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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a special meeting Thursday, January 20, 2011 in the Alexandria Room of the Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce, Margot Hall. ABSENT: Sandra Motyka, Mary Fellows.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent Clark Kathan.

Public Participation. No public was present.

Acceptance of Minutes The minutes of the regular meeting of December 14, 2010 will be amended to note: Linda Jones will not be charged for the use of the gym for two hours.  Upon motion of Mrs. Pierce, the minutes of the regular meeting of December 14, 2010 were unanimously accepted as amended.

Building Administrator’s Report. Fire Marshal’s inspection passed except for the dressing rooms; the materials in the cushions are not fire rated and will be covered with a scratch and dent product at the suggestion of the Fire Marshal. Also the extension cords in the dressing rooms have to be removed. The Assistant Fire Marshal did sign off on the theater.

The theater lost three days over Christmas break because of the snow. The owl display show went very well. The movies did not do as well as expected due to the weather.

The Board of Ed would like to use the Alexandria Room and the kitchen for a two and a half day seminar as they did last year and again asked that the fee be waived. Last year the Board of Ed did not pay for the same rental even though the fee was not waived. The rental fee is $375.00 for one day. Mrs. Pierce moved that we offer the Board of Ed a 50% discount for the two days, or $375.00 total. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried.

The Borough would like a lease. Mrs. Pierce will follow up with Mrs. Fellows. The Chamber of Commerce also wants a lease. Mrs. Pierce noted that there is a standard lease form that the Board plans to use and will follow up on this.

United Water Company is increasing the cost of the water by 34%. Water usage in the building will be  reviewed by Mr. Mahoney for discussion next month.

Mr. Mahoney distributed the proposed budget which the Board discussed. The Board of Selectmen will discuss the budget for the Board of Managers on Monday. The item “Outside Services” should be identified by the outside vendors and should include the estimated amount for each vendor.

Cultural Arts does not wish to pay the full rental rate, but Mr. Mahoney noted that they use the theater when two matinees could be shown and he has discussed this loss of revenue with their representative. Mr. Mahoney will discuss  with the representative the amounts that the theater is not taking in during these shows and ask for figures for the amounts taken in for their shows. He noted that concession sales are low during the Cultural Arts shows.

Building Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Kathan noted that some ceiling tiles are out where the two parts of the building come together.

Chairman’s Report. Mr. Juliano talked to Stuart Hall about gilding the domes, painting, and repairing the cupola. Mr. Hall will give an estimate for inclusion in the Capital Improvement Plan.

Mr. Juliano noted that DeMarco Management was hired for snow removal and the Board agreed that they did a good job. Mr. Kathan agreed that the employees did a very good job.

Report from Mary Hawley Society. Mrs. Motyka was not present to present a report.

Correspondence. Mrs. Pierce received correspondence from William Hayden Bates who is interested in doing some shows that would benefit Edmond Town Hall. This will be tabled until all of the other members are present. The Board  received a thank you from Miss Diane of Lathrop for their new area.

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Hall moved to approve the payment of bills totaling $19,296.68, pending the availability of funds. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.

Unfinished Business.

New chinaware for Alexandria Room. Mrs. Fellows was not present to discuss this item; it was tabled. ~~~~       

Bathroom renovations. Mrs. Fellows was not present to discuss this item which was tabled. ~~~~  

Grant for energy audit. Mrs. Motyka was not present; this was tabled.

On January 25 there will be a workshop concerning  historic restoration grants.   

New Business.

It was noted that of the $85,000 semi-annual budget approved for the Board of Managers by the Town for 2010-2011, the Town deducted $2,526 for back unemployment that the Board still owes, so that the Board only received $82,474.

Mrs. Pierce asked who should pay to hook up the Town Historian’s computer. Mr. Cruson will be asked to attend a meeting and advise the Board of his needs.

Comments around the Table. A letter was sent to Mrs. Madzula by the Board thanking her for her service on the Board of Managers.

Possible Executive Session. None noted.

Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk