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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday, September 14, 2010 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

PRESENT: James Juliano, Sandra Motyka, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows (6:10), Kathleen Madzula (6:15), Karen Pierce.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Superintendent Clark Kathan.

Public Participation. No public was present.

Acceptance of Minutes Upon motion of Mrs. Motyka, the minutes of the regular meeting of August 10, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Building Administrator’s Report. Mr. Mahoney is on vacation.

Building Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Kathan reported that the Lathrop renovation is complete; there is a minor punch list. We could not get Charter in this end of the building because Mr. Kathan felt that the additional conduit would deface the building. He felt that Charter could have considered other options.

The Borough office will be completed by the end of the week. Mrs. Fellows ordered the plaque. Mr. Kathan, Mrs. Becker and Mr. Mahoney thank the Board of Managers for their new office space. Mr. Kathan is taking computer classes.

There is a short in the lighting on the right side of the building which is being repaired; new ballasts are on order. The wall packs for the repair totaled $800.00. The contract with Hobart for the dishwasher increased from $500 to $720 and will  be discussed under New Business.   

Upon motion of Mrs. Motyka, the Building Superintendent’s report was unanimously accepted.

Chairman’s Report. Thirteen contractors were used on the Lathrop contract. About $2,500 was saved on the door because Mr. Juliano purchased one and picked it up. The Alexandria Room floor estimate from one company is $2,065 for everything and $908 for putty on the cracks and polyurethane on the floor. Mrs. Motyka noted that Miss Diane is very pleased with the results of the Lathrop space.

Upon motion of Mrs. Pierce, the Chairman’s report was unanimously accepted.

Report from Mary Hawley Society. Mrs. Motyka expected members of the Society to attend this meeting.

Correspondence. Mr. Juliano reported that he is working on the air conditioning in the kitchen and that a problem with a switch in the Alexandria Room has been taken care of. Mrs. Pierce received two notes from Newtown EMS thanking the staff of the manager’s office. Mrs. Motyka received an email from Mary Jane McNamara who would like a place rent free to fete Bob Geckle, former chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority. A Thursday is being considered by the group but there are movies here on Thursday evenings. The Board will be open to suggestions but feel that the event would better held at the Municipal Center. Also it will be suggested that the Alexandria Room is available but there is a clean-up charge.

Mrs. Motyka reported that our pre-application for a grant was accepted and the application is due October 1. First Selectman Llodra asked Liz Stocker to assist the Board of Managers. Mrs. Motyka will meet with Ms. Stocker. Mr. Juliano reported that Ms. Stocker also offered to help the Board obtain grants for asbestos removal.

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Motyka moved to approve Building Bills and Theater Bills totaling $34,423.77  when funds become available. Second by Mrs. Madzula  and unanimously carried. Possible change of companies providing electricity was discussed and it was decided to stay with CL&P.

Unfinished Business.

Rate change on renting. Mrs. Motyka and Mrs. Smith suggest the following rates for one year:  Alexandria Room rate reduce from $60 to $45; Alexandria Room and kitchen 25% off the total bill if booked between now and September 14, 2011. All other meeting rooms excluding birthday parties reduce from $30 to $10 per hour. Mrs. Pierce moved to accept the recommendations above for the one year discounts. Second by Mrs. Fellows and unanimously carried.

EMS rental of space. Mrs. Pierce said that EMS would like to use the Lower Meeting Room for classes. She will advise them that they can use the Alexandria Room for $45 for their meetings and have classes for $10 per hour in the Lower Meeting Room.

Abatement. Mr. Juliano will review Mr. Kathan’s report.

Borough offices. Mrs. Fellows said that the Borough will move in within the next few weeks.

Lathrop project. Discussed earlier.

Grants. The pre-application for a  Historical Preservation Technical Assistance Grant has been approved. Mrs. Motyka will work with Ms. Stocker to complete the application by October 1. An energy audit will be completed as part of the application.  

New Business.

Personnel Moratorium. Mr. Juliano reported that he is unaware of a proposed plan to hire someone else by December. Mrs. Smith reported that the Human Resources Director said that part-time employees do not receive benefits. The Board was under the understanding that the employees do receive benefits. Mr. Kathan is not aware of a plan to hire anyone in December. The Board agrees that no one will be hired.

Possible change of power companies was discussed earlier.

CIP. A special work meeting will be held on Monday, September 27 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the CIP.

Mrs. Smith moved not to extend the dishwasher contract with Hobart. Second by Mrs. Madzula and unanimously carried.

Mrs. Motyka moved to proceed with the Alexandria Room floor repair at a cost of $908.40 for putty and polyurethane. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried.

Mrs. Madzula reported on a meeting with the staff. She reported that the employees would like the lounge to remain where it is. The remainder of her report will be discussed under executive session.

Mrs. Fellows reported an assessment of various areas was made by her and the staff. She suggested that the dressing rooms need paint, doors and curtains, also clean the stalls and the rug. Mrs. Motyka moved to set a budget not to exceed $500 to refurbish the four dressing rooms. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.

The Lower Meeting Room – Mrs. Fellows would like to move cabinets, etc., into the vault to make more room. She will price a mirror wall.

Mrs. Fellows reported that dual banners have been approved by the Borough for the promotion of the opening of the building by the first Flagpole Show.

Comments around the Table. Mrs. Smith said that everything is ready for the audit and that Marcy is waiting for the auditors. Mr. Juliano had called the bank and asked them to commence the audit.

Possible Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. Mrs.Motyka  moved to enter executive session at  7:55  p.m. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk


At 8:45, Karen Pierce moved that the Board exit executive session; seconded by Marie Smith. Vote: Unanimous.

Motion by Kathy Madzula: That the hourly rate for Glenn Hopper, ETH employee, be raised to $12.50 per hour with a review in 6 months. This increase shall start with the next full pay period; seconded by Marie Smith. Vote: Unanimous.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55

Respectfully submitted,

Sandra R. Motyka

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk