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The Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday, October 12, 2010 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Sandra Motyka, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows (6:27), Karen Pierce. ABSENT: Kathleen Madzula.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent Clark Kathan.

Public Participation. No public was present.

Acceptance of Minutes Upon motion of Mrs. Motyka, the minutes of the regular meeting of September 14, 2010 and the special meeting of October 5, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Building Administrator’s Report. Mr. Mahoney noted that the Chamber of Commerce, Lathrop School of Dance and the Visiting Nurses paid for the directory sign. Lathrop would like a lease. They have a letter of intent for a five year period. The Board discussed whether to consider leases and to hire an attorney to review the concept of leases. This will be discussed further under New Business.

Mr. Mahoney said that a person is looking for space in the Edmond Town Hall for a small art gallery. The Board is interested in her proposal, would consider a one year lease and would like to know what she considers a fair price for the space. She will be invited to the next meeting. The VNA is inquiring about the status of their request for additional space. (At this time Mrs. Fellows joined the meeting.) Mr. Mahoney will ask the VNA to clarify what type of space they are looking for. The home schooling group renting space here is interested in renting the Tax offices for $300 per month. Mrs. Fellows noted that the Parent Connection is also looking to use the Tax Offices for their organization.

Mrs. Motyka asked that Mr. Mahoney establish a list of the groups requesting space to rent which the Board will prioritize.  

Building Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Kathan is waiting to hear from companies that he has contacted concerning the boiler. Mr. Juliano will contact another company who in his experience is very reliable. He will also contact companies who provide treatments for boilers. Mr. Kathan said that Ace Hardware’s price for Safe Step is higher than Deep’s price, but Ace will include bags from last year at no cost. Mr. Kathan will report back to Ace and to Newtown Hardware with Deep’s price. Mr. Kathan cleaned the grease traps in the sinks upstairs but the drains still were not flowing so he will clean the traps under the sink. He removed a lot of coffee grounds from the traps. Mr. Juliano noted that the traps should be cleaned every two months.    

Chairman’s Report. Mr. Juliano is seeking bids determine the cost to air condition the pantry serving room. He is going to pursue the design factor for the boiler with Mr. Reilly.  

Report from Mary Hawley Society. No report.

Correspondence. Mrs. Motyka wrote Mr. Reilly thanking him for advising the Board of the problem with the excessive heat in the kitchen and she noted what the Board will do to address the problem. Mrs. Motyka reported that a wedding party felt that the caterer and the people in charge did not know what was available and that the group ran out of forks. She noted that John Vouros offered to train our event person in procedures for such events. Mrs. Fellows reported that an anniversary party used the antique dishes and did not handle the dishes with proper care. It was suggested that a less expensive set of dishes be purchased for some events. Perhaps someone will be hired to be the event person.  

Mr. Juliano will ask Mr. Marks to attend a meeting and present a report from J. P. Morgan.

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Smith moved to pay bills totaling $20,945.66 when funds are available. Second by Mrs. Motyka and unanimously carried.  

Unfinished Business.

Historical Preservation Assistance Grant Application. Mrs. Motyka thanked Mrs. Fellows for her assistance. All of the paperwork has been submitted. Town Historian Dan Cruson wrote a letter commending the Board for applying for the grant. A feasibility study was suggested to be done in March. Mrs. Motyka reported that Liz Stocker said that the Edmond Town Hall will be included in a grant for an abatement study. Mrs. Motyka said that the Board needs someone to do grant writing. Mrs. Fellows suggested hiring someone through the Peer Advisor Network.

Lathrop project. Miss Diane asked that her rent start September 1 because she did not move in on August 15 as planned. Mr. Juliano said that Lathrop offered to pay for removing the condensation but did not pay when presented with the bill and also that Miss Diane told him that not moving in on August 15 was not a problem.

New Business.

Mrs. Motyka moved that the Lathrop School of Dance rental agreement commence on September 1, 2010 with payment on the first of each month. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried.

The cost of 120 place settings and silverware will be researched. Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Fellows will do a count of the present items. The Board does not feel that someone should be able to rent the dishes without renting the kitchen which is what occurred. Mrs. Fellows also reported that renting the coffee pots occurred without renting the kitchen. The Board will advise Mrs. Becker that if anything in the kitchen will be used, the kitchen must be rented also.
Mrs. Motyka moved that we reimburse Lathrop, the VNA and the Chamber of Commerce for the cost of the sign because they were not aware of the cost. Second by Mrs. Smith for discussion. Mrs. Fellows said that she approved the sign because the Borough and the First Selectman expressed urgency for putting up the sign by the time of the Labor Day Parade to raise the awareness of the Edmond Town Hall. Mrs. Motyka thanked Mrs. Fellows for working with the Borough and for obtaining such an appropriate sign. She said that she feels that our tenants thought that this was a surprise expense and that the Board should pay for the sign. Mrs. Fellows said that tenants always pay for their signs. Mrs. Smith agrees with Mrs. Motyka. Mrs. Pierce feels that we should offer to pay for the sign and see if the tenants offer to pay anything. Motion unanimously carried.

Mr. Kathan said that the Borough and the Town Historian will move into the building by November 1.

Mrs. Fellows established a Facebook page for the Edmond Town Hall.

Condensation collection in the Probate office. Mr. Kathan will have this done, but there is no more water coming into the office.

Comments around the Table. Mrs. Fellows reported that the dressing rooms have been painted.  

Possible Executive Session. Mrs. Motyka moved to enter executive session at 8:13 p.m. to discuss personnel issues. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.


At 8:13, Ms. Motyka moved that the Board enter executive session; seconded by Ms. Smith. Vote: Unanimous.

At 8:56, Mrs. Motyka moved to exit  motion to exit Executive session; seconded by Ms. Fellows.  Vote: Unanimous. No action was taken.

Meeting adjourned at 8:57.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandra R. Motyka