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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday, November 9, 2010 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Sandra Motyka, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows. ABSENT: Kathleen Madzula, Karen Pierce.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent Clark Kathan, Office Manager Marcy Becker, employees Fikri Dalipi, Ed Bazyk  and Glen Hopper.  

Mrs. Fellows distributed for review by the Board a folder of brochures detailing the Edmond Town Hall. This will be discussed under New Business.
Public Participation. There was no public present.

Acceptance of Minutes The minutes of the regular meeting of October 12, 2010 will be amended to note “a change from $60/hour to $45/hour for meetings.” Upon motion of Mrs. Motyka, the minutes of the regular meeting of October 12, 2010 were unanimously accepted as amended.

Building Administrator’s Report. Mr. Mahoney said that the insurance company advised that the tenants must have insurance coverage. Financial Director Bob Tait is checking on the Borough’s coverage though this may be under the Town. On December 5 and 6 the VNA wants to use the area that the Parent Connection is interested in utilizing after those dates. The Parent Connection has not expressed further interest in the space at this time. Mrs. Motyka moved that we allow the VNA to use the Board’s old offices December 5 and 6 for their Christmas sale.  Second by Mrs. Fellows and unanimously carried.

Mrs. Becker needs assistance with backing up the computers.  The IT Department said that after the Town offices moved out they are not responsible for these computers. Mrs. Motyka moved that we spend up to $300 to take care of the immediate problem and that  we investigate obtaining prices for servicing the computer. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried.

Chamber of Commerce has a lease up to January 1. They want to put up a three foot sign coming off the side of the building.

A Toastmaster’s Group wants to pay $400 to rent a room that should cost $480. They will be asked to pay the $480.

The EMT’s are using half of Mr. Mahoney’s storage room for storage. Mrs. Becker needs to know how much to bill for storage. Mrs. Motyka moved that we charge $150 each month for half of the room for storage. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried.
Building Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Kathan asked who will be assigned to the Tax Collector’s and Tax Assessor’s offices. Mrs. Motyka will not vote for paying for carpeting or tiling the floor for the home schooling group.

Mr. Kathan will contact Mr. Goldsmith, the person who took care of the boilers.

Chris will be leaving for a month before Thanksgiving and will return around Christmas. Sam still has four weeks vacation which  he will use in December. That leaves only Mr. Kathan on duty. The option of using an outside service will be considered.

Chairman’s Report. Mr. Juliano noted that Mrs. Madzula will resign from the Board of Managers tomorrow. The Board will have a special meeting on November 30 at 6:00 p.m. to select a Republican or unaffiliated replacement, preferably someone with a financial background.

Mr. Juliano said that the man working on the cupola for the Town Hall will look at the cupola on this building.

Mr. Juliano reported that he and Marcy have worked up $300,000 for the Capital Improvement Plan.

Mr. Juliano met with the Human Resources Director concerning the health care plan and discussed this with the employees.  

Report from Mary Hawley Society. No report.

Correspondence. None noted.

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Motyka moved to approve the payment of bills totaling $16,345.86  pending the availability of funds. Second by Mrs. Fellows and unanimously carried.

Unfinished Business.

Vote on 2nd set of Alex room table settings. The Board would like to have a method of accounting for the items after each use and will vote on the table settings next month.

Update on tenant policies and one central clearing house for space allotment. Mrs. Fellows distributed a draft lease agreement for review by the Board. Mrs. Motyka moved to accept the draft of the lease as a concept. Second by Mrs. Fellows and unanimously carried.

Update on Chamber’s signage and update on Borough meeting re: signage. This was discussed earlier. Mrs. Fellows will present an idea of the sign and costs. Mrs. Fellows attended the meeting of the Borough at which they approved a regulation for an eighteen square foot sign with shingles that the Board can change; also they approved a regulation for temporary signs for the Edmond Town Hall.

New Business.

Ideas for Main restroom Fixture/decor ~updates. Mrs. Fellows will obtain a quote for painting the lobby. Mrs. Smith moved that the Parent Connection rent two of the Manager’s former offices as one room for $300 per month and $100 per month for the Old Courtroom with the proviso that this works out with the existing schedules for the room. Second by Mrs. Motyka and unanimously carried.

Mrs. Motyka moved that The Community Learning Project rent the two tax offices for $600 per month for one year and the gym and the Alexandria room stage as needed. Second by Mrs. Fellows and unanimously carried.

The downstairs bathrooms, replace ladies’ room counter top  for $1,600 and have the ceiling and doors painted and install new light fixtures. Paint the men’s room doors and replace sink with one from Fairfield Hills. She needs a price for this sink from Public Works. Mr. Kathan will have to review the connections.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk


Unfinished business.

The items relative to bathroom décor and renovations were discussed and estimates submitted by Ms. Fellows. The Board will consider the project and put it on the January 2011 agenda for further discussion and possible action.

No action taken on the policy for official shirts for personnel. Ms. Fellow will investigate alternate choices of shirts and/or name tags.

The 2011 meeting schedule was distributed.

At 8:55, Ms. Motyka moved that the Board enter executive session; seconded by Ms. Smith. Vote: Unanimous.

At 9L15, Mrs. Motyka moved to exit exit Executive session; seconded by Ms. Fellows.  Vote: Unanimous. No action was taken.

Meeting adjourned at 9:16.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandra R. Motyka