorrow for the assessment of the building concerning the energy grant. He will try to get another quote for the lower meeting room floor, as we only have one quote. The Chamber of Commerce lease is still not signed. They would like their attorney to talk to the Board’s attorney. The Board concurred with this request.  

Report from Mary Hawley Society. Mrs. Motyka reported that the Society will go forward with a fund raiser for Lathrop and will do a bigger fund raiser in the fall for the Edmond Town Hall. Mrs. Becker reported that some of the wine glasses used for the fund raiser were put in the cabinets with the glasses that can be used by renters. Mrs. Motyka will ask the Society what their preference is on the use of the glasses. The glasses will not be used until Mrs. Motyka discusses this with them.

Correspondence. Mrs. Pierce distributed correspondence from Ms. Galassi, a member of the Sustainable Energy Commission, indicating that they are looking for a table that they will man with handouts for a Clean Energy Campaign “Strive for Five” beginning at the end of March and through April. The Board agreed to the request.  

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Pierce moved to approve the payment of bills totaling $14,487.67  pending the availability of funds. Second by Mrs. Hall and unanimously carried.

Unfinished Business.

Separate account for room rental deposit check.  Mrs. Pierce said that the bank will set up a separate checking account that the Board can write from for return of deposits.  The Board feels that this separate account keeps a cleaner record of the deposits. Mrs. Becker feels that this account would be better than using the credit cards, as some of those funds are taken by the credit card company.  Mrs. Motyka moved to set up a separate checking account for deposits only, as researched by Mrs. Pierce. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.
Online monitoring of ETH account. Mrs. Pierce said that the bank suggested  that members of the Board and the office have online access to this checking account. The Board agreed that the Chairman should have access. Mrs. Motyka moved that the Chairman have online monitoring access to this account. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried.

Web site discussion. Mrs. Pierce said that Ms. Weimann in the Town Clerk’s office will make changes on the website. Mrs. Motyka said that the architecture is there but that a person is needed who will keep the website up to date. Mrs. Pierce said that the website will be connected to the town website when it is completed. Mrs. Motyka will send Mrs. Pierce the contact info on the lady who set up the Mary Hawley Society website.

Energy Audit/Grant.  Discussed previously.

New Business. Mrs. Pierce put Mr. Hayden in contact with Ms. Weimann in the Town Clerk’s office for assistance on the website.

Comments around the Table.  None noted.

Possible Executive Session.     Mrs. Motyka moved to enter executive session at 8:05 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter, second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk


At 8:05, Ms. Motyka moved that the Board enter executive session; seconded by Ms. Smith. Vote: Unanimous.

At 9:05, Ms. Smith moved to exit Executive session; seconded by Ms. Motyka  Vote: Unanimous. No action was taken.

Meeting adjourned at 9:06.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandra R. Motyka